
Cock Blocking

The Greater Detroit Area
Friday, September 2, 2016 6:09 PM
Is it considered cock blocking another PL when the dancer he buys a drink for greets you first, then comes over to him? I was sitting at the bar, two seats down was the the other PL. She came over and he ordered her a drink. She then saw me and came over to me, a little peck on the cheek, and asked me if I was leaving ( I was since I had been there for a while). She then asked me to text her. She then proceeded to sit down between us, ignoring his request to sit on the other side of him ( I thought that was kind of funny). I felt a little sorry for him so, I just kept to myself and finished my beer. I sure there would of been no problem in striking up a conversation (which excluded him) with her. Now, am I guilty of PL cock blocking, or is she being lame toward the other PL (note to myself, it I buy her a drink, I'll be sitting at a table).


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO that was on her - if a custy is spending $$$ on a dancer her attention should be on him - you did all y ou could by being aware of the situation & not trying to engage her for an extended period of time - I'd be kinda pissed (at her) if I was the other dude.
  • two4fun1225
    8 years ago
    Lol i wouldn't consider that cockblocking. That's all on her in who she preferred to be with.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    I don't feel sorry for other customers. That's how people learn. It was stupid of some dude to try and dictate where a stripper sits at a bar because he bought her a drink. It sounds like she knew you, so whatever. If she was still talking to you after she sat down, that's on her. It's just rude. If you spoke back and weren't ahead in line, that's a little different. However, if you're at the bar it's kind of a crap shoot. I've had dancers try to chat me up at a club I go to for drinks if I'm at the bar. If I'm in the mood to be friendly I'll respond, but if the dude has a beef with it I'll say enough to be polite and then watch tv. If she keeps it up, I'll just relocate. Is it more of a hassle for me to walk away from an annoying dancer or to have a PL throwing shade because his chosen dancer is bored and fishing for someone else?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's a dog eat dog world. Competition. Feel sorry? No.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Let's not forget one of my main rules: the dancer always chooses.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    He may have given her a creeper vibe
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I"ve been on both sides of it. This was on her. If she were one of my regs, I'd knock points off, knowing she'd do the same to me. Rudeness is something I have little tolerance for, even if it were for my "benefit."
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I also understand that she was there to make money, but there's a better way to handle it on her part. To be fair, most girls wouldn't know how either.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Plenty of strippers have no clue about how they come across when they do stupid things like that, and I suspect that most don't care. They know when they got a RIL and they know that even if they scope out other opportunities nearby, Mr. (or Ms.) RIL will be patiently waiting there for them.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    pretty girls get a free pass.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Def not CB! It's only about the dancer's lack of consideration, and the PL's challenge on what to do about it.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Not a cock block. In my book, to be a CB you would have to be the one whose actions interfere with the other PL's attempt to get himself some. It sounds like you just sat there and followed her lead. It sounds more like you were her escape route.
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