I don't know if that's what it's called, but I'm really hating this thing dancers do when they're on stage and they bang their feet together creating a clunking sound. Is it just me? It really seems to kill the chemistry of a sensual moment I'm paying a few bucks to get. Am I the only one who feels this way?
There is this one dancer at Penthouse (who is hot btw) who does this thing on stage where when she first gets onstage she hits the dander pole with her hips/ass that makes this loud bang and rattle noise. Because she's's hot....but is the only dancer I have ever seen do this before.
The ass slap, cited by rockie, is completely different -- that's just a girl who thinks she's doing something hot, that she doesn't realize many/most customers find corny
If they all did it, it would really be annoying!
This has been discussed b/f and the consensus was that they do it to get attention - sorta as being annoyed they are on stage and no-one is paying attention nor tipping them - kinda like "oh yeah you're gonna notice-me/pay-attention now" - can sorta be throwing a bit of a temp-tantrum b/c no-one is paying attention to them.
Or they could be doing it out of boredom.