Company with dancer

avatar for Darkblue999
How can I ask a dancer that I want company for 30 minutes but no lap dances.Just sit , have drink and relax. How much do I need to tip her for spending time with me.
Thank You


last comment
Just tell her you don't want dances but ask how much for her company. If you pay her what her cut would be for dances during that time, she should be quite happy. But if a regular shows up who's a big tipper as well, she might want to bail. You could get a VIP with her and just drink and talk there too.
the most logical way to do it is to ask her to hang out with you for a little while, buy her drinks and food if she wants it, and in exchange for her time make clear that you'll buy a few lap dances from her after you chill for a while. Many dancers will do this if the club is not busy.

If you refuse to get lap dances for some reason, then what you pay depends upon how hot and in demand she is. Id make a lowish offer (maybe $20-30) and negotiate up from there as needed I personally would never do this so I'm not going to say how high you should go.
VIP is also an option like rs said. I know PLs who just pay dancers to sit in vip and talk. But that's an expensive option.
They do this regardless and some them don't even buy dances.
Oh wait, you're Indian. As you were. That only applies to old white guys.
LOL@ Chessmaster. .why only old white guys
chessmaster doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. I've never paid a dancer to just talk.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Lol chessmaster
Just wanting company from a stripper is gay. Be a man and fuck her right in the pussy.
If you just want to hang out for 30 minutes at the table, how much is reasonable depends on the girl and how busy the place is. I go during dayshift, where everything is already low hustle, and I never even have a conversation about this type of thing. In fact, recently, a girl came to my table, we hung out for a while (not sure how long it was, between 30 & 60 minutes?) and I bought her drinks, and then gave her $40 when I left ... I didn't feel like getting dances with her, and this way she gets the entire $40 instead of the club taking a cut.

That's slow dayshift though ... there wasn't much opportunity cost for her, if she weren't with me, she probably would have made $0 (there were like 3 other customers in the place and girls outnumbered customers more than 3:1), or maybe gotten a lapdance or two, from which the club would have taken a cut, and she still would have made less than the $40 I gave her. The economics totally change at night... I can't imagine on a busy SAturday night shift, a girl hanging out for 30 minutes for less than $100
Be direct. Tell her you're not here for dances but you're willing to compensate for her time talking. From there it's up to you and her.
That right there is a dancer's dream.
Shadow, me either. :)
avatar for dalcowboyfan
9 years ago
How much do I need to tip a dancer to live with me for 3 months?
Why would you want a woman who would willingly choose to live with a Cowboys fan?

Oh, I forgot, low standards ;-)
$60/hr if it is slow. $100-120/hr, will get you near most any dancer, even the hot ones, most any shift. But in this economy, start with $60/hr and if she starts to push for dances or VIP after a while, offer the $120/hr, but only if you're really into her. On a busy Friday or Saturday night, you need to spend about half the time getting dances and half the time on convo. Which comes out to about $140-185/hr for top talent. Though many dancers will gladly accept less.

The whole point of paying for convo is there is no house cut (she keeps it all) and it ends up being cheaper for you than buying the equivalent dances.

Also be direct in what you want. There is little point to being coy.
Once had a dancer at Follies on the day shift sit at mine and snowtime's table for over 5 hours uninvited. When she went on stage or to the ladies room, she left her stuff there. I bought her 1 drink and got 2 dances from her and that was it. She was about a 6, slightly older but not drugged out. Don't know what her game plan was.
So people actually pay these strippers just sitting with them? To me it looks like they just waste a bunch of time trying to get them to spend and after a while they give up and move on to the next (old and white) guys lap. Why would you pay for what they do for (seemingly) free?
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
"Just wanting company from a stripper is gay."
Yup - In my case it sure is.
She's analysing you to see if she's gonna take you home w/ her & fuck you for free
chessmaster --> "Why would you pay for what they do for (seemingly) free?" --> end quote chessmaster

They used to only sit, uncompensated, for 10-20 minutes ... maybe 30 minutes. Paying them to talk allows you to talk with them longer without them getting up and hustling the room.

Plus I think my prices might be a little out of whack. That's what I was paying in 98-02. I think dancers make less these days.

thread/jack: How much money (or # of dances or VIP minutes or extras) do you mongers spend on a dancer to get her to spend a hour with you? Is $60/hr (average) too much these days? I am genuinely curious.

