
Sugar Dating vs. regular providers


Sugar Dating is a rapidly growing industry with several sites servicing the industry. The biggest, SeekingArrangements (SA) seems to be going the way of BackPage, Craigslist, etc. as it has been overrun by bad elements - many are complaining (especially at $70/month subscription!)

Also, since Sugar Dating is the new big thing, shouldn't there be a section for it as well? Plus info. about Sugar Babies (SBs) for all the sites other than just SA? Sites like StrikeUps.com, ArrangementFinders.com, Sugardaddyforme.com, etc.?

Personally, I havent used a true provider for several years preferring the Sugar Dating and the fun and personal touch of Sugar Dating.


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Perhaps you'd enjoy the personal touch of my dick in your mouth? Hmmm? Maybe there should be a section fo that as well.
  • computerman
    8 years ago
    Haha! You're true wit shows itself. You must do REAL well with the ladies lol...
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Well thank you, spamming troll with 0 reviews, I do! You are "REAL" perceptive :) lol
  • computerman
    8 years ago
    No problem! The first syllable of you user handle says it all lol...
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I know, right? lol It sure does! lol
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Strip clubs rule
    Sugar babies drool
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @ComputeMan: I really fear that you don't belong here. Who in the world would consider the kind of prostitutes you might meet online? Everyone knows that strippers who suck your dick the first night make for the best long-term arrangements. You may end up payting $1000 per meet, take them for shopping for designer goods, and take them on whirlwind trips, but at they're not hookers, god forbid!!
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Strippers, escorting, sugaring, all forms of sex-work dipshit.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'm not criticizing the guy because he likes arrangements better than strip clubs. I'm starting to play in the arrangement world, too. I'm hoping it'll be awesome, in a different way than strip clubs.

    I'm criticizing him because he's clearly a spammer. At some point, he has to ask himself, "I had dreams of being the greatest spammer in the world, but I can't even fool a bunch of douches on a strip club board. Perhaps this isn't for me?". He's not smart enough to be a good spammer. No shame in that, not everyone is smart enough for every job. The secret to success is to figure out what you're great at, and attack it with passion. So, on the Spammer Genius Scale, he's barely a step above Indian movers. But perhaps his company offers exciting opportunities in accounting, or management, or janitorial sciences. He may be a terrible spammer, but he might be able to rise to the middle of the pack, as a janitorial scientist, and THAT is how one reaches for the stars ... aspire to go from rock bottom to mediocrity.

    It's not hard to write a spam post that reads like an actual post, if you've got the chops for these things. Hell, juice has 75 aliases on tuscl, and sometimes he fools me for like 6 or 7 posts before I figure it out. But computerman is no juice, he's got to lower his sights.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Face to face first meetings are best. This means going to your local strip club, and then setting up what you want.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I will play along. I have been doing both (SD/SB for over 5 years, over 10 in strip clubs) and I have given up on the SD/SB. It's just too much of a pain in the ass.

    I don't want a relationship, I was sex, plain and simple.

    I go to a club, and I get just that, up front I know the amount and it happens either ITC or OTC, I'm done and it's over. Leave my hotel room, or I get to leave the club. Yes it's business-transaction-like but that's what I like. With SD/SB emotions get involved, you have the potential risk for blackmail, it's going to cost more in the long run (if it already didn't in the short run), lies, deception, jealousy, etc. etc. most SD/SB relationships I had were like having a girlfriend (with the ups and downs) and it got old really quick.

    You know if you want someone to hang out with, most strippers will meet you for free for dinner before an OTC session if you take them somewhere decent.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I didn't really understand the point the OP was trying to make thus I did not find it offensive as I'm not sure what his point is - is he suggesting there should be a SB section on TUSCL?
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Papi: Yes, he's kind-of suggesting there should be a SB section on TUSCL. What's really going on is, he's a spammer. The entire above post is a thinly veiled advertisement, likely for Strikeups (or perhaps all three of the non-SeekingArrangements sites mentioned are owned by the same company). The post itself is a form-letter he's just posting on a zillion sex forums. On something like TER, which has forums for massage, bdsm, escorts, etc., his suggestion makes more sense, at least -- why shouldn't that have a section for arrangements, since they are absolutely an exciting part of the sex industry, although he seems to miss the point that these websites survive via male memberships (to access reviews) or female ad purchases, or both, none of which can exist for arrangements. But, he's posting the same form letter here on tuscl, so we end up with the odd suggestion that a forum dedicated to strip clubs should have an arrangement section.

    Add in the odd marketing-ish tone, and insistence on stylized capitalizations like Sugar Dating, etc., and we have the Indian Movers of sex industry spammers :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Damn what a dick

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    It's like "hey we need more guys over here on the sugar daddy site, let's pull some strip club guys over here to blow their money on these pretentious skanks instead of strippers."
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I might give it a shot some day, but before I look like I'm past my prime. I want the SB to have a partial notion that she could actually be with me without the $$, and the cash is a bonus.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ those women are out there but you don't find them everyday. What I found were women in their 30s who were divorced (or some still married) who wanted more attention than money. They want a guy that can take them away for a weekend, take them to a spa, a nice dinner and maybe buy them a new dress for a night on the town. That's it. That meant a lot more to them than making their car payment. Either they husband was too lazy to do something like that or their old boyfriends were too broke.

    All it takes though is for them to meet one whale guy that throws money at them to totally ruin that innocent girl appeal. I've seen it happen to girls too many times in the past.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Had a friend say avoid the ones who tell you what a "real" SD is supposed to be, and find the ones who are looking for fun.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the tips! Maybe when I find more time, because SB-SD seems to require more time than clubs.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    In the end it is all about money. I have friends who swear they hate showclubs, adult entertainment.
    But, I have always enjoyed the freedom of being able to leave. My friends are married and locked down.
    My point is pay for play is not ideal. But, it does have it's benefits (pun intended).
  • computerman
    8 years ago
    Go StrikeUps.com!
    Go AreangementFinders!
    Go Sugardadiyeforme!

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I like it! That is exactly that the level of spam advertising that suits you! You're proudly at your level, it's like the internet equivalent of the guy in a bee suit standing on a corner, holding an arrow sign and dancing. This whole "let me post a thread that will fool everyone *tee hee*" thing is not for you man. You wear your bee suit man :)
  • computerman
    8 years ago
    I am aqua-man! Prince of Aquatania and lord of Neptune!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Lord help me, I'm starting to like him
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Fuck this shit
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    @ComputerMan: A pimp for other failing e-pimp websites. Your mother must be so proud!!
  • computerman
    8 years ago
    IT'S WORKING!!!!!!!!!!
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