Contemplating SC Retirement

avatar for Meursault
My ATF claims she is hanging up the sparkly shoes in a few months. I believe her. She has the stink of impending nuptials all over her.

This leads me to wonder if I should retire from the SC game myself, bother to cultivate a new favourite, or go back to my pre-divorce strip club style where I visit different clubs all the time but only when I'm travelling.

I definitely don't want to cultivate a new local favourite. Too much money for too little reward.

I think I will try a phased retirement approach where I go out less frequently, carefully avoid getting a new favourite and eventually make like Macarthur and "just fade away."

Any of you attempt retirement? Why didn't it work? What did you do with your disposable income? I don't think I could collect stamps, and my ex-wife always told me that "philately will get you know where."


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avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
My ATF, after 8 years, dumped me, quit stripping and got remarried. That was 3 years ago and I have never considered hanging strip clubbing up. I'm 74 now and just got over a bout with cancer and I'm not gonna stop until they carry me out.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Unless you have a problem with the SC thing altogether, why would the exit of one dancer make that huge a difference? I mean, unless you are in love with her (like *that* ever happens), she's not the entirety of your enjoyment of strip clubs, right?
avatar for MrBater2010
9 years ago
Never had a favorite that knew she was my favorite. I say keep doing what you enjoy.

On that note I keep thinking about giving up online perving. But it keeps my hands so soft.
avatar for Dacandyman
9 years ago
im wanting 2 increase my strip clubbin now that i have been dumped. but i dont live near any good clubs so im stuck with candy n porno
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I've talked about my former ATF, Danni. She retired and moved down South. I was very, very sad as she was one of the nicest dancers that I've ever known. I didn't retire, there are so many choices here in Detroit, and I've met some major babes in my travels. Shadowcat ribs me for my fondness for Gwen, but she was nice to me. I've slowed down, but I'll never stop clubbing. Too much enjoyment, meeting new dancers and all the TUSCL people I've met through the years.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
As I've posted b/f when I'm in my pretend philosopher persona; most of us SC for a reason; I mean considering what one often has to put up w/ and the kind of $$$ one often spends; we do it for a reason and IMO stopping the SCing does not make the reason we go, go away - i.e. what is one gonna replace SCing with that makes us wanna go in the first place - sure there are probably good alternatives; but if the alternatives are so good and tried and true; many of us would not be career SCers.

SCing is often not the problem/issue; IMO it is a symptom of the problem whatever that may be (if there is one) - to SC or not SC is not exactly a life or death question and an executive decision is not necessarily required; take if for what it is (entertainment from the doldrums of life) and if it's not doing much for you then step away and if it does something for you nothing else can currently do; then enjoy it while you can (have the funds and health to).
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Shadowcat is gonna die in a lapper...but he'll die happy!!!

I wonder sometimes if I'll have the latest labido for the SC scene when I am older in my retirement years. But I know for me I SC to fill the void of no significant other in my life. When I have had GF's I stop going to thec SC. But that's me and could be different for everyone.
avatar for ArtCollege
9 years ago
If you want to have only one, why not just get married?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Trust the little head, he will send you in the right direction.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Fading away sounds like a sensible plan.

avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I give her marriage 3 years tops.

Take a break from SC. Then go on a sampling tour. Don't go looking for a fave, let the girl prove to you why she deserves to be a fave.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
"I definitely don't want to cultivate a new local favourite. Too much money for too little reward."

That's a big problem. Maybe just do the traveling thing. Implement the System
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
^ ha. The System. All this advice is good, but how did I forget about The System. Where did I put my white suit?
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
I can relate. I've recently stopped seeing my ATF for several reasons: Financial; can't leave my wife alone (dementia), ATF is sober and I think "hooking" will lead her back to drugs.
My #2 is ok but nowhere near the same. And she starts a new job tomorrow with an escort agency.
My ATF posts pics on FB from nice restaurants and of her getting ready to "go out" so there's no doubt that she found a replacement for me.
I'm going to try Backpage and see if that fills the void. I really don't want to put forth the time & money to develop a new favorite.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I like to get 2 dancers from each girl, if I can. You often find some hidden gems that way. Depends how you want to approach it (and if you want to approach it at all).
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
If you retire I hope you stay on TUSCL, you're a valuable contributor and very reasonable IMO.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

@SJG - That is a philosophy to live by.

I usually skip your posts but have recognized that your short ones are usually on point.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I only club when I travel which is mostly during work.

I do not club at my home base mainly because the clubs suck, but it's something to look forward to do when I'm out on the road. I average 1 outing a month, sometime 3 outing can come in 2 weeks and I may not club for 2 months straight but it all evens out.

If you're burnt out, just take a break. One time after a break up with my ATF it was a good year before I stepped foot inside a club, but I eventually got back and was glad I returned.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I thought about stopping my visits at one time. I even went two or 3 weeks without a strip club visit. What happened? I was watching the evening news and they kept mentioning strip clubs and how cities were placing restrictions on them or shutting them down. I thought I better go before they are all gone.

One time I had an accident and a head injury. Had to avoid all alcohol and smoke for 5 weeks. That meant no strip clubs. I even had to walk out of a church service very early one week because the priest used incense and I found out why I should avoid all smoke. Just a whiff gave me an extreme headache. I guess I had a bone healing from a fracture. After 5 weeks, I was ready to have some fun.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I may have waited 6 or 8 weeks before I returned just to be safe. Take a break if it seems boring or you want to do something else. I skipped about 2 months in December and January before returning. Electrical tape or duct tape over nipples, all kinds of new rules, I thought it all sucked. Still do but they managed to use something other than duct tape or electrical tape for pasties so they didn't look like crap. However they keep adding rules so how long I keep visiting strip clubs is a good question. As soon as I find something more entertaining or more enjoyable, strip clubs for me are history for the most part.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"... Contemplating SC Retirement ..."

You should always consult your financial planner (Juice in my case) b/f contemplating retirement to see if it makes sense
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
^ ha. Juice as a financial planner is scary. Hope you can live on chacken fangers and Four Locos in your golden years.
avatar for ime
9 years ago
Juice would say if you have chacken fangers and four loco in retirement you are living like a kang.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Sharkhunter - -> " before returning. Electrical tape or duct tape over nipples, all kinds of new rules, I thought it all sucked. Still do but they managed to use something other than duct tape or electrical tape for pasties so they didn't look like crap. However they keep adding rules so how long I keep visiting strip clubs is a good question." - -> end quote sharkhunter

I am in the same boat, we have lots of rules here like this. (2 foot off the ground and 2 foot away if she's nude or semi-nude. 4 articles of clothing on while dancing, 2 feet on the ground, Pasties and bikini tops, bootie shorts or gowns over g-strings (no bare ass on the main floor or dance areas), absolutely no contact.) Honestly I thought I would have to resort to hiring a escort in a hotel room just so I could get an honest lap dance.

Personally it's not as bad as I would have expected, even with all the rules. I enjoy it for what it is. I go when I have an itch to scratch or when my mind clearing or when I want a few minutes with a fantasy girl. I try not to overthink it too much. I think there's too much focus on CFs and ATFs on TUSCL. That's my take.
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