
Per SW; "Men who are addicted to strip clubs and sex industry"

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
"... I've met many men like this, who are addicted to the sex industry so much so that their whole life is a complete waste.

What's strange is that they don't even realize it. They don't realize they're wasting their life away and all their money, and they don't realize they're even addicted (in complete denial). Kind of sad.

Have you met anyone like this? Don't you feel sorry for them? Do you think they can turn they're life around (probably not)? Have you seen someone so addicted to this industry and actually quit? ..."



  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Some interesting responses from the ladies
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    There are "ladies" who post on SW? I thought it was just a bunch of stupid whores.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    What I would want to ask is, what makes one addicted? They talk as if these addicts are the scumb of the earth, yet I know they depend on them for income.

    So anyway, how do I know if I'm a so-called addict in their eyes, I would ask? If I visit multiple times weekly? What if its weekly? Maybe I go to Church weekly, am I an addict? What if I visit the club monthly? Maybe I go to the movies monthly, am I an addict? Are you only an addict if it is deemed a vice?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think they are basically correct, though they don't seem to accept any of the responsibility for this themselves.

    I've always said, strip clubs are places you can learn much, but beyond that they aren't really a solution to anything.


    Hitler, The Rise
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I compare it to golf or any other hobby that can take a lot of time and money.

    Some guys so spend more than they can afford. Ironically it's SW dream custies that fit the addiction mold more. Guys who pay to cum and demand good mileage are less addicted than guys trying to buy affection.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I saw that thread too over there. I agree with most of what they wrote and pressed 'thanks' on some of the posts when I first read them the other day.



    Addicts can't stop their behaviors. Customers with compulsive behaviors also have an irresistible urge to go to the club and spend but they are one step (or several steps) below true addicts. Both of those (addicts and ones with compulsive disorders) may still go even though the action negatively affects their lives. IF that describes you, then that is a problem.

    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about what the SW dancers think. Nor would I worry about that the dancers at your clubs (you visit) think. The correct answer is what do *you* think? Do you feel you need a wife or girlfriend? Or are you happy with just paying strippers for now? Do you feel that you are missing out? I might in your case, I'll expand on this somewhat below with an example the SW dancers are not considering.


    The dancers on SW also talk about the SC visits negatively affecting marriages and family lives in those cases. That is something to be sad about that that is somewhere where I find myself agreeing with the dancers the most. These are the cases where customers are spending excessive time, energy, focus, and money at strip clubs -- to the point where those resources are drained from your loved ones and siphoned to the dancers.

    One common "exception" where the resources spent is not negative, is an example like a man (or woman) who has grown children who are out on their own, and he has an ex-spouse, the guy is now older, and it at a point in his (or her) life where is he "done" with long term relationships. That guy already had a family and is done with it. He's not missing out on *anything*. And *no one* left is depending on him for support any more. He's just honest with himself and may be perfectly happy spending time, money, energy, and focus on strippers, sex, escorts, etc. An example of this was Yoda who used to post here on TUSCL and on SW (he was a mod over there) before he passed away year or two ago.

    The above is not the only example, but it provides one example the ladies on SW are not considering. Otherwise, I do find myself agreeing with many of the dancers in that thread.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago

    A fair number of the dancers in real life *are* actually appreciative of their customers. Don't worry what a few say with regards to customers on the internet.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Some women will never have enough self esteem to understand that the money we spend on them is worth it, to us.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If the strippers on stripperweb or street walker web think a guy spending a little bit of money or spending a few hours a week on something makes that an addiction, they will find out otherwise during the next recession if their customers lose a job.

    I made more money in the stock market the last couple weeks than I think I spent in strip clubs all year. I spend more time online than I do in strip clubs. I do use it for work too though.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Dominic, I see where you're coming from, and my questions were a little bit hypothetical, sort of wondering "who out there is the type of addict they are referring to", but with a hint of introspection as well.

    In fact, over the past few weeks I've been going over my own activities and trying to see what I actually want to get out of this whole thing. I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm not an addict, but either frequent more than I would really like to, or spend more than I'd like per visit.

    My scenario is that I'm single, no dependents. There was a recent month where I visited every weekend, but I'm settling in now that the novelty and adrenaline are wearing off, on once per month.

