
To kiss and tell or not ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

For the most-part although I tend to write excruciatingly detailed reviews, up to now I've tended to leave out the most "salacious details" for lack of a better-word; or at best hinted at them w/o being too-overt about-it.

Lately I've been "keeping it more real" and detailing everything that has gone down in my visit (the good, the bad, and the ugly; per se) - i.e. I've gone into detail about things that could potentially get a club in trouble if LE was actually taking the time to be examining TUSCL reviews and taking-action based on what's said in the reviews.

Thus up to now I've tended to leave out the dirty-dirty but have gone in "full-disclosure mode" in my recent reviews.

IMO for the most-part is kinda an open secret what goes-down at many clubs - I've been reading many reviews on here throughout the years of descriptions of what PLs have done in clubs and to the best of my knowledge I have not seen a connection b/w TUSCL and its reviews and the demise of a club per se.

So I'm kinda PL-torn b/w being coy in my reviews vs just "keeping it real" per se.

What say you - is TUSCL and "keeping it real" a "clear-and-present danger" to SCs - or are we being a bit too paranoid?

(I still feel putting dancer names in connection w/ extra-curricular activities should be a no-no though)


  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I'm torn too. I'd be even more torn if I was getting full extras.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Putting names to extras should be a no-no. But lbsh, Leo is fully aware what goes down at most extras clubs. They are allowed* to operate. By beating around the bush and not explictly referencing extras you are not keeping a big secret.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Fuck the pigs. Unless I run into a ROB, and it's our duty to report them here, I leave out names, too. I don't want to bring any punishment about good "extras' " dancers.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's best to keep what you do with a woman private, or at least use discretion. I would not go into graphic detail. That's not respectful to the woman and you don't want undue attention attracted to the dancer nor the club. Just use discretion and a little restraint. It shows good manners and tact. But still write a detailed review or a detailed trip report (TR).

    ROBs, should be named, IMO.

    But remember I'm still a newbie and nor an real experienced member or an experienced monger or reviewer. So take this with a grain of salt. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The purpose of reviews is to provide as accurate info as possible - not to necessarily to be tactful IMO - not naming the dancer and trying to keep her description generic is not disrespecting her b/c one is not singling her out (i.e. more of describing the situation vs saying exactly who it was with) - IMO we are dealing w/ professionals here (dancers) not civvies who's rep we gotta maintain - again it's about describing the experience not outing a particular dancer.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    If you got extras I would say it, but I wouldn't attach a girl's name to it. If I was a dancer, I would be livid if I found out somebody said I did extras in a online review.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Only my closest buddies get the explicit details, including names.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    in a perfect world we should be explicit. butt i do have concerns about the law.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I feel the review is meant to paint a picture of the club and what it is like and not necessarily my personal experience. While specifics are fun to read I don't think they are necessary to provide a good accounting.

    Sometimes it is fun to recount an actual conquest though.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    But I agree with all who say never to out a girl by name or too specific a description unless to report a ROB.
  • alldaylong
    8 years ago
    There's a difference between a review and a discussion. Reviews are broad strokes to give someone an idea or impression. Specifics are YMMV so leave them out.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    I guess one's view is driven by whether we are batting for average or trying to work the top 10%. I'm doing the later and most of those girls are hard enough to connect with, without shouting it from the rooftops. For me, no kiss and tell in open forum but will share some more specifics via pm on case by case.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If. I visited a good club and got extras, why would I want to spoil a good thing and ruin it?

    Le reads this site. You'd have to be naive to think they didn't. While info on this site can not be considered reliable, they can launch an investigation if they want and raid a club or shut a relatively clean club down if they want to by using drug money to assure taxpayers so that they don't get a huge retaliation from taxpayers when they take a whole year to investigate a club and keep doubling the money they spend per agent going as high as 2000 bucks per agent per visit to find even den each of wrong doing. Platinum Plus in Greenville South Carolina got shut down by agents using these tactics. Other clubs , dancers , and citizens in the area have all been harmed by all the extra rules and restrictions and lack of entertainment now, It's not that fun anymore.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I once heard a dancer tell me for 2000 bucks, a straight male customer said he would give a bj for that kind of cash. Those tactics are not fair. It's like offering a girl a million dollars to have sex and if she says yes, arrest her and put her in jail for prostitution. Well they could negotiate after that and spend whatever drug money it takes to get evidence. Then, prostitution sting is called successful. At least the sheriff did not get re elected. I don't know if the sheriff was responsible or not.

    If you can't touch anymore at local clubs, they should bring back the all nude can't touch all nude byob clubs. Law enforcement around here thinks anyone having sex is a serious crime, worse than anything else it seems like. Unless it was all about revenge because the solicitor's brother got his marriage ruined because he had fun at platinum and his wife found out and divorced him. Hopefully the solidifies brother and actual sex instead of just lap dances. Most people visiting the club never had sex. That's just a misconception by law enforcement and sex crime enforcers. The club fired dancers routinely that exceeded strip club rules.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I try not to but names to, well, let's call it services, here in the open forum. Now, that being said, I have shared info with certain individuals in pm
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Everything I have ever written on this website is purely fictional for reading enjoyment only. None of my intel should be considered actionable.
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