OT: Newly single

avatar for chukko
I'm newly single and almost 30 and have decided to create a Sex Bucket list. I have at least identified 2 goals.

1)Have sex on all 7 continents (Yes including Antarctica).

2)Have sex with a women of every major ethnicity as shown on most demographic surveys. ( like the equal opportunity section of a job application).

I'm still pretty young and this will also give me more motivation to travel the world. I have a game plan for most of the continents since there are areas of legal prostitution on most continents (I'm not sure about Africa and I have a strong hunch that Antarctica doesn't, but I imagine that life down there doesn't leave room to do much more and I'm reasonably attractive.).Brothels for the most part can take care of the ethnicity part as well. I'm a little cautious about Africa due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, but it may not be bad in all countries (maybe South Africa? If all else fails, I might be able to convince a civvy to accompany to Africa and then as soon as we hit the hotel...SEX!!!). Antarctica seems like the biggest challenge, but if I can get some action in the South Pole then it will make it all worth it.
1) Europe - Germany
2) North America - Done
3) South America - Brazil maybe?
4) Asia - Bangkok Thailand
5) Australia - Prostitution is legal in Australia
6) Africa - ???This one might be tricky (civvy travel buddy?)
7) Antarctica - I just need to pay off all of my debts, get in better shape, maybe learn a few survival skills, and get my finances in better shape. I'm willing to take a menial janitor job too for this goal.

Well share your thoughts, comments, opinions, and recommendations. I was married once and don't want to get married again nor do I have kids or want them (about to consult the urologist about a vasectomy). Thanks ahead of time!


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Have fun freezing your dinkie off in Antartica. I've traveled to Europe, Switzerland, England, France and the Netherlands. Mexico is an old friend, Brazil and the other countries have some very stunning women. Asia, yes, i have friends I'd like to see in the Phillipines.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I would wait on the vasectomy till 40 - have met plenty of guys that have said "no way I'm getting married (first time or again) but have gotten married/remarried.

I would def hit Tijuana for the Latin part of your ethnic sensibilities - seems to be an easier trip and more straight forward than Brazil. Argentina also seems to have a good ho scene and they seem to have a European bent in terms of sex (pretty liberal and women often dress like hos) and many women also European looking.

In Germany of course hit the FKK clubs.

Africa not sure which country might be stable and offer a decent P4P scene - South Africa seems more developed than the avg African country and probably has a fairly strong P4P scene - but South Africa has high-crime and HIV rates.

I myself have not traveled internationally so perhaps others can chime-in w/ 1st-hand experience.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
I'm too worried about changing my mind about the kid thing. I'm open to adopt, do a vasectomy reversal, or get sperm extracted from my balls if worse comes to worse. It's no biggie. I was never really big on having kids and only tried when I was married, because my ex wife really wanted them. We never succeeded though. After seeing all of the custody problems with my siblings and there army of kids, I'd rather not go down the same path. I have one sibling who is married with no kids and never planning on having any and is as happy as can be. So I have a lot of comparisons.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
I'm not too worried about changing my mind*
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Enjoy your freedom! I hope you safely reach your goals!
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Get the vasectomy. There's always adoption. No regrets here. You *know* if you want kids or not. It sounds like you don't. You'll find the right woman later who shares your feelings.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Aside from the Antarctica (and maybe Africa) I don't see that goal being too hard to reach. I've already done 4 continents and probably will never do the other 3.

As for races, are we being really specific here or more broad?

Middle Eastern (would Indian fit in here?)
African / African-American

Less likely:
American Indian

Am I missing something without really breaking races down to smaller pockets?
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
You're not 30 yet and you're thinking about vasectomy. Wait until you're 40.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
Shailynn. I'm being REALLY general. The groups that you described are suitable. I could probably tackle the ethnicity goal in one trip to right brothel I imagine.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
You either need to get your finances in order or get a job where you travel a lot overseas. Airfare is a bitch to pay for!
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Holy shit. I thought I had fun as a single man when I got divorced. But all I did was spend a fortune fucking bareback the most unimaginably gorgeous very young brand new strippers. And I fell in love with one of them. And took her on almost a dozen foreign and domestic trips.

I had the time of my life, but your plan sounds much more ambitious. I love to travel so that appeals to me along with the sex. I frankly have doubts whether you'll actually complete this, but succeed or fail I hope you'll post the stories of it all.

And I know a little bit about Africa. I'd be terrified of AIDS there. If it were me I'd pay a local stripper to accompany me, or take a girlfriend.

Best of luck.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Hey John, it just dawned on me that the amount you pay for pussy in a year could feed a small African village

I;m high, just say'in
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Damn it mikey. Now I feel sad for starving African kids. And I was just getting ready to jerk off to pictures of the DS. I may have to smoke more weed to get horny again.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
John, I totally agree about the AIDS thing along with a shit ton of other problems that Africa has. It seems like a hot mess over there. More than likely, that will be the last item to complete and will take a lot of planning. I like to set ambitious goals, because even if I fall short, I usually come out ahead and the journey and struggle to reach those goals are fulfilling to me.

Dominic, Airfare is a bitch, but I'm only now realizing how little my personal expenses are now that I'm single. That's even including strip club visits once or twice every two weeks. I'll just save up now that I can. My first targets will be either Tijuana or Germany.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
May I suggest Maverick's in Cape Town South Africa?

avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
Hmmm. Ambitious indeed. In my young 29 years of life, I had the opportunity to live in Japan for three years during my time in the Navy. I've also been to Australia (Perth and Brisbane), South Korea four times, Thailand, Malaysia three times, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore twice, Hong Kong, Guam twice, Saipan, and Mexico. I like Thai girls the best, follow by Australians (I love their accent). Those women are some real freaks.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
i've had the wonderful pleasure of fully enjoying women of quite a wide range of ethnic diversity. I had a vasectomy at the age of 31 after my fourth child was born. The goal of fucking physically on every continent is an interesting idea.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Maybe you'll get recognized by the United Nations for your work
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
Papi. I can only hope. Haha!
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I'll make a pitch at the opening of the session this year.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Good luck. I always remember the scene from the movie Full Metal Jacket.
The character said if he was going to fight for a word, his word is puntang.
Women are a powerful motivator
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Mikeya LMFAO
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