    I guess I was just intrigued by the discussion because I want to convince myself I'm not addicted :). Mostly for myself, but although society teaches that you shouldn't care what others think, we all do. I do. I can't stand the thought that I might be thought of as that chump that comes in and spends too much money because he's looking for intimacy in the wrong place, or that he can't find it outside the club. It might be likely too, since I'm not interested in taking someone OTC for sex. I feel like the married guys have it easier in that regard; for some reason it just seems so much more pathetic to me to frequent strip clubs as a single guy in your 30's. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it. I just hate feeling pathetic, and sometimes do in the club.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I get the impression the SW OP is not a stripper and perhaps more along the lines of the person that has posted here in the past criticizing us for going to SCs.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Wow! Just wow! I don't know what to think of myself after reading that and knowing what several proprietors think of their clientele like me.

    On one hand I can feel assured since I don't think I fit into the mold they're describing, on the other hand I've felt I know that Candycups girl from experience. You know the type that feeds you all of that sexual energy making u think you got a chance with her because she is telling u how horny she gets dancing for you? Then after the dances she skidaddles out and away from you. I once asked a girl giving me this vibe her # and of course she said she would except she has a boyfriend. Yeah right!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO most men and women are just wired differently when It comes to sex.- as a comedian once put-it "women look for the *one* guy to satisfy *all* their needs and men look for *all* women to satisfy their *one* need - thus IMO all the posts on the SW thread about "oh he should put as much effort into working it out with his wife as he does into strip-clubs" etc. - bottom line AFAIK when they do surveys often times sex is pretty much #1 on the list for men whereas for women it is often further if not way further down the list.

    For most women sex is not as important or as big a need - all one has to do is look at the animal kingdom where the males are often trying to have sex whenever they can w/ the females(s) that will allow him; and the male will have sex w/ any female that will let him; whereas the female only wants sex when she wants to have offspring and will be choosy as to the male she will have sex with - it's biological - women can't expect men to feel the way they do - men and women are just not the same in their brain wiring nor their hormones so they can't be expected to act/feel the same way - the argument can be made that if sex is such an enjoyable thing then why make it so hard to get-it and not enjoy it as much as one can if it's such an enjoyable thing - it's just we're wired different brain-wise and hormone-wise.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Girls apparently want something called meaningful sex per the link. Guys on the other hand just want to get off with a hot girl, no strings attached unless it means more sex.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    If men are addicted to strip clubs doesn't that make strippers the God Damn Pusher.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    OT: but I noticed one dancer had a tag line that said her weekly earnings goal was $600 per week

    That's pretty low expectations, isn't it? That's 30k per. She could make more than that at most any factory job and she wouldn't even have to get naked.

    My old ATF routinely made 3X that per shift
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    I'm not addicted. i can stop anytime I want to...

    it's just... right now... I don't want to. :)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago

    That dancer used to have a much higher goal in her signature (like 1200+). I get sense that she's a full time student now (possibly with a vanilla side job), so she's working less hours, hence the lower goal. That and I think she's in Canada, too.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I don't know why you guys even read the garbage from that site. I quit years ago.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Sometimes TUSCL gets too slow w/ new discussion board material
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    Strippers are entitled to their opinions like anyone else. Any conversation that's driven with generalizations isn't really going to get that far, though. People can get to attached to anything. A stripper who can earn a living (or pay for whatever it is she needs to pay for) while stripping should really just be grateful for that. Does it matter why the guy is there so long as he's a paying customer and not interfering with your life?
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Good post wallanon
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Yeah, great post Wallanon. And holy huge club count. Wow.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I feel sorry for the ones who forget its a fantasy. If I'm having an "off" day, my hustle is goofy/cheesy/ditzy/over the top. Any other day, though, I deal heavily in intimacy. Not extras, but like hardcore bedroom eyes, eyelids dipping down just the right degree at the right time, trailing fingernails on skin, up the back of the guy's neck... things like that. It works really, really well for me, to the point that if I'm having an awesome "on" day, I can have a borderline nonverbal hustle. Just eye-fuck them from across the room, walk up, bend down, trail fingers across their skin. and then just ask if they "want to go". It's super effective. And for me it's an awesome thrill, but there's never any actual connection. It's purely me feeding off the energy generated by all the sexual tension... and also the money that flows out of the guy's wallet as a result. When that wallet's dry, I move on to the next one.

    The guys I feel bad for are the ones that topple head over heels and actually think the connection was real. Who lose their jobs and come in anyways to drop a portion of their savings while they sit there for hours, under the impression that I'll just stop working in the middle of my work day and hang out with them, because they felt special, and because they gave me $80-$120 that day that they probably didn't actually have available to spend.

