
what do you do with your luggage?

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Supposing your trying to squeeze in a visit to Follies either after landing and before check-in; or after check-out but before getting to the airport for your flight. It's just a rolling carryon suitcase for overhead and laptop bag for underseat. There are no lockers at the airport anymore. Can I trust the greeter and cover cashier at Follies? Is there a service that can cover this?


  • Alpine
    8 years ago
    Leave it in the rental car. Locked up tight...
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I leave it in the car, even if it is an SUV with a hatch/tailgate. I just mentally prepare myself that there's a very tiny, odd chance someone might take it. Man up and leave it there.

    Depending on the circumstances I might take the computer and its bag in the club with we and keep it next to me.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I'm willing to bet he will be cabbing it and not have a rental car - that's why he's asking this question.

    Option 1: I know it's a pain in the ass, but stop by the hotel first and drop it off.

    Option 2: I guess just drop it at the entrance and take anything of value out and keep with you. Not the best idea but I know you're limited.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Along with stripper kiddie day care, that might be a nice side business that a club could offer. But would you trust them not to rifle thru your stuff the second you left your bags there?
  • Beaver_Hunter
    8 years ago
    I think he's asking what to do wo a car too. Shailynn's suggestion for using the hotel is a good one. All hotels have a luggage room that you can leave luggage in before and after your stay. You could really eliminate the hassles by shipping your luggage to your hotel. UPS it and from the hotel. Its really fucking handy showing up at the airport wo anything to check.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Just take it inside with you. If they question you at the door just tell them it's full of condoms and cash and you'll need it all.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Unless the hotel is far out of the way, the front desk will hold it for you. Up to you if you want to take the computer with you.

    Failing that, I would tip the doorman a twenty and let him watch the suitcase out there. Sure they may go through it, but whatever. You're talking about a thinly veiled brothel. So is there honor among thieves? I guess if you trust them far enough that you're willing to have sex there dancers then trusting them with the luggage is that really a bridge too far. The dancer trusts you to enter her vagina, ass, or mouth on premise but you can't trust them with your stuff? Eh, why not.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Truthfully, I'd probably just take it in with me. It would be funny if I remembered to use a funny line like corvus. I imagine some patrons do bring in large amounts of cash so it doubtless funny because it is dangerously close to the truth.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Dominic77, is trusting the doorman with your luggage really a bridge too far? IDK.

    You can dip your dick in listermint and cure any diseases but you can't retrieve stolen items by dipping your luggage in listermint!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Like Shailynn noted, I wouldn't be using a rental car. The hotel is south of Hartsfield- Jackson airport, so cabbing it to and fro just to pick up luggage wouldn't be a cheap option. I don't think I'd seek ITC. I like extras, but I do have limits.
    If I do leave it at the desk, and if the door man wants to steal my dockers and dirty boxers, he's welcome to them. The most valuable thing Id have is my company supplied laptop. If the laptop got stolen, I'd tell IT it happened at the airport.
    I think a luggage cab service, kind of like GrubCab, would be a good idea for a side job or Uber add on.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    There are no great options but I'd try to rent a cheap car at the airport, drive to da club, then return the car to airport and take uber from airport to hotel. Otherwise I would have the luggage shipped. A third option, if you checked the bags, the airline would likely still have them hours later in their luggage office although this is admittedly a risky option.

    Airports badly need storage lockers but they won't do it because of security concerns. The only us airport that I know with a place to check luggage for the day is Miami.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Stop by the hotel first and get checked in, then leave it in your room. Nothing worse then showing up to the hotel late after clubbing to find out there is a problem with the room, or worse no room because the hotel overbooked. Plus, if you do arrange some "take-out", one less thing to take care of (and you then know what your room number is).
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    My attempt at humor aside, you should ask Shadowcat if you could stash your bags in his Mustang. He'll probably be there anyway and as long as you don't let him leave first, that might work. You could buy him a dance or two as a thank you gesture.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    How much to pick me up at the airport, Shadowcat?
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    Gam, I just did a quick Avis quote and it gave me $26 per day. Of course this comes with fees, taxes, more taxes and taxes on the taxes. However, I think you could get it all for $50 for a day which is probably much less than a cab to and from Hartsfield. You can probably do better than Avis, but I find the administrative side of renting a car so much easier and better from the major renters, Hertz, Avis, National...Enterprise.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Wow, thanks for going the extra mile, RTP. If you had tits on your back, I'd make you a job offer.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    My respect to you. When it comes to our hobby, you seem to be well prepaired for any contingency with well thought out action plans.
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    Sounds like g95 is working on a tight budget wrt time and $$. In scenario #1, are you saying "check in" wrt connecting flight, or wrt layover hotel ? If the later, are your time constraints so tight that you can't even check into the hotel first, shower, change clothes, and take a cab to club ? If the former, I've given it some thought, but wouldn't dream of trying it unless there was at least 3 hours between flights.

