Newbie advice
Recently started to get out more and with that has come a few offers. Hadn't made the plunge yet but headed to Baltimore this weekend and been reading up on the Block. Sounds like a lot of craziness but didn't want a visit that is more of a nightmare. Any recommendations or should I not even think about it and will probably be taken advantage of?
What exactly happens in Baltimore/the block that makes it a nightmare?
I was there with a rowdy group of guys when we were in our 20s. Wen went into one club and I went to the restroom with my drink. Thinking it would be the safest with me in there, I lm using the urinal and look up and my drink is fizzing. Yep someone tried to ruffie me.
There are good clubs in Baltimore that aren't on the block btw.
If you're an adventurous somewhat street smart person you'll be okay. But if you're timid and not used to being in sketchy areas I would sit this one out.
If you go to the Articles section and do a keyword search for Baltimore , someone wrote an Article a while back (you may need to go back a few pages in the Articles section)