

layin low but staying high
So i've been gone for a while. First a trip with the DS to a fun exotic location followed by a trip with the DC to an even more fun and exotic location. I read some of the discussions to see what I missed and it didn't seem like much except lots of people fake leaving. But I am curious as to what Dougster was doing during his long sabbatical. I was convinced that he died of a heart attack. Has he ever said what happened? If not is he willing to explain it now? Is it really him?


  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Maybe you are looking for this post from Dougster :
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Didn't expect a forgotten password. Seems kind of implausible for an account that somebody signs into almost every day. I was hoping that he met a cute young redhead and took her on a several month cruise around the world. Or maybe he met Rick and has been in jail for assault.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I don't see how it could be the same guy, Dougster was always confrontational and since this "Dougster" has shown up he's been nothing but nice and no stock market updates????

    Idk maybe he retired and found a nice redhead to calm him down.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    It sounds like the same Dougster to me. I agree that he hasn't been as confrontational, but maybe he's mellowed with age.

    I hope Dougster will share with us his adventures on Wall Street, like this one:

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    John, it's hard to tell. I agree.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Charlie Sheen?

    Found religion ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I heard from sources that he had tired of the SC scene and had been trying the gay lifestyle but after several months he concluded it was not for him - hey - don't knock it till you try it - kudos to him and his "taking the bull by the horns"

    I hope he found this funny and doesn't put me on his hitlist
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I'm far from convinced that he is the original Dougster. I'm finding that signing in excuse hard to believe and his comments do not sound like the same guy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The signing-in issue is obviously BS - i.e. Dougster was never one to be open and fuzzy and one to discuss his personal life - he obviously does not want to say why he was away and I took the signing-in issue sorta tongue-in-cheek
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Thought it was Reque originally, but now totally convinced it's Dougster. The sarcasm and satire has the original terrific edge.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Dougster never left
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster never left

    It's our same Dougster.


    The Hermetic Hour - The "Why" of Magick
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I can't tell if Dougster is liked or hated on TUSCL. It seems as if he is part of a larger group of aliases. Either way, if he agrees pastrami sandwiches are delicious then I'm with him at Katz deli around noon, when I wake up.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ anti-depressants would explain it
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster is by far one of the smartest people on TUSCL. He has lots of handles, but Dougster is his main one. And I am sure that it is the same person.

    Dougster is often very negative about people he does not like. He likes making fun of people. You might say he is a kind of elitist.

    I do not agree with his economic or political views, and I don't go along with his trolling because it encourages other people to be trolls. But I still very much appreciate having him here on the forum.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Oh, has Dougster been gone :) ?

    I *knew* something was missing from this board for the past eight months or so! What was it? Oh yeah -- endless psychobabble and relentless attacks on a [dis]favored few.

    Obviously the forgotten password excuse was intended as a joke.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If it's the same Dougster then maybe he's started smoking pot. Cause he's seems a lot more chill than he used to be.
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    Glad to see he's still alive. My guess is the constant spewing of negativity and hate started taking a toll and he found some help. Hope so. Hopefully he will get back to being a valuable contributor on this forum.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No, Dougster had become more and more topically narrow before he vanished. I believe that the end of the 2015 bubble probably really did hurt his affairs. He is the same guy.

  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If Dougster used a common password, the password would be password. It must have been more complicated like FTFRDTSIA. Lol
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    My password is shitter
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If Dougster had the same password since 2010, I probably could have found it from a hacked list. It looked to me like there were thousands of unused accounts here on this site or very seldom used the last time I looked at the list of this site. One way to recover your password is to find the hackers public post of sites hacked.

    I'd like to find a way to redirect all these scammers calling my home phone to the fbi or the police without my number showing up. The police could set up a special scammer response number. As soon as a live scammer gets on the phone, the police recording goes something like, mr Harris, you just contacted the phone of mr tom crushed. This is officer smith and this is a live murder investigation and you need to stay on the line or you will be investigated on charged. So how do you know mr Tom? Etc, etc.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I dunno, but someone (failed) an attempt to bait Dougster back on April Fools' Day. Maybe Dougster himself? Someone guessed or otherwise (allegedly) obtained Rick's password. Speaking of passwords. Who knows ....
    --> https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=4…
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    My password is "password" - so easy no-one would think of it
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Well these speculations are certainly amusing. It almost goes without saying but, of course, the hypotheses generally say more about the wishes and/or projections of the speculator than they do about what really happened. Indeed nobody is even close.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Maybe Dougster found his dream girl, there reading Bloombergs and developing her investing skills, picking those fields not amenable to offshoring or automation. He has said before that if he found such a girl that he was getting married.

