
How long a break is long enough?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:19 PM
Been distant from the ATF for 2 months. She's been steadily texting and my responses have been minimal. I have determined that I will have stricter boundaries if we give it another go. Is it possible that a fresh start will have better results?


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Remind me: why do you need stricter boundaries? What happened that made you need to take a break?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Fuck her right in the pussy.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    leave that bitch alone - she's caused you enough headaches.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    A fresh start after a break can be good. I had a fresh start late last year with the DS after a couple of month break. When you get back together you just need to immediately address the issues that were problems in your relationship. Otherwise you will fall into the old routinely quickly.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I don't remember your personal history, either. It's an old cliche, but past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Don't expect the break to have any influence on her behavior. I had a dancer reappear suddenly this week, too.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    How does she qualify as an ATF?
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Basically, the history is that she has in the past been extremely demanding with me getting too little return. It's an established fact that I can get twice the mileage for half the money and headache from others, but the few moments that have been good with her are so amazing. I have established, by action, that I'm not going to give her money to be ignored and sit alone in the club or wait for her when she is a no show.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Shadowcat- all time favorite, past present and future, that status is permanent even if we're through, but other favs treat me better. I'm just not going for being SW anymore
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Based on your description, you should not try seeing her again. A dancer with that kind of entitied attitude is very unlikely to change. It will soon go back to more of the same. Go searching for a new ATF instead. There's a stripper out there somewhere who is just like her, minus the many negatives.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Very true, Sam.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Best way to ensure boundaries is to have other options. ATF doesn't mean exclusive, nor does it mean spending your energy on her All The Fucking time.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I remember all of Imamutts stories about this stripper. She seems to be a demanding, constant headache. Never satisfied with what he has to offer. I agree with JS69, a break can be good, but he needs to cut this one loose. All she is doing is playi. Mind games and while she seems nice now, it's unlikely that attitude will continue once you get cozy with her again. Go for that Latina you were talking about that doesn't speak English!!!!
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I agree with JS69 here - more than the length of the break, it matters how you come off of the break. E.g., if you're ready to give her another shot, you can say something like, "I would but..." then mention whatever it was she did or didn't do. If she goes quiet or tosses out a random excuse, the break needs to be longer. If she assures you that she will do (or stop doing) the thing you wanted, then go for it. I would recommend keeping in mind that she might behave exactly the same way as before, though. So don't drop $$$ expecting her to continue the arc she began over text as though it were a given.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Odds are she'll shape up for a bit, then drift back to her old ways. I'd give her a "farewell tour" (don't tell her that is what it is) of a last couple of romps, then move on for good.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Fuck her in the ass In honest opinion block this bitch from your life...enjoy your brake and come back to the game with a fresh start and perspective You have just been short bused schooled
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Well, I nearly turned around s couple times on the way to see her, and I think the break did two things; she does seem to have s genuine newfound appreciation for me (my wallet), and although I am very fond of her, the yearning has grown dim. Not desiring her seems to have made me a challenger.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Are you familiar with Einstein's definition of insanity
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Have you ever tried to beat a dead horse
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    A leopard never changes its spots - and a stripper nevers stops acting stripperish (until they are no longer strippers)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    We PLs are just a means to an end - we are just pieces on a chessboard that they move around
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Idk. If Imamutt is genuinely happy with her service, more power to him. If he has questions about this latest meetup, he can ask. I guess if she's not a ROB, what's the harm?
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I guess the bfd is that she is so fkn amazing in every way, except for the toys in the attic mind trips and the lies and manipulations and unreliability and ungrateful attitude. I've had enough time to get my head around compartmentalising the undesirable attributes and weighing all that against the omfg way she makes me feel on the rare occasion. I realize the biggest challenge is to detach myself from logic and accept things are the way they are - or just runmuthafukarun!!!
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