Complimenting a dancer

avatar for Darkblue999
Have you ever complimented dancers? Usually dancers compliment customers(fake or real) to get dances. I compliment on her looks ,body,talking style or attitude. I don't know if it results in them more sexy lap dance and allow more touching .


last comment
She compliments me to get my money. I compliment her to get mileage. It's a vicious cycle.
Sometimes complimenting them will get rid of them. For instance I have had good luck with "For a fat girl you don't sweat much". :)
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
9 years ago
I agree with Shadowcat. "With so few teeth, I bet you give great head."
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
9 years ago
I agree with Shadowcat. "With so few teeth, I bet you give great head."
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
Hardly ever. Very rarely.

But during a 15 min VIP with a hot Latina about a month or so ago I said "you're so beautiful" during the middle of the dance and she said "aww you're so sweet"

This was a big PL moment for me but I just couldn't help it
avatar for DocHoliday44
9 years ago
I usually complement dancers. I recently complemented an somewhat older dancer that she looked a lot younger than her age. Which was true. I wasnt trying to make a big deal out of it, but actually had her blushing. Had a fun time in the VIP later on, so the complements didnt hurt!
i complement more times than not. 99.9% of the dances i get is because of the attraction of the girl... physically, personality and/or chemistry. and if she is genuinely nice i will complement her.
I compliment the ones I want extras from. Usually telling the dumb one they're smart is a good start.
I do. Because I tend to treat the dancers like women and women generally love genuine compliments (and money). As long as you giving the compliment to give one and aren't using it to get out of tipping!
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Ime, they don't give a shit if you compliment them. The funny thing is that even if they are gorgeous they are very insecure about how they look, especially at the strip club. They will get very mad at you if you say the wrong thing, so don't deviate from telling them they're beautiful.
I don't usually because it won't mean anything.
I argue and agree that they (like most women) are insecure about their looks and vault those compliments away for playback at a future date. That's how most women work. It's just the nice thing to do. I agree, it doesn't do anything for the moment. That's not why I do it. It's her stockpile to feed from at a future date.
Yes, most strippers tend to be insecure about their looks. A compliment cannot hurt you chances in the lap dance room. I always try to stay away from the "you have great boobs:" or "you are so beautiful." I always try to compliment them on their eyes or smile or something else they don't here from every other guy. Does it help, maybe but it can't hurt.
Sure, why not?
My complimentsystem
1 - You talk so nice
2 - I like your accent
3 - You got nice lips
4 - You are very smart
5 - You got hot body
I do it on occasion; if I did it most of the time then it would be more watered-down and kinda a mechanical thing and wouldn't be as sincere and wouldn't come across as sincere - thus when I do do-it it's genuine and comes across that way - in strip-club bizarro-world I would think custy compliments come across as CS (customer shit) and they're probably tired of hearing it - if I give a compliment it's to do it genuinely not b/c I'm expecting anything out of it for myself.
In the club I get a lot of compliments and they are only appreciated if the guy is spending money.
What kind of compliments do you get?
Do give more sexy dance if customer compliments.
If your giving compliments to get better dances that's not gonna work.
The best way to compliment a dancer is to give her extra $$$ - $$$ talks bullshit walks

Darkblue: no, the answer is MONEY $$. It's always money. Tips help. Money.
I will give compliments, but I try to be conscientious of not giving the same compliments I'm sure they always get.

Never any of the naughty body parts (tacky, overdone), and I'm also very careful to not even use a more general term about looks such as 'beautiful'. I only use those general beauty type compliments with my favorite because, well, around her I can hardly help myself.

Anything personality or attribute-wise seems to go a long way. Man, these chicks really do love to hear that they are intelligent or good conversationalists, or anything along those lines, in my experience. It's just different than what I think they usually hear, and probably refreshing to hear that someone notices something about you other than your tits or ass.

But make sure not to qualify your compliment by adding "...for a stripper", or any other variation of that. "Your smart for a stripper" isn't going to garner you any points.
I'll disagree with the "compliments mean nothing" crowd ... to an extent.

Well, first I"ll agree that for the more professional, experienced, & jaded girls, compliments don't mean much. And even for the newer girls, compliments on their looks wear thin very quickly -- and the fact is, even outside the club, chances are they've been complimented on their looks their whole lives (hell, in my totally unqualified opinion, at least a small part of the self-esteem issues are due to the fact that their looks are the ONLY thing they've ever been complimented on).