    But then maybe it fell apart, because?

    Probably it fell apart when she found out that Dougster wanted to use her to found The Master Race.


    The Übermensch Rises

    In this one I can see the organ console and the organist, and I think the 32' C ( approx.16.4 hz ) is coming through the sound system. And I can see the C extensions on the wood bases, letting them go down to 16' C. I guess we owe thanks to Wagner for how orchestras got expanded, so that they would be able to make music suitable for Dougster's New World Order.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Juice juice juice
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster probably saw her reading Bloombergs and then started talking to her about her investing skills, and decided that she was the one.

    But when she found out that he wanted her to conceive the Übermensch, then it fell apart.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    SJG says "2015 bubble".

    Was I in a coma when the bubble hit, because I've just seen how the markets are at all time historical highs. How can this be 7 months after the bubble of 2015, San Jose Guy? Are you sure there was a bubble or are you making these things up just to support your Liz Warren for VIP candidacy?
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Txtittyfag, maybe I'm being silly engaging SJG, but I'd like to know the reason for his constant hatred towards the stock market and capitalism. I find this thinking fascinating, and again I should probably not engage with his philosophies too much, apart from strip club activities. So I apologize to SJG and the rest of the board for asking what makes SJG tick as it relates to cheering down the stock market or having any pro capitalistic thought?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster was boosting for the "Boom of 2015". My point is that I have lived through enough such booms. Basically they are bubbles, even Ponzi Schemes. Nothing whatsoever that is good ever comes from them.

    Dougster was also putting forth the ridiculous idea that this boom was going to be so big that it would lift all boats, and that there would no longer be young women willing to do ultra high mileage in our strip clubs. I found Dougster's line to be just shameless boosting.

    As far as today, 7 months later and an all time high, none of us know what these markets are going to do tomorrow. But the stock market has very little to do with our productive economy or technological advance.

    The busts are harmful, but so are the booms. It is very hard to stop the busts once they start. But we can minimize them if we refuse to support the booms.

    It wasn't that long ago that television news did not even talk about the stock market, because they considered it to be something akin to gambling. I think this is true. One can always do better by putting their time, attention, and money into things they are personally involved in.

    People go to financial speculation when they have become fatalistic and believe that their own talents and abilities are of no worth.

    Doug Henwood's excellent book, online now.

    Capitalism is a system which scrambles social codes, and then replaces them with it's own over codings. And it depends upon continual expansion, and at an ever increasing rate, or it will collapse. It is insane, and so it was inevitable that it would eventually run into external limits.

    So the sooner the BIG CRASH comes, the better.

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    WTF is up with this guy (gay), SJGuy?

    He avoids the original question and twists them into different questions.

    Jim, tell him he's a stupid ass from me. He has me on ignore, and unfortunately he's ignoring his true alter ego(SJGay), too.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Meat72, I will not call San Jose Guy a stupid fuck. No matter how crazy one's ideas like his are, you shouldn't suppress his being able to express himself. Not sure what SJG wrote in his last reply, but somehow it seems to be unrealistic at best.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Sorry,^^^ Meat72 I meant to write that I will not call him a "stupid ass".

    San Jose Guy has intelligence, just that he uses it differently.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    We live in a world where it is now possible for everyone to live like only royalty could before. But we don't see this because we expect people to prove that they can compete and "earn a living".

    But no one has earned a living in many many decades. Labor is in gross surplus.

    The one who opened my eyes was R. Buckminster Fuller.


    And also, Capitalism is destroying our democracy, and especially the radicalized neo-liberal Capitalism which came in with Reagan and Thatcher.

    To have democracy you need to have a politically conscious population. If you have this they will not be voting for policies which are aimed at distinguishing who are the good people and who are the bad people

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: "would no longer be young women willing to do ultra high mileage"

    Now, now, That was that faggot steve229's strawman, not what I actually said. I said that mileage had peaked out and would now decline. No something can over course decline without going all the way to zero.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No, you were saying it too.

