Everybody has a FUCKING problem!

4got2wipeIn a brilliant place!
Read AfricanLovePimppp's reviews of Pantheon! /club.php
I'm not sure that the reviews gave me any real insights into the club but they did make me laugh! Although I did learn that the club is connected to a "shisk-ka-bob place"! Ace stuff! ;)
last commentIt's located in the Muslim capital on the USA, Dearborn, Michigan. Those fuckers love kabobs.
Is AfricanLovePimppp is the same person who used to post as AfricanLovePimp? Inquiring pimps want to know.
La Shish is an excellent Lebanese restaurant. I haven't been to Pantheon since it turned from white to black. Baby stripper wants me to come see her there but why? I'm getting everything I could want from her otc. But yeah, La Shish is great, the best shawarma I've had..
Inquiring pimppps also want to know.
I read a few of his reviews - very funny, he should come over here and make fun of Juice with me.
What up doe. Yea, I had to change it from Africanlovepimp to Africanlovepimppp because I was banned from the site. I think somebody got offended by what I said about something. We talk about skank hoes, fucking bitches and eating pussy, but heaven's forbid if you talk about fucking a Pembroke Welsh Corgi in the ass while your wife takes a dump on your face. I don't see the difference.
Well anyway, are there any places that are showing the Canelo/Smith fight? Let me know. Peace
^^ LMAO. You're alright, AfricanLovePimppp. Full service sex workers are sex workers, too! I appreciate a guy who isn't turned off by extreme shit. I did think any could get perma-banned from Tuscl. I learn something new every day!
^ I didn't think anyone could get perma-banned ... --> is how the post SHOULD have read.
I wish I could read the post I put up in 2014. I was high and don't remember most of it. Good Times...
I do remember the greats like Jackslash, Papi_Chulo, Juicebox and Larryfish
I meant 2004