BYOB clubs

What's your thoughts on byob clubs. The first club we stopped at on vacation was a byob it was a pretty crappy club and seemed shady as could be to me. I was glad the second flu we went to was better(the one were I got all the titties lol)
What's your thoughts on byob clubs and experience
last commentThey are good if you are a heavy drinker. You end up spending less on booze.
They aren't bad, I went to one in Maryland once, I enjoyed the women there.
No BYOB clubs here in South FL; they tend to be more common in areas where nudity and alcohol are not allowed simultaneously but we don't have that issue down here in South FL.
When I lived and SCed in Dallas they had the ordinance that alcohol clubs could only be topless but not full-nudity - thus there were a few BYOB spots and for the most-part in my limited experience in the Dallas area they tended to be dives - not necessarily terrible but def not upscale and often kinda blue-collar type clubs.
BYOB or liquor does not influence my clubbing b/c I'm not a drinker nor do I absolutely require full-nudity (topless and g-strings good-enough for me) - I like variety in my clubbing and like both raunchy dives and relaxed upscale places; so I can enjoy both types of clubs depending on my mood and as long as the club offers what I like (a large # of dancers w/ good dance mileage).
BYOB places will also often close later whereas liquor places often have a 2:00 a.m. liquor cut-off and many of the liquor places will close at 2;00 a.m. when they can't sell liquor anymore - and BYOB spots will often have higher cover-charge often in the $20 range on peak nights/hours.
Bring your own boobs?
In South Carolina, that's the way all the nude clubs used to operate when they were still open. Cover charge used to be pretty high so you had to bring in a six pack or more to save money on drinks. Lap dances tend to be no customer touching. Most people went to topless clubs where some touching was allowed. A nude club up in wellford used to have a high cover, byob, and was one of the most upscale nude clubs I've been to. Then the Great Recession hit and the club went from packed weekends to decimated. Then they changed management, took away the nudity and added a bunch of stuff no one cared about except some managers. I was once a regular when it was all nude. Never went back after that was gone. I have no desire to drive even farther for just another topless club that was more expensive, more restrictive and more empty than closer clubs.
I do enjoy visiting all nude clubs if they seem safe. I try to stay away from clubs where fights break out every night.
Like Papi said, most BYOB clubs are only doing that to skirt around a nude law or to stay open later. I have run into this in Texas a lot, as alcohol laws vary are county to county there.
In theory BYOB clubs are a great advantage to the customer. Don't worry, the club is still making their money on mixers, glassware, ice, etc. for the drinks but it's a way for a customer to drink top shelf alcohol and not pay top shelf pricing.
On the other hand, most of the clubs I know of that are BYOB usually don't get hopping until late, a lot of fights break out inside and outside the club, and there's usually issues in the parking lot too. Just reading the 2AM'ers on here should give you enough notice, that you really shouldn't be out past 2AM to begin with!
I like BYOB clubs. They give you nudity in a situation where local liquor laws might not otherwise let you. Plus I get a kick out of walking into a place with either a fifth of vodka or a fifth of tequila, to drink and share with the dancers.
I wish there where more nude clubs, BYOB, or not.
Love seeing the pussy while drinking a case of yahoo
We have had many discussions about this that have gotten heated. One even resulted in my having to look up Iowa Criminal Defense Attorneys and Iowa State Laws to show someone how wrong he was, and he still didn't get it.
Bars generally make money. so a club will only for go that if there is a reason.
One reason is that in some states you can't have alcohol and nudity together.
But you cannot serve or allow alcohol in retail businesses which are not licensed to serve alcohol. ( exception New Orleans and a few other minor exceptions )
So for it to lawfully be a BYOB place, then it has to be a membership club.
But, this does not mean that they tell you that it is a membership club, or that the staff even knows it is a membership club. It simply means that when they deal with the authorities they are going to claim that it is a membership club. And they might not get away with this. And the people who work in strip clubs usually know very little about the legal parameters.
The main reason for going to membership club and Byob, is to get around public lewdness and public sex act laws. And then also because it is harder for LE to justify the efforts involved in getting in there and busting anyone. It does not get them around the state prostitution law, but it in practice makes it impractical to enforce.
So some people like BYOB because drinking is cheaper and because they can get friendly with girls by getting them drunk. But the BYOB option is just being offered as a courtesy, instead of saying no booze. In the vast majority of cases BYOB means that it is claiming itself as a membership club, and this is to get around public lewdness and sex act laws, and to make enforcing the state penal code against prostitution impractical.
So they are adopting the legal model pioneered by Swinger's Clubs, where they want to encourage sex in front of other people, because people like this and it gets people loosened up.
But real Swingers Clubs have no P4P dimension. These strip clubs are mixing the two together.
I am not aware of any BYOB / Membership Strip Clubs around me. But there was a Swinger's Club, Edgewater West in Oakland, which I suspected was actually going P4P. It is gone now.
Of the idea, I like the idea. Place in Newark NJ, Sights, that I hope to be able to go to. Black, after hours club.
What I would expect is that anything goes, front room or back room and that girls just climb onto a guy and try to make it happen.
And then since it is after hours, probably many of them will be happy to walk right out the front door with a guy.
Do they exist in the North East?
I think Sights in Newark NJ still runs, but their web site is down.
Some in Gary Indiana.