    On the whole, average mileage seems to be increasing. We read some of the posts, girls who just start the stripper hand shake and start climbing on a guy, and they don't stop or let up at all until culmination has been achieved. That is as good as it gets, like TJ.

    Though we hear stories of crackdowns, on the whole, things seem to be advancing.

    But the other issue, the economics, I say that each of these boom and bust cycles leaves a greater gap between rich and poor, and it makes the US more like a 3rd World Country. A large percentage of young people have zero future, except maybe for working in the clandestine realm. It gets more like this every year, boom or bust. And it is destroying our democracy.

    Even though you and I don't often agree Dougster, very glad to see you back.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: "No, you were saying it too."

    Wrong! I would never say something so patently ridiculous. Here's a hint: when I say things I try my best to make sure they are true unlike people who think they can argue any statement true or false. So I would never have said such an extreme statement because I do think of people's counter arguments ahead of time. But if you don't think this is so, go ahead and provide me the direct quote. I won't hold my breath waiting!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I can't go though all the posts, but we discussed it at length. You were saying that the "whorification of our strip clubs" was caused by Rap Music, and declining outside employment oppoturnities, and that the Boom of 2015 was going to reverse it.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter now, I was just trying to explain things to JimG.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I definitely remember saying those things, along with the fact that it couldn't really get any higher, so there was only one direction. Seemed nearly tautological, but it was funny to see what strawmen people would come up with to try and debate a near tautology.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The median "mileage" could go higher. But no, the maximum mileage has long ago reached it's ceiling. But the idea that an economic boom, really just a bubble in activity, was going to draw young women out of that line of work, was preposterous and blatant bubble boosting.

    I love the posts some have made of these girls just climbing on them and not ever letting off of their cock until full culmination has been achieved. They've taken the stripper hand shake to its logical conclusion. And I am sure that these girls, doing it that way, are willing to be as GFE as you want them to be. So I hope this trend continues.

    All the members here have evolved.

    I would like to see Steve229 come back.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: "I would like to see Steve229 come back."

    So we can learn what songs and gossip are hot with 16 y/o girls these days? (I would add a couple of years to adjust for the time passed since he was here, but my feeling is he'll always be a 16 y/o girl in his own mind.)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "So we can learn what songs and gossip are hot with 16 y/o girls these days?"


    Dougster, I don't see everything the way you do, though I do find you to be by far one of the more interesting people to talk with here.

    One area of difference though is that though I may be outspoken about some views, I still am not as harsh in my personal judgments about people as you are.

    In certain respects I am an elitist, in that I want to promote in depth understanding and self-awareness, and not everyone is going to go this way. But I am not like you, in that I don't seek to enslave a huge portion of the population.

    Have you found the stripper yet who will be the bearer of the Ubermensch? We know now that at his birth is when Kurzweil's Singularity occurs.


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: I'm very easy. I play the game by the rules that the other person chooses. If they want to insult and fight, I'll play by those rules. If they want civil discourse, hey, I can play that one too. I just find it hilarious that when they choose the former and it doesn't turn out how they liked, they forget that it was them who made the choice and then start whining endlessly about it.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Nina sure has a way of jumping to conclusions in a hurry, a byproduct of anxiety ridden minds with such short attention span. I think she never hid the fact about using psychiatric drugs to cope along with marijuana, two things San Jose Guy vehemently opposes. Just ask him about it Dougster, and see how SJG responds. Just kidding....
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yeah right. And then a huge portion of them will end up in chains and working under the whip, while the Master's of the Universe play the markets.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: what is your stance on psychiatric and recreational drugs? :-) (j/k...)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think they are both no good, and that basically they are the same.

    I don't think we can deal with them by criminal prosecution of the users though. That is just not practical, like the 18th Amendment.

    But as for the doctors who prescribe them, they should be put out of business.

    And then of the ones putting kids on psychiatric and ADHD medications, those guys are in Josef Mengele territory. They should be tried in International Court for Crimes Against Humanity, and then executed by guillotine.


    "save and improve the human race and condition by impregnating the girl with the soul of an ethereal being"
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    This makes me chuckle deeply inside. The people in with are asking me why I'm laughing while reading my phone. How do you explain to other non-members of TUSCL the ramblings of San Jose Guy?

    I should probably pay up for a lifetime membership. This is too cheap of entertainment not to pay.
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