I'd like to club in the afternoons, but between work, time with the wife, and other needs, I only really have evenings free to club.

I agree with shadowcat, I wouldn't tip a dancer who sits down uninvited.
Thank you all for your responses and suggestions. I will use these in my next visit and post the updates
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Good idea
Just to point out in case you missed it -- I do something no one else recommended, which is, I do not negotiate sitting and talking. On a busy nightshift that would have to change, but on a slow dayshift, girl sits down, we talk and I get drinks, I'll slip her some money (I choose the amount) from time to time if I want her to stay. I think I'd be paying far more than $40/hour if I were negotiating up front. The girls stay because the place is dead, and I'm buying drinks (and possibly food), so they just make the decision that getting drinks bought for them is better than sitting around or buying their own .... so the cash, which they don't necessarily expect, is a bonus. I've hung out with girls for hours like this

One of the advantages of slow dayshift. Not workable in a high hustle environment
^^^ I should also mention that at my fave clubs, I almost always have "drinking buddy" girls. That is, girls who walk up and ask if I want company or whatever, and I tell them, "I'm not interested in buying dances, but if you want to hang out for a bit, I'll buy the drinks". If they sit, the deal is set -- no money, just drinks. I've had girls be fine with this for years... it's a pretty great thing to have, if your ATF is an hour late or whatever, just hang out with some other girl for just drink money. It's another approach you might try -- but again, only slow shifts, in alcohol serving clubs
I've never negotiated a rate either. I didn't mean to imply that I did. I never have. Usually I start by sliding her two $5s before she pitches dances. Then I silently and discreetly slide her $20s while we talk (I choose when). Some "get it." Others ask "what is this for?" or "are you prepaying for dances?" A select few will say "guys who tip like you do expect sex." Then often she makes an (awkward for me) OTC pitch.

Well, lately, and quite surprisingly, many have been returning money back, saying "you're giving me too much." Hell the last trip, no one accepted money for conv and instead hung out just for the price of a tequila shot, even on a late Friday night. "You're cool and I like you." Or "just buy a couple dances at the end and we'll call it even." Except she didn't. She left after a while, got a couple dances from a young drunk guy then came back to me with her friend to talk. Then they went on stage together, invited me up, and we had some high contact fun up there with the three of us.

So I think I'm either confusing them or I need to get with the times. It sounds like I'm turning into the drinking buddy, too, now.

Thanks, Subraman

chessmaster --> "Why would you pay for what they do for (seemingly) free?"

To echo dominic, I'll sometimes sit there for hours with them. I respect the fact that some of you guys are not remotely interested in socializing with the girls, it's all about getting in the back or splooging in your pants. But I dig it. I do, as I said above, sometimes tell the girls right up front, "I'm not buying dances, just drinks, if you'd like to hang out for a bit", and if they accept, that's great, I only have to buy drinks... but even those girls, if they hang out for 2 hours partying with me, and I really enjoy myself, I'll slip them some cash.

As to WHY I'd do this at all... well, I NEVER set out to go to the strip club and just sit at the table and talk. But sometimes, after my hour plus drive to the strip club, I find there's no girls I'm interested in getting dances from, and particularly on weekends I have few other options, so my choices are to turn right back around and drive home, or to make the best of things and find a fun girl and hang out. I usually choose the latter, especially if I've checked the webpage lineups at the other available clubs and know there's nothing for me there, either. So it's more necessity than anything -- if I can find a girl I'm attracted to and want to do dances with, I'd always prefer that instead of just drinking.

That said, and again I respect the choice of the guys whose opinions are "I'm not interested in socializing, I'm not interested in getting in with the bouncers or managers, etc", I find there's never a downside to being on good terms with everyone, including girls I"m only interested in being drinking buddies with. It can pay tons of dividends -- someone to party with on otherwise uninteresting shifts, plus now I know her if one of my buddies ends up liking her, plus my favorite thing of all: me sitting at a table full of 3 or 4 girls, one of whom is my ATF who I'll do dances with, the rest of whom are just drinking buddies who are there to party.
Like anything else, it boils down to one thing, Trade-offs. Go during slow hours like Subraman gets you the best bang for the buck, but the selection will be slimmer as opposed to Sat night with the top earner at the busiest club will be a few pennies more. But you might get lucky and your gal's a terrible hustler who also works the worst shift, shifting everything in your favor.
Thanks a lot for responses
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