But let's not go too far -- the StripperWeb fiction that all strippers are perfect economic actors unaffected by sentiment or emotion is bullshit, and we all know it. If that were the case, every guy who paid exactly the same amount would get exactly the same mileage, and the fact is, it is the RULE, not the exception, that your mileage will vary. Compliments aren't going to make the difference between an air dance and BBBJTCWS for the same price... but I absolutely believe they can be one of a lot of factors that can make you a little more likeable, a little more trustworthy, a little more likely to get just a bit more.

I tend not to compliment the girls on their looks, it seems futile to me. But among the things that tends to get an obvious visceral reaction is when I compliment on a new girl on the club ("This is your first club? You're starting off at the best club in the city! blah blah blah"), compliment girls on being funny or smart or clever or whatever. In all honesty, I usually offer these compliments organically, because I usually mean them (except for the "best club in the city" thing, which I always say regardless), and because I just plain like offering them. No, they are not going to make a huge difference -- but also, no, the girls are not perfect economic actors and immune to things all humans crave.
^^^ just like when I am complimented at work ... it plays to my professional pride, and I like it. It's not going to make me totally change my opinion on something, or offer an immediate 50% discount, but if offered sincerely and not as "professional hustle", it does warm me up to someone
^^^Exactly. :)
Or stated another way: the girls aren't the only one hustling in the club ;)
Subraman is the strip club Jesus. Always always dropping knowledge
I compliment her by getting a rock-hard erection that way she knows I'm really into her

Learning how to compliment women is very important if you want things to go well with them. Shouldn't do it in inappropriate situations, and shouldn't over do it, and shouldn't over sexualize it.

I have found that once per encounter is good. In strip clubs it can be more sexualized. In other places, often good to compliment them on their choice of color, rather than on how skimpy their outfit is or that they are not wearing a bra. The color compliment shows the girl that you are paying attention to her and have some taste. And if she is wearing little, or no bra, she'll quickly figure out you unstated meaning. And the results can be profound.

What kind of compliments do you get?
Do give more sexy dance if customer compliments"

Darkblue999 - I get all sorts of compliments, the typical kind that attractive ladies get. Eyes, skin, smile, ass, hair, etc... I also get a surprisingly high amount of compliments on my "conversation." That is probably the only one that is still somewhat flattering even if the guy doesn't get dances. The "oh you're so pretty" stuff gets old, and if a guy isn't spending, what's the point? The compliments of my physical appearance mean nothing.

A guy is going to get a good dance from me regardless of whether or not he compliments me. :)
Money is the sincerest form of flattery!

That said, I think women appreciate it when they receive a heartfelt compliment.
I compliment dancers all the time. For example, "You could suck a golf ball through a garden hose."
I compliment a stripper just as I would anyone else. No reason not to.
I just usually say.....

"Baby, if you were words on a page, you would be fine print"
Baby, I'd drink a whole tub o' yo' bath water
^^^Gotta be careful with "drink you" that's slang for drinking her urine. Don't want to cross wires there! lol.
It's more important to create rapport than to dole out generic compliments. Too many try to throw out the latter to build the former.
"Baby I find your conversation so intellectually stimulating that you got my brain as hard as a rock"
When complementing dancers, who hear bullshit every day, all day, you have to be smart about it. First rule: if you're not spending money, don't waste your breath; secondly: one maybe two compliments, don't overdo it, third: Don't complement the obvious. I was going to get dances from a blonde with a huge natural rack, we were "cuddling" at the bar and while she rubbed my inner thigh I smiled at her and said: "you are lovely, I cannot believe how pretty your face is. The high cheekbones give you an exotic look. Even though she is not my type she has been fun and the other day she told me that I was the first guy this year to mention her face and not her breasts. This allowed me to say "your breasts are spectacular, but I usually compliment a woman's most beautiful feature". Others complain about her contact level, but I find her to be on a par with other providence dancers and always leave tired and happy.
Thanks all for responses. Learning a lot form TUSCL members.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I've said Nice Tits!
She said Thanks. They cost enough.
avatar for dalcowboyfan
9 years ago
I compliment them on their decision to become a dancer
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