
Considering MILFs

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:55 AM
I've been laying low, licking my wounds and contemplating my next move. It occurs to me that I've never really gone the MILF direction. I remember running across dancers on occasion who show some gentle signs of age, but are really fit and really hot. Is a dancer over 30 going to generally be more confident due to experience, less greedy because she's had time to become financially stable, and having a bit of maturity, less likely to be on the roller coaster of substance abuse? I think maybe I've been missing jut. Dammit. What say ye?


  • K
    8 years ago
    Go for it. You won't k ow if it is right for you until you try it. I found their experience can make it more enjoyable. They are less likely to flake on you. I don't think it is maturity. They realize they can't just make up the difference by picking up an extra night. As for substance abuse, they would not have made it this far if they were abusing drugs
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Experience helps w/ most things, I often find older dancers more adept at the customer service thing, but then again some are bitter but overall I usually like their treatment
  • Longball300
    8 years ago
    Once you go MILF you will never go back to the immature babbling and lack of skill set you run across about 50-70% time with a 22 year old.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I am to MILFs what JS69 is to 20 year olds. I love MILFs. It says something to me when I find a 30-45 year old woman (stripper or civie) that is still hot and has taken care of herself - or she just has really good genes. They are usually much more level headed and can actually relate to you during conversations. I find they are much more appreciative of the little thing s as well. For strippers the MILFs usually have more of s challenge making money so they will certainly appreciate your dollar more than a 20 year old. Best things about MILFs imamutt? They actually know what a stamp is!!!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    What is a stamp? :)
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Shailynn - re stamps, that one with the upside down airplane that was in the collection you traded me for the 82 Yugo is really cool!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ATF was over 30. (35-36). That should tell you something. Even though she's not dancing any more I don't see her getting de-throned anytime soon. There is something to be said for older dancers who maintain themselves.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    I like dating MILFs (what could I really talk about with a 20 something?) but I've preferred strippers in their 20s for the last 3 decades (90s, 00s, 10s). I've left my 20s far behind, but the strippers stay right there. My ATF is 24 and since she will retire soon, she will always be 24. She'll forget the money as soon as she hands it over to her boyfriend, but I get to keep the memory of up close and personal 20 something hotness as long as my memory holds out.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Papi and several others have seen me with a black dancer at Follies that I consider to be the hottest black girl there. She is 31 and has a 15 yo daughter. So don't rule anything out just based on age.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I like the 28-40 year olds some of them are godamned hot most of my favorites fall into that age range and the upside is that we hang out together both before and after sex. Aside to Immamutt that stamp is called an Inverted Jenny I believe, and Shailynn just paid for the rest of your life. Now you can be a whale if you weren't before. I'd be thanking him with a gift basket of endless Chakken Fangers and a lifetime supply of Four Locos, hell I'd splurge and get him the good stuff Pappy Van Winkle.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My CF is in her early 40's and I wouldn't trade her for any other dancer. With maturity comes experience.
  • JohnBoehner
    8 years ago
    I find MILFs much more reliable. They tend to be more level headed and appreciative. Also, they usually give very sensual dances. In my experience, a lot of the 20 somethings constantly bounce around and/or thump like pile drivers, rarely giving a good, sensual grind. MILFs tend to be slow and sensual and better grinders. They are more likely to engage in DFK and push other boundaries. I think this is in part because they know better what works in a dance, they need the business since half the room or so will not even consider them, and you are closer in age, so doing the things that make a great dance does not seem so weird. As already noted, they actually have something to talk about. Plus, they are more reliable – when they tell you their schedule, they stick to it, unlike the kids, who blow off work because they do not feel like it, are having issues with their boyfriends, or are hung over. I am assuming, of course, we are talking about an attractive MILF who has taken care of herself. Given a choice between a comparably attractive MILF and a dancer in her low 20s, it is not a close call in my book. My ATF was 35 at the time. DFK and mutual Os with her. Several other MILFs with similar times. What's not to like?
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I agree with all the upside of strippers in their late 20s and early 30s. Generally, the upside can be: - More mature & stable - More reliable - Far more self-awareness and level-headedness around pay-for-play, versus the typical SW-type "ewwww, that's dirty" That said, there are common problems worth keeping a look out for: - A 33-year-old stripper is often a stripper who has been working 10+ years, and is still showing such poor judgement and planning that she can't get out of stripping, when the girls she started with all moved on 10 years ago. - And that CAN effect her self-esteem deeply, even if you can't tell at first - Sometimes, they can be far more jaded and all-business The older girls I've interacted with all tended to have traits more in the first group (which is why they became ATFs), but all to at least some extent had at least some traits described in the second group, even if a more mature woman is better at hiding it -
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    You talking about dating MILFS or trying out strippers who are MILFS? Yeah MILFS turn me the fuck on. Still looking good, no childish games, can have a intelligent conversation with them, and they're EXPERIENCED.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    " immature babbling and lack of skill set you run across about 50-70% time with a 22 year old." :) I've always liked the advice of Ben Franklin and liked MILFs. And especially the ones that really are experienced. SJG
  • Phoenix133
    8 years ago
    They are definitely more level headed and is say experienced
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    My ATF isn't a MILF. She's a GILF (Grandma I'd Like to ......). Unfortunately, she just retired. She could still whip the young'uns in a hotness contest.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Subraman's assessment is spot on. I've had more good experiences with MILFs than bad. But bad is always a possibility...
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