
My Kinda Guy, Donald Trump

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
So I guess I will be voting for Trump. He knows how to handle beautiful women. More than that, he knows how to use his wealth and power to get what he wants. Just saw the video.


From the beginning of my profile, when I first joined:

"My life objective is not to live as a Pathetic Loser, but to live like King Herod the Great."


PS: Gothamyte, if you want to see men stripping for women and women paying them for sex, it would have to be in a matriarchal society, where the women control the wealth and power and collect harems of men and use men as concubines and odalisques. I for one am glad that it is not that way.

The subjugation of women: Because women were spoils of war captured by raiding barbarians, in contemporary society, the unemployed housewife is an economic trophy that attests to a man's socio-economic prowess. In having a wife without an independent economic life (a profession, a trade, a job) a man can display her unemployed status as a form of his conspicuous leisure and as an object of his conspicuous consumption.

"The Beginnings of Ownership"
The captives taken under rude conditions are chiefly women. There are
good reasons for this. Except where there is a slave class of men, the women are
more useful, as well as more easily controlled, in the primitive group. Their
labor is worth more to the group than their maintenance, and as they do not
carry weapons, they are less formidable than men captives would be. They serve
the purpose of trophies very effectually, and it is therefore worth while for
their captor to trace and keep in evidence his relation to them as their captor.
To this end he maintains an attitude of dominance and coercion toward women
captured by him; and, as being the insignia of his prowess, he does not suffer
them to stand at the beck and call of rival warriors. They are fit subjects for
command and constraint; it ministers to both his honor and his vanity to
domineer over them, and their utility in this respect is very great. But his
domineering over them is the evidence of his prowess, and it is incompatible
with their utility as trophies that other men should take the liberties with his
women which serve as evidence of the coercive relation of captor.

"The Barbarian Status of Women"
All the women in the group will share in the class repression and depreciation
that belongs to them as women, but the status of women taken from hostile groups
has an additional feature. Such a woman not only belongs to a subservient and
low class, but she also stands in a special relation to her captor. She is a
trophy of the raid, and therefore an evidence of exploit, and on this ground it
is to her captor's interest to maintain a peculiarly obvious relation of mastery
toward her. And since, in the early culture, it does not detract from her
subservience to the life of the group, this peculiar relation of the captive to
her captor will meet but slight, if any, objection from the other members of the
group. At the same time, since his peculiar coercive relation to the woman
serves to mark her as a trophy of his exploit, he will somewhat jealously resent
any similar freedom taken by other men, or any attempt on their part to parade a
similar coercive authority over her, and so usurp the laurels of his prowess,
very much as a warrior would under like circumstances resent a usurpation or an
abuse of the scalps or skulls which he had taken from the enemy.


  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    You truly are a creepy freak and a danger to society. Do us all a favor and never leave your mommy's basement.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hmmm I always figured you'd be a left winger.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Remember Gary Hart and Donna Rice, on the boat Monkey Business:



    Donna Rice, friend of Eagles member Don Henley

    "On March 27 Clinton went to Los Angeles for an exclusive dinner with television producer Norman Lear and other figures from the entertainment industry-"Hollyticking," as the process of currying and money seeking came to be known. By striking coincidence, however, among those dining with Clinton that evening was Don Henley, a former member of the Eagles rock band. The same night, across the continent in Miami, one of Henley's close friends, a young woman named Donna Rice, was boarding a yacht called the Monkey Business for a voyage that would change the course of American politics."


    Jennifer Flowers did a great deal to help get Bill Clinton get elected, and as he said in New Hampshire, "I proved one thing, I can take a punch."


    But Monica Lewinsky, no way. He's still not been able to live that down.

    And sclvr5005, didn't you hear, my mom had an accident, fell and hit her head on the concrete floor.


    Democracy Now, the debate:
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Fuck you, Jackie.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "Hmmm I always figured you'd be a left winger."

    Never doubt that he isn't! He's just displaying a new angle on his trolling the board.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Is that true about your mother SJG? If so that's horrible news. I hope she's doing ok.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Fuck you Lloyd
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I don't think much of a man who rapes his wife in her sleep, and browbeats her to be his sex slave, and after she flips out, he calls the police on her. The control freak thinks sex is about power, that's why he posted
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sex is about power. Though most of the time it doesn't get into any real dark areas.

  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Sex is about pleasure. Only a sick psychopathic rapist equates sex with power.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sorry, there are rituals of domination and submission in all human affairs, and especially those which involve penetration and the exchange of bodily fluids.

    People play domination and submission games because they produce pleasure.

    And the people who consciously do this, are less likely to abuse in situations where they have administrative power. They have become more conscious of what is going on.

    "You know, I just love it when a guy takes charge of the situation."

    Spoken to me by a long term UHM stripper from S.F. Market St. Cinema, but then at the Redwood City Hanky Panky, about how she likes to be fucked.

    Most women think this way, but this one was above average in her ability to talk about it.

    Suggested reading, about women's sexual fantasies:

    When it first appeared, Nancy Friday's taboo-shattering bestseller "My Secret Garden" created a mixed storm of outrage and exhilaration. Those women who feared their erotic fantasies called it pornographic. Those women who read it recognized in its pages the hidden content of their own sexuality. More outspoken and graphic than any book before its time, "My Secret Garden" quickly became a classic study of female sexuality. Today, more than one million women hail this astonishing study as a groundbreaking book -- a liberating force adding a new dimension to their sexual fantasies and lives.


    Claude Debussy
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Leave it it sjg to post novels. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not really a novel, a bunch of short stories chronicling women's sexual fantasies.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Trump makes me laugh. His supporters make me ashamed.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Donald Trump is a fag.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Q: If Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a boat and it capsizes. Who survives?
    A: America
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Ha Ha !
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    damn. i am not sure of what i really am. time to fall into the arms of one of my favored.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I'm laughing at lopaw's joke. Let's make sure the veeps are there, too.

    Mike Pence: "I will fight for your right to practice my religion!"
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Lol lopaw & Dominic
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Cathy McMorris Rodgers, highest ranking congressional Republican to denounce Trump.

    Encountered her before, like giving the counter statement to Obama's State of the Union. Don't like her.

    Her Washington district is the entire East of the state, including Spokane and very close to that Coeur d'Alene area of Idaho.


    Some commentary:

    I think Trump's candidacy and just how far to the absurd Right the Republican Party has gone are the product of decades of Right Wing hate media. It just completely disconnects people from any sensibility at all.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I hear about this allegation of rapping a 13yo. No, that is not acceptable. Trump is not someone I can in any way condone.


    Interesting video
    Erik Satie - Jacques Loussier - Gnossienne nr. 3 - Jack Vettriano.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Indeed Trump is self destructing.

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