
Fat College Girls - tisk tisk

They never tell you what you need to know.
Classes started this week for my local university of roughly 32,000 students. Man, have things changed since I started college 20 years ago.

Last night was a big university sponsored party to kick off the semester and many students were walking around downtown. Leaving my gym I saw several gay and lesbian couples getting cozy. Funniest statement I heard from a girl "I don't know why he was hitting on my, I'm a lesbian, but don't get me wrong after I have a few drinks I'll fool around with a guy."

My biggest gripe is EVERY SINGLE GIRL I saw last night was chubby and some even obese. I'm talking 100s of girls. Such a disappointment. There are plenty of fit girls on this campus but they sure weren't around last night. I missed being a millennial but just a few years but I do not understand them at all.

I started to think how much the culture has changed. These kids don't go out to bars nearly as much as students in the past used to. There's 4 ice cream shops on the main drag, and instead of buying a slice of pizza, now you go in an buy an entire pizza that's made in front of you similar to subway.

I guess it's all balance. I eat pizza and ice cream too, but I guess I get exercise when these kids are sitting at home trading Pokemon cards and taking selfies.


  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    And we get accused of not being able to relate to the younger generation...

    It's true. I don't understand them.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I know what you mean about fat girls. I grew up on a college town. Seems like that goes through cycles. One year there is so much hot ass walking around you seem to get almost immune to it. Other years it is hard to even see one hot girl. Some would be hot if they lost 10 to 20 pounds
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I always feel sorry for college aged girls who are significantly overweight. Because college age is when most women are at their peak of physical attractiveness. If a college age girl is fat and unattractive, the odds are good that she'll only go downhill from there and end up having to marry a basement dwelling gravy drinker or his substantial equivalent.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    This may be more of a regional thing, with fitness being very important in states like California and Colorado.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Well then I guess that a lot of strippers are actually going to college. :)
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Your in the midwest i guess that makes sense
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Big can be cute, but obese is a turnoff. It is a generational thing these days. How damn sad!!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, tell me about it!

    The habits and behaviors are different now. It's attitudes towards being sedentary plus food.

    Part of it is PC gone amok. It is good Trump is bringing attention to it. I understand bullying, fat shaming, and teasing people about showing fat, weight gain, body shape is bad. But now we can't say *anything* because being fat *is* unattractive, causes others to prejudge you, causes health problems, plus makes life hard on you in various ways. But because of a few bad apples .. we can't. It also used to be hard to find clothes, hard to find chairs, or harder to move around when you were fat 20-30 years ago. No so today. Remember when slacks and jeans for guys would stop at 36 inches or XL? Nowadays things go up to 4XL if not more. Same for women's. Yesterday's size 12 is now 26.

    The food is out of control too. The modern portion explosion is rooted in movie theater concession stand sales. We don't do "courses" anymore. And the movie theaters realized when people bought concessions that they didn't go back and buy seconds. So to increase revenue they introduced large sizes of popcorn, soda, and candy. This filtered into fast food IME via McDs in the early '90s via the Jurassic Park promotion for "Dino Sizing". It was so popular like to movie concessions that preceded it, that McDs kept it and called it "Super Size." Other fast food makers followed suit -- again customer demand -- which also trickled into regular sit down dining restaurants, then take out, then finally family home kitchens. Now large portions are the norm.

    In your example, instead of going out and buy pizza by the slice and eating 1 or maybe 2 slices, now we buy the whole pizza and eat 3 slices, the give away or guilt our companions into eating the rest so "it doesn't go to waste." Like, WTF?!? And that's not even the worst
    of it. Today even just pizza isn't enough. Our children now dip the crust pieces or the whole pizza itself in ranch dipping sauce or garlic butter sauce or cheese sauce. So calorie -wise, each slice is now DAY-um! Ditto for hamburgers today. 4 oz is replaced with 8-10 oz patties also slathered in butter and cream sauce, bacon, an onion ring, and a fried egg. DAY-um!

    Our obesity let to a "food porn" movement with cooking shows, mouth watering plates, and celebrity chefs both IRL in the restaurants near you and on TV. Being a chef used to be lower-class blue collar labor. Now it is celebrity status. I think all of this eating makes us feel good.

    Compare this to you or me 20-25 years ago. Back then my girl friend would eat at McDs with me, sure. She's get the "All American Meal" which is essentially the kids' Happy Meal but without the toy. It had a small cheeseburger, small French fries, ketchup, and a small soda. It was 12 oz and she drank 7-8 oz of it. Then that would be the only meal she's eat for the day. Sensible, right? Or we'd go out and go to Mister Hero. Remember those? I'd get a Romanburger (hot hoagie sandwich with 2 or 3 small hamburger patties, salami, lettuce and cheese on a hoagie or torpedo bun, with a side waffle potato fries, cheese sauce, and a soda. She's eat 2 of the waffle fries with cheese sauce (because you have to have cheese, that's why they're waffle shaped!), 2-3 little mouse bites of my sandwich, which was enormous, and a quick drink of my soda. She would have never dreamed of getting her own meal. And even then as a HS wrestler, I'd still skip a meal or 2 if I ate a sandwich like that.

    I think evidence today shows (and correct me if I am wrong) that today when people eat large portions like this that they DO NOT make up for it by EATING LESS during the next meal or two. We were taught as young adults, sure you can have that soda in the afternoon, but you had to compensate be eating slightly less food at dinner or snack time or by being active more. No one teaches that anymore! Combine that with a sedentary lifestyle .. and well .. you get the picture. Fat ass coeds. That's what.