    If it's just some dingus who's coming into the club already looking for a date, or if it's a kiddo who doesn't "get it" yet, then pffft to them. But when they're guys who've come in semi regularly for years, and suddenly they forget and fall too deep into the fantasy, to the point their real life takes a back seat to them getting their fix of something fake, it's a little sad to see.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Anti-socials preying on addicts.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    I think the larger point is that men tend to have less social support in general compared to women, and these strippers are seeing the impact because they work in a place that offers instant companionship. A good network of buddies would probably help quite a bit with some of these cases of "addiction" to social contact.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Juice! That's the one. Thanks for copying and pasting for all to see. I too have fallen victim to that hustle. It's a slow hustle making the guy (me) believe the girl is actually interested in having sex. I think it's the best hustle out there because very few know how to pull it off. Candycups I think wrote that on StripperWeb, bless her heart!

    Thanks Juice!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Sounds to me more like strippers in general have major self esteem issues. They seem to be saying that they feel sorry for the looser guys sort of shows why they have the type of boyfriends that they have.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Well it's true that if you're the type of guy who divorces his wife and loses a grip on reality and on what's a real relationship -- then it becomes a serious problem. If you spend more than a small fraction of your net worth it becomes an addiction.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Shopping for gorgeous girls is mind-blowing fun. It's as simple as that.
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago
    Random, I agree. It's fun and I can afford it.

    That said there's compulsive people out there who have problems with anything. It could be food, exercise, sleep disorders (or enemas).

    But when the quality goes down I stop going.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Those SW slags hate the fact that they desperately need our $$$, but most of us can take or leave them. They HATE that reality and their insipid posts over on StripperWhine continue to prove it.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I think it's that nobody wants to be close to the bottom of society's totem pole. If you're close you try and find someone to look down upon. Neither strippers nor addicts are viewed that highly in society so both will try to look down on the other. Strippers: "you loser wasting all your time and money because you can't get pussy without pay" Addicts: "You loser. Grinding, fucking, and sucking us even though you find us so disgusting just to make money."
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ^^^touche Dougster
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I approve of this thread, and sclvr5005's comments.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I'm not addicted to work or exercise either. Although I spend a lot of time working and a fair amount of time exercising or walking about. I think I spent more time this weekend playing Risk and Monopoly on my iPad than I spent in the strip club. I may have several addictions competing for my time. Then I have relatives using up the rest of my time. The AI in my risk game seems as crazy as crazy joe on occasion. Dice are rigged to have lower than normal odds too so the dice are bad against the AI. I guess they tried to beef up the AI by going against the human and rigging the dice. I found out it's usually just one continent you are on. Blast through to somewhere else and take over and the stupid AI will keep fighting for the place you gave up.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I guess it's better to be addicted to Strip Clubs, than merely to porn.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago

    I think only a dancer can really answer you as I'm don't have access to all the information to give an appropriate reply (as a customer) as to how they think. From my current favorite (CF) in the club, she mentions she likes that I remember it's only entertainment and that I don't visit too often. There was a binge period where I went to the club 3 times within 10 days of each other back in February, and universally all the dancers said, "What are you doing here?" and "why are you back so soon?" I was surprised, but they were all in agreement: "no, a normal guy like you doesn't need to come here so much. Don't be like these guys in here every week. You're not like that. Please don’t' turn into that." Like I said, it surprised me but I feel they were right. I was chasing a short term adrenaline high, too. And those spending levels weren't sustainable either. I'm over it now.

    I'm thinking "healthy" (non-addicted) customers should remember strip clubs are just entertainment, don't become needy, don't waste too much of your life (time and $$) ITC, remember the connection is not real and it's not a substitute for real life relationships. It's just entertainment and don't forget to tip.

    How often? I think going every month is OK. Personally I like stretching it out to every 2 months if I can. Heck, even going to see favorite 4 times a year isn't bad. The longer you stay away, the more you have to talk about since a lot will have changed in your life. My last 2 visits were 4 months apart. I think that was just fine.

    This response was sort of self-reflective for me, too. I admit to wondering what they think, too. For some reason it would bother me a little bit inside to learn the dancers thought I was a chump. Just remember it is only entertainment.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    They're talking about us talking about them over on that other site!

    Probably just a bunch of strippers in denial about using us just for our wallets, when they secretly can't admit they're addicted to our money. Bottom feeders...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ copy/paste the thread link where they are talking about us
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I don't care what the strippers on the other web site think. I have managed to avoid going out with any dancers for several years now. It's nice to be drama free. If I didn't visit strip clubs, someone would probably say I was wasting my life away on something else. For me this debate is about wasting your life away on an activity that uses up less than 5 or 6 hours per week including travel time. To me that's like arguing I'm wasting my life away playing computer games or work, that might be true. 45 to 60 hours a week there, or any hobby I think of that I spend a few hors per week on.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Papi, it's the same
    Link you have posted in this thread. Just additional comments is all on the SW thread. Bless their hearts!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
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