
Best way to shut down an ROB

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Friday, October 7, 2016 10:50 AM
Just so we can stop necroposting, have any one of you ever put down an ROB? I never have but then again oddly enough i never ran into one. And I'm in the city.


  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    Don't give her any money!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Fuck her in the pussy.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    in $20/song LD area stripper *knocks off hands* stripper: "if you want to touch you should've gone to VIP with me" me: "how do I know you aren't a rip off in VIP?" stripper: "fuck you, I'm a whore but Im not a cheap whore" meh, it was just $20
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Lol s88. At least she was honest about her whore-ness.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Well I've gotten a dancer fired before so I'm not going to say too much. Even when I merely just got upset, one dancer the following week called me trouble. I could have pressed charges for theft against one dancer but didn't want the publicity it would attract. She stole about 30 to 40 dollars from my pocket. After notifying the chain management who suspended every employee and dancer they thought were in the room after their investigation, I returned to the club wondering if I would be kicked out but instead spoke to the manager in his office and they had already identified the thief and the manager gave me back 40 bucks that I thought she stole. I was on the best of terms with the manager. He told me she was the reason the club had been losing customers for the last year or two but no one put all the red flags together. She had been one of my favorites too. She must have been really desperate to pick pocket from a regular. I think she was upset that the wad of cash she stole from my pocket was a wad of ones. The manager told me she did have an extra 800 in cash one night she couldn't have danced for. That was a red flag. Other times customers complained that someone stole their wallet, no evidence and it was vague, another red flag. I'm sure all those other guys were pissed off big time and never came back. I let her off easy by not pressing charges. I found her working at another club in town and did alert a bouncer at that club. He seemed interested. She didn't know it was me that reported her to management so she didn't act pissed off. After a year, I guess I wasn't upset anymore and ended up buying a ten dollar table dance from her at another club I found her working at that I routinely visited. I could have reported her club names, real full last and first name and a bunch of stuff online if I had been really upset with her. I could have even found her address if I wanted to. The manager at the first club showed me a copy of her drivers license to ask me if it was her. Their investigation found the thief. If there is actual theft, the police could have easily arrested her in my opinion so I thought I was giving her a break.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    A dancer picking the pocket of one of her regulars is one of the stupidest things I think dancer could do. She could have gotten the cash she stole from me in about another five or ten minutes of dancing. That doesn't even consider the losses she had from everything else. Apparently she picked so many pockets that she didn't even figure out who reported her. The manager told me her tactic was to try to work the guys wallet or cash out of his pocket during a lap dance into the sofa and after everyone was gone, collect the cash. In one case, the guy thought his wallet merely slipped out but it still had cash in it probably because the bouncer was still watching in the room. The bouncer was supposed to stay in the lap dance room while customers were in there, didn't matter if only dancers were in there and that's when she could retrieve cash or wallets.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    the only rob that stole money from me was a older streetwalker in tj. i very quickly grabbed her when i had realized my wad of cash was missing from my pocket. luckily she was only two steps from me at that moment. now i try to allways be more aware of this type of hugging situation.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Jeez sharkhunter that's a headache. and a half. I wouldn't have sent her to jail BUT I damn sure would have made sure she gotten worse punishment like telling all the other clubs she works at the sitch. Glad it worked out for you though. @justme62 I have an image in my head of you pushing her off you as she goes in for the hug and giving her the stone cold stunner LMAO. I'm more surprised a pimp or some Mexican thug didn't jump out the bushes and harass you about harassing a prosty for trying to steal your money. These crooked Mexicans stick up for each other like that.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    what was funny is after i grabbed her and then took my money back is she asked for a tip.!!!
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Greenville at one time had two or 3 all nude clubs I liked. They are all closed now. One got shut down just because there was a church across the street behind the back. As if church goers would see strip club visitors in the middle of the night. The city shut it down after some stupid 1000 foot rule. If you look at it from a supply demand ratio, the lack of strip clubs after that led to a large platinum plus club opening up after all those other clubs shut down. With all the current rules, they could bring back all nude clubs and byob. It wouldn't bother me as much if the girls have pasties on if they are all nude.
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