

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 12:47 AM
I was browsing another site and a guy posted about visiting an AMP. He said "after the back massage and she flipped me over, she handed me a laminated menu of services". Hmm...that's interesting. Like a Chinese menu...close one from Column A and two from column B. I suppose that's a great system if she speaks little English. But I was thinking, that would be rather efficient in a strip club setting. But kind of a turn- off too.


  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I haven't seen this but I have heard those brothel in Nevada have those real menu's lol. Be interesting to say the least
  • Mal2
    8 years ago
    Kinda blatant though. Surprised they don't get busted.... that shit is called evidence.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Well, it's always good to know what's available. I agree if the place gets busted, that would be good evidence of prostitution.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Nevada brothels all have a price list - looks like a pizza menu.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    In reviews of Detroit strip clubs, I read about dancers' menus. but I've never been handed one.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ don't the kids get a menu for lunch at your daycare? Kinda the same thing. At least it's laminated, if it wasn't I bet they be burning through a lot of ink cartridges!
  • ESL
    8 years ago
    Kinda like lawyers skibum. Lawyers sometimes offer you a price-list of services before they screw you too.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    I wonder if they are like most restaurants and they never clean the menus?
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    I think I read that review some time ago.. Didn't even think about it. Should put at the bottom in small print. "For entertainment only"
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    It's all in code. #69 says beef and broccoli
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Its known that they have such menus in Nevada Brothels. But I've never heard of anything like that in an AMP. That could get them busted real easy. Everyone in reviews talks about "The Flip". They always want you face down to start the massage. For myself, I usually try to avoid climbing onto the massage table, and instead just try to get GFE going before I have even undressed. When the girl goes for it, what happens will be mind blowing. Often she will just ask, wanting to handle the money while her clothes are still on, "Do you want to do everything?" But other times there is no discussion. If she does have me on the table, and then after the flip, often they will start saying, "How much you tip me, you tip me good?" But this is an example of a session which is not going well, and so she wants to do happy ending. Can you post a link to this AMP story? SJG Gnosis - A History of God | Documentary [view link]
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