
A re-make of Ben-Hur is coming out

You've got to be kidding me.


  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Any re-makes you can think of that are better than the original? Not many
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    What's what with all the remakes in recent years? Looks like they're even going to remake the Blair Witch Project.

    Stop the Madness!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    This post is Way the fuck off topic

    Mikeya your official on ignore

    Pro tip:901
    I feel sorry for the ones who forget its a fantasy. If I'm having an "off" day, my hustle is goofy/cheesy/ditzy/over the top. Any other day, though, I deal heavily in intimacy. Not extras, but like hardcore bedroom eyes, eyelids dipping down just the right degree at the right time, trailing fingernails on skin, up the back of the guy's neck... things like that. It works really, really well for me, to the point that if I'm having an awesome "on" day, I can have a borderline nonverbal hustle. Just eye-fuck them from across the room, walk up, bend down, trail fingers across their skin. and then just ask if they "want to go". It's super effective. And for me it's an awesome thrill, but there's never any actual connection. It's purely me feeding off the energy generated by all the sexual tension... and also the money that flows out of the guy's wallet as a result. When that wallet's dry, I move on to the next one.

    The guys I feel bad for are the ones that topple head over heels and actually think the connection was real. Who lose their jobs and come in anyways to drop a portion of their savings while they sit there for hours, under the impression that I'll just stop working in the middle of my work day and hang out with them, because they felt special, and because they gave me $80-$120 that day that they probably didn't actually have available to spend.

    If it's just some dingus who's coming into the club already looking for a date, or if it's a kiddo who doesn't "get it" yet, then pffft to them. But when they're guys who've come in semi regularly for years, and suddenly they forget and fall too deep into the fantasy, to the point their real life takes a back seat to them getting their fix of something fake, it's a little sad to see.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Hey, a story is a story is a story. What I saw as a teaser for the new Ben Hur might entice me to go drop a few shekels to see it when it comes out. The original was awesome to a young boy watching the Romans being studs.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I just heard about it. I think it's crazy too.

    Seems Hollywood isn't very original anymore. Re-makes, movies based on TV shows, movies based on comic books.

    You're right. Rarely, if ever, is the re-make better. "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum is probably better than the 50's version, but that's about it.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Looking forward to it, especially Jaden Smith as the title character. I hear they're going to stay faithful to the story, except that it will now take place in China, Ben Hur's family gets typhoid, and get healed by Confucius. Should be awesome!
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Way off topic? How would a stripper react if I told her I was daydreaming of creating a galaxy of stars floating in the air as holograms in the strip club and that it would look really cool if I could project that into the air. I'm having sci fi thoughts just randomly pop up out of nowhere. Maybe I should daydream about sexy female elfs instead. I keep picturing them with swords or daggers though. They might be at war with the trolls.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    You know, I'm totally NOT surprised about the inevitability of a Ben-Hur remake, aside from the bullshit trend of Hollywood remaking everything because they are incapable of going in original directions for fear that the fickle public might not buy it.

    Remember, LGBT is now.... well, mainstream.

    Swords and sandles. Its a safe way to push the subtlety homoerotic envelope. The classic line from Airplane "Kid, Do you like gladiator movies? "

    At the same time, Family friendly because the script had the Christian tie in (which may or may not be touched PC). So- if they keep it close to the original script with SGI wizzardry its a slam dunk: You can have your cake and eat it to (from an ideologically polarized America)
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Takes a lot of chutzpah to remake a beloved epic that won a raft of Oscars. I'd say that is the epitome of hubris!!!!!!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Ben-hur was a remake of the 1925 silent film with the same name. :)
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Shadowcat is correct.

    Hope there are some naked titties in the remake.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I saw a porn remake called Bend Her, it was pretty-good
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    "Ben-hur was a remake of the 1925 silent film with the same name"

    There was also a 1907 silent version that was only 15 minutes long
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    So Papi, what earned the flick that title ?? :)
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Especially in the realm of sci-fi and fantasy, film makers think computer effects will jazz up older movies. They don't. Re-make duds include...
    Total Recall
    War Of The Worlds
    The Day The Earth Stood Still
    Clash Of The Titans

    Only ones I liked was The Fly, King Kong and True Grit...I'm sure I might be missing a few
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Ben-Hur, awesome. But I want them to make one that my Christian Eating Lions can be in.

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