
Stripper revolt: Dancers sue Tootsie’s over pay

Detroit strip clubs
Strippers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your thongs!



  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I'll support them ! Strippers are people, too !!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah, strip clubs seem to wanna rob everybody - they seem to run tlhe biz on the backs of the dancers where dancers gotta pay/tip every mothefucker in the place from bouncer to house-mom & on top of that treated like an employee
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    Papi, so if the Tootsies crew starts to bolt (though it just sounds like these two & no others) to where to you think they head? E11even, starlets, cheetah Hallandale? As a supporter of Labor, I'd like to know where I can go & support the struggle.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think the clubs realize that the customer base is paying what it already can. Faced with the rising costs of rent, taxes, utilities, legal & compliance, wages for everyone else not a dancer --> the only source of money left to squeeze is the dancers. Sad fact.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ goose:

    It seems most dancers that are taking part in SC lawsuits (which have been occurring all over the country) are usually former dancers - for the most-part current dancers don't wanna be treated as employees & what that entails - thus I don't see an exodus of Tootsies dancers in part b/c other clubs are probably just as likely to get hit w/ lawsuits in the future
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I wonder how these dancers are able tp prove they worked there & the hours they worked - I thought most dancers liked the fact that there wasn't a paper-trail of them being dancers
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    In a lot of cases I feel bad for strippers, especially ones in small towns, but damn, I know of strippers who clear insane amounts of money.

    I know one that cleared $20k in 20 days working not sucking or fucking a single customer. Anyone else clear 20k in 20 days, all in cash and not taxed? In those cases I don't feel sorry for them at all. The house mom, DJ, doorman fees are simply convince taxes.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Papi I agree the clubs are greedy and it's kinda contradictory to make them pay house fees and tip everyone but then set rules and restrictions(prices, wardrobe, schedules, etc.) and taking tip and dance money too(i know not all clubs do this though).

    But it sounds like another couple of washed up dancers who weren't making money anymore trying a last ditch effort to get something out of the club, because if they were they wouldn't waste their time. If this becomes a thing it could ruin the industry.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    More folks looking for a handout, this seems like an exit strategy for old whores, and is a profit center, for underworked lawyers looking for a payday from the party with the deep pocket ( fucking lawyers always looking to grab money for themselves as well as their undeserving client's). As a side note I wonder if these plaintiffs honestly reported their income to the IRS, in order to support the court system from which they are looking to receive a payday.
    This whole stew stinks to high heavens.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    It's sharks feeding on their own kind. All's fair in love and free $$$.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    I laugh at these lawsuits.....

    Here is the deal... there are many independent contractors out there in the world..... there are perks to it. Ie: tax benefits you get over regular employees....you can hide cash easier.... and freedom of work.

    Now many entertainers are wanting to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be considered "employees" so they have to get health insurance from their employeers.... make hourly wages.... get over time.... etc. Well then you will lose all of your other perks....

    Here are something they will have to consider...
    1. Showing up to work on time.... if they are late grounds for being fired.

    2. Monitoring the amount of money they make so the club can report it to the IRS... yes the club will be more accountable with w-2's and what not. Plus claiming "tips" earned.

    3. They can't go and work at two clubs (look at vegas how girls bounce from club to club)... the dancers would sign a contract to work at a club and those contracts would have "non-compete" clauses.... ie: if a dancers leaves a club cant work at another club in the area.

    4. Signing work contracts....ie: meaning you have to show up on time, cant get drunk, or any other activities... etc. Just think about what is in everyones work contracts.

    5. Contract stipulations.... ie: you have to do X number sets on stage a night, you have to do X number of lap dances a night, you have to do X number of VIPS a night, etc. Now some places require this now but some don't.

    6. The club would have to run "shifts".... since they will want to get around the overtime laws..... ie: Dancers A, B, C, D are working from 11am-7 pm..... dancers E, F, G, H are working 5 pm - 1 pm shift.... and dancers X, Y , Z you are working 4- 12pm shift. The club will dictate which shift you work.... and if you are late you will be fined or lose that shift. again some clubs do that now but others don't. The club will have more control of when you are there and are not. Lets say they want you to leave after 8 hour shift.... they can make you. Even if you are making mad cash and will be making even more... they can tell you... Adios... you shift is over.

    I mean I could go on and on with this stuff. But think about the accountablility that the dancers would have to face. Then think how many dancers are "unaccountable" and that is why they are doing this job. Again not saying all dancers are this way just pointing out we all know ones that cant do a regular 9-5 job because they couldn't handle the structure that is involved with it.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    The only ones who'll win in this are the lawyers. The clubs are certainly mistreating girls, although I highly doubt it rises to the level of illegality in the larger clubs like Scarlett's and Tootsies. I'm sure the girls are taking advantage of the clubs too, or at the very least availing themselves of the benefits of being a contractor rather than an employee. The shame is, I'd be willing to wager Tootsies settles and we pay. Judging by the talent I see at that place, I highly doubt they have any significant number of strippers who are legally authorized to work in the US, or at the very least wouldn't be interested in a serious investigation into if they are or not. Something tells me those cuban bitches aren't coming over on H1B visa's for their specialty in the "art" of shaking their fat asses on dudes cocks.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago

    I agree that their is mis treating.... just think about all the tip outs they have to do... ie: bouncers, DJ, Bartenders, House Mom, etc. They all expect a tip out from the dancer. Shit do the dancers get tips from them for bringing in customers??? Since the bartenders get tips and what not? But that is a culture thing that needs to change in strip clubs....ie: our tip happy or everyone with their hand out type thing. A tip is for doing a good service not just because you did your job.

    Anyways.... it will be interesting to see how all of these play out.

    Like I mentioned above.... On the business side of things the dancers wont like what will come down on them if they be come "hourly" wage type earners. Again... Look at my points... it will happen. Because that is what business's have to do to comply with the tax man.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ Dolfan:

    Cubans are granted immediate assylum once they set foot in any US territory, this is a relic of the Cold War since Cuba is a communist country - i.e. AFAIK Cubans are allowed to work legally pretty-much as soon as yhey set foot on US soil
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