    For the later scenario, I'd just rent a car prior to hotel check in, and be sure to turn in rental car plenty of time before the departure time.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Here is something to look into.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    What do people do when they go to TJ, usually carless. The HK Bar and the Cascadas Hotel, and now Deja Vu? How much stuff are people taking across the border? Computers? Change of clothes? And for staying overnight?

    And what do you do with it?


    The Man With The Golden Arm | Soundtrack Suite (Elmer Bernstein)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Along the lines of what RTP mentioned; Follies is a good trek from the airport and even w/ Uber the round-trip is probably more than a cheap rental.

    For w/e reason, I often get cheaper rates when I book thru my credit-card's rewards website (Chase Visa) - they list the rentals for me from all rental companies starting w/ the cheapest and seems to often be much cheater than if I go to the rental agency's page - and w/ my CC I have the option to use reward-points or just pay and not use any points.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    The OP is a great question... I've though a lot about what to do with my carry on while sitting out a 6+ hr stranding in DTW. IMO, a rental car seems like the best option as long as you don't have to valet it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Some managers can be pretty-cool and you can ask them if they can keep it in their office for you since their office may have a locking door - perhaps you can call ahead and see if they can work w/ you.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    We were in New Orleans and had rented a brown Buick from Avis. We stopped in a restaurant to eat lunch. When we were done, we went back outside, unlocked the brown Avis Buick and continued on to our destination. We opened the trunk to get our carefully stowed briefcases and...

    "Holy shit! Whose stuff is this? More important, who's got our stuff!!!!"

    We called the rental office, who put us in touch with the guys who had already made a similar call, and we exchanged vehicles.

    Come to find out, Avis's GM vehicles came with just 10 possible keys! Food for thought....
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    ^^I had that happen with dry cleaning once, but never with a brown Buick.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Well, it sounds like I'll be renting a brown Buick, because, of course, the hotel is right by the airport.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    4got2wipe, I'd rather have my stuff stolen than get a STI/STD, honestly.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    4got2wipe, the deal I have is I can pretty much do what I want, I just have to pay for a clean girl (even if it means paying extra). Well, that, I need to being home like skibum or rickdugan type money. I'm still working on part 2. Basically where I store like luggage, is quite literally, the least of my worries.

    And if I lose my dirty boxers and company computer on the *way back* as opposed to the *way out* that's not sooo bad, all things being equal.

    Assuming Follies doesn't employ crackheads, who will go through your stuff to fence anything they can for drug money, the OP is probably good to leave his stuff with a staffer.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    ^^ right.... you don't have to worry about the girls at follies who are doing VIP to pay for their fix from the in-house dealer... your stuff will totally be safe... and I just won the "quadrillion-dollar family sweepstakes"
  • rentz2
    8 years ago
    It sounds like you are going to stay south side at the airport. Shuttle to the hotel, drop bags off, shuttle back to airport and take the orange northeast marta train to Brookhaven stop and then grab an uber from the train stop there. It will save you a lot of money on a taxi or uber fare from your hotel location. Marta is $2 each way and then Uber is $7 each way as long as it isn't surging. It would be under $20 roundtrip from the airport.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Well mxj01, it sounds like Follies employs crackheads or druggies (as dancers) then. It best to avoid places and people like that.

    Normally my rule with prostitutes (since I grew up in a rough area where streetwalkers worked) is they are best avoided and rarely trusted since many will rob you blind, given the chance.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    There are passenger lounges for Delta and American Airlines VIP flyers (The Sky Club and the Admiral Club respectively). I'm uncertain if their services include baby sitting bags, but it might be another avenue to pursue if one of these is your airline and you fly frequently enough to qualify.

    Hartsfield-Jackson airport has a lounge called the Club at ATL that offers showers and other amenities to day passengers at $40 for a day pass (I'm not sure how the luggage is locked while your in the shower or how long it can be left there but this might be a good option for someone who wants to hit Follies on connecting flights if they have a lengthy layover and want to clean up first... then again maybe not. I'm not in a position to test this option)

  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    I suppose it was a mistake to assume everyone shares the same perspective on the follies menu... or I've just really pissed Dom off
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