ghosting, its an epidemic

avatar for s88
Civie or stripper, all women are the same except for their cost.

Strippers tell customers they want to OTC and then ghost them the moment the customer asks to confirm a time and date.

Civies tell "friends" they want to meet IRL and no just on FB/text, then ghost them 1 hour before they meet.

With my civie, she actually tuned off her phone this morning, straight to voicemail. Right before I walked upto her parents house, I did one final call, straight to voicemail. I went to her parents house where we were supposed to meet, a person at the door I didnt know said she isn't there. 15 minutes later I get a whole stream of sorry texts, and that she she so wanted to hang out today but is vomiting and in pain. I ask for details, ghosted again.

Strippers dangle a OTC carrot infront of customers, to keep customers hooked. Pathological liar civie bottle rats dangle a "lets go for lunch" carrot infront of all men and women they know, so everyone thinks the liar likes them but they dont take up the liar for the lunch offer. I do and immediately get ghosted since OTC/lunch was never genuine, just so that woman can get what she wants out of you.

Some updates to… ExATF kicked her BF out of her place because he unemployed, kept smoking 1/2 an ounce in 1 night when she went to work at the SC when that was supposed to be for the whole week. Her BF now lives with his mom. Unlike jayhawk123 said that I wouldnt resist taking ExATF to VIP, last time with ExATF, I tipped her $10 the whole night and only got dances from other strippers and left the club early.

Out of desperation, and not wanting to be on my phone, I went to front row with ex-fav. Ex-fav immediately asked "are you still mad at me [for standing you up]?" I said no. Ex-fav introduced me to a ugly new latina on stage at a different pole and ex-fav walked away from the stage to some other customer, I immediately told ugly new latina Im not into her and walked away from front row cuz to myself I think, I only want fun with ex-fav, not the corner hoes that ex-fav picks up and brings to the SC in her BMW or whatever she drives. Hustler hustler hustler, jeez.


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avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
About a week ago I exchanged texts with a dancer who seemed very interested in coming to my place. Last text I sent her detailed exactly what she could expect and she replied "sounds great" within about 1 minute. Next day I tried to set up a fixed date and time. Then nothing. Nothing. Ghosted without a single explanation and haven't heard from her since.

Ghosting is way more rude than any other form of rejection. It's the single most frustrating part of dealing with dancers.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
And civvies, I know a gal near me, who claims she wants to go out. Twice, she's ghosted me, I said fuck it and gave up.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
That's what happens when the answer is no but they don't want to say it
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
So.....Dougster was ghosting us for several months
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Yeah, I've had that happen with both strippers and civis
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
In regards to strippers, there is no ghosting if you pay above market rates. Most likely another PL paid more so you're left holding your dick.

In terms of civvies, I see no reason for them NOT to ghost. They have nothing to gain by meeting up.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I aint afraid of no ghosts..... ghost busters
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Her loss
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I aint afraid of no ghosts..... ghost busters
avatar for ime
9 years ago
who you gonna call?
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago

I am the Keymaster
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
“Let’s show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown.”
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Ghosting and flaking are both way too common these days.

Although honestly, I just rarely make plans with anyone personally. Except the DC.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
^ This!
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I hate a bunch of lies. If you don't want to go out, just say so. Otherwise she just prefers to waste her time and the guys time pretending when the end result is the same. I believe some dancers train each other to do this to get guys to buy more dances and spend money. I'm not sure why civvie girls do it.

I do have some sisters and they did want the guy to convince them to go out before they did. Going up to the girl and saying, wanna date is like a dancer saying wanna dance with no talk.
avatar for rogertex
9 years ago
Don't get frustrated or mad. Get even. Double the offer. Even triple it. Say you just want a fun date. Watch that soiled panty readily agree. Set up place and time. Then ghost her. Next week at the club, just say "so sorry, let's try again!"
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I partially understand why some women (but not all) do it. In today's world, if a women starts to show interest -- then rejects -- the wrong socially inept man, then she may (1) end up with a stalker or (2) possibly dead in a ditch some place. I mean, it's a fucked up world out there.

I think the counter example given to men for them to understand the fear from the woman's POV is imagine a world where you can only date 800 lb lions. And you need to go on a date with one. Alone. And your first order of business for the first few minutes of the first date is to watch the lion's body language in order to see if the lion wants to eat you or not. And you only choice is to date lions (and risk being alone with one) or not date at all. Perhaps this example is over the top, but I've seen some women tremble and it doesn't help that some women's thought patterns are completely irrational and impulsive at lot of the times.

OT humor:
--> "As Good as It Gets, Jack Nicholson, How do you write women so well?, Nicholson responds, I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability" -->

Actually, Roger offers some good advice. Most sides of the dating equation (men and women) both want a "challenge." Oh, the fucked up mental games we are sometimes coaxed into playing. smh.


In reply to an earlier post on Jan 25, 2008 10:28:07 AM PST
M. Sundararaman says:

--> Im a single man in his mid 20s...iam an engineer. I grew up in an all boys catholic school. I dont have sisters..the only woman in my life prior to me getting in to the game was my mom, who gave me all the wrong advise when it comes to dating...

Complements never worked.Nice guys dont work...what all humans need, especially woman is a challenge..every girl i talked to said this..that she doenst want a nice guy (may be when the girls 35-36, and done with her sexual adventures and thrills, he wants a guy to bring home a steady pay check, a status in this society, and someone that can give her kids and the value called mommy)...till then everyone including all the woman are all about adventures, sexual and non-sexual......
most guys dont realize, and The Messiah (aka Mystery and Neil Strauss) finally giving us men a redemption.

Again routines may fail concepts dont.... --> end quote M. Sundararaman

"The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists Imitation Leather – September 6, 2005
by Neil Strauss (Author)"…
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
My ex-ATF broke about half out OTC dates with stripper shit, or even just never showed up. Ah...but the dates she kept were pretty good. Goes with the territory when you "date" a dancer.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

Ghosting is about as disrespectful as it comes.

It's just more evidence that dancers don't care about the customers at all. If you get butt-hurt about it, you only have yourself to blame.
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