    /rant over. :)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    FYI - I am in the Midwest, too (for reference and comparison).
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    A romp with a fat girl is like riding a moped. It may be fun, but you hope your fiends don't see you doing it.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Yeah, my little bit of interaction with college students -- usually because I'm in a college area of town, near campus -- is that it's loaded with hot chicks. Not only that, but back in my day, the girls woke up and threw on shapeless sweatpants; these days, college girl after college girl is wearing yoga pants, sometimes with high-than-ankle shoes (like uggs) that really bring your attention up their legs. YUM. It's so frustrating that I almost want to avoid those areas, and more than once, seeing too many 20-year-old college girls in yoga pants sent me running to get a bodyrub to relieve the backpressure

    I suppose it's a regional thing, I'm in decent-weather-all-year-round country.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    The hot girls went to a party with alcohol
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I am in the mid Atlantic region.

    Most of the students here come from New Jersey, Maryland, New York, a little from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

    Random makes a good point about being more of a regional issue, but it is a growing trend. It would be interesting to see what the average clothes size for college students in the 80s, 90s and today.

    One thing interesting I see either chubby or ripped girls these days - less and less of average - less balance - it's one extreme or the other.

    It weird - I see ripped
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I believe it (less average girls, more extremes) Even in the '90s some of girls who were size 3 and 4 were worried they were thick or fat and tried to tone up more. So that's not surprising to me. They keep exercising until the (very small) love handles are gone (which they were obsessed over) were replaced with ripped abs.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Some of you sound like really cranky old men.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Seriously though, I know the obligatory "you are a bunch of cranky old guys" crack is NEVER not funny -- and never not appropriate, in this lot :) -- but I'd ask, in what universe do all men of all ages NOT complain about fat girls? This is not an old man thread, it's a man thread. And it is absolutely the case that Americans are getting fatter, that's reflected all through society. We can't all stay in fighting shape all the time, like juice.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I've lost 15 pounds since March because I was getting a beer belly and I didn't want to be fat. Losing weight is the hardest thing in the world, but it can be done. Some morbidly obese people do have hormone issues, but most fat people are either lazy or just don't care. With all the PC around, it's easier not to care if you're fat because fat people are becoming a protected class. What's next, bald people?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I don't understand the cranky old men comment either. Women can be just as bad and just as shallow at times (looks and money). Also I don't have problems with fat or chubby girls and it's not nor has it ever been a deal-breaker for me.

    Have fat and obesity rates in both genders in American not been the rise since the '70s or so?

    Do you put your money where your mouth is and get dances or VIPs from fat strippers?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Rockstar is right - losing weight is never easy but it's a whole lot easier when you're 20 than when you're 50.

    When I was in college most the girls I knew wanted to stay in shape and a nice figure because they wanted to scoop up a husband by the time they graduated college.

    Well things change, millennials don't want to get married and according to some recent articles they don't want to even fuck, so if that's the case why should they care if they are fat.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Times do change. There used to be a lot of pressure to get married. It's hard to believe people aren't interested in live sex anymore but I guess things can change. Millennials be crazy!
  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    All of the young girls are on social media 24/7 instead of hitting the gym, playing sports, etc.

    I see all of these younger girls all dolled up with makeup, using their selfie stick to get the perfect picture for their instagram account, and they are way out of shape. Their yoga moms are usually fitter than you.

    Photo shop isn't going to fix their lazy, fat ass. They all drink these 1,000 calorie drinks from Starbucks too, which doesn't help any.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Some of you call thick girls fat, so I'm not sure those college girls are actually fat.

    Thick= I love
    BBW and Fat= I don't like
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Complaining about how much better things were years ago = cranky old men comment. Would you prefer cranky old person?

    I'm younger than a lot of you but I don't notice too much of a difference in the 10+ years since I got out of college. Except for maybe more college age homosexual couples out in public but that's a reflection of society more than a generation imo.

  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Thick and fat are the same thing to me. People are simply much fatter now than they were when I was young. In fact, my cousin, who was head buyer for a large upscale clothing chain told me that a size 16 woman now (fat to me) would actually be a size 22/24 if sizing was the same. How did it change? Lack of exercise is one reason. Proliferation of eating out is another. Explosion of fast food. Starbucks and the crap that passes for coffee. Our house was built in 1971. We almost bought new dishes Sunday, but after looking at them I felt something amiss so I measured them; went home and measured the cabinets in our home. Dinner plates are so big now they won't fit, but the salad plates fit perfectly so i went into the attic and found the dishes my aunt gave me in 1975. They are half the size.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I think the difference between thick and fat is basically how tight they are. Soft & cottage cheesey = fat. That said, I tend to just use the word "fat" universally, and it's definitely the case that many of the people I consider fat, lots of guys here would call thick
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    "Complaining about how much better things were years ago =" everybody in the world, at every age. I absolutely own the "cranky old man" moniker, but this is just insult-laziness on your part... there's nothing old guy about this conversation. Fuck, I remember conversations about the old days -- about how much better saturday morning cartoons were! lol -- in my 20s.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I feel like college girls are fitter than ever here in California.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    And WTF is exactly wrong with ordering a full pizza for yourself ?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    lol. 400 calories a slice X 8. No, nothing wrong with that at all. I know a Puerto Rican named Angel. He orders pizza that way, tells them not to cut in, then he folds it in half and eats it like a calzone. Angela is a big duda and a laborer. True story.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    lol. 400 calories a slice X 8. No, nothing wrong with that at all. I know a Puerto Rican named Angel. He orders pizza that way, tells them not to cut it, then he folds it in half and eats it like a calzone. Angela is a big dude and a laborer. True story.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Lol..that dude must be huge...

    Nice rebuttal Dominic lol
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I doesn't finish the whole thing, obviously. He's a funny guy (most Puerto Ricans -- male or female I find to be a riot and insanely funny) and does it for dramatic effect and to get the guys laughing. He takes the rest home to his kids. Cool dude. :)
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