
I got used for sex

Monday, July 4, 2016 9:05 PM
I rarely ever take a girl out who is over 16, nevermind 21. But last night I crossed the 21 threshold with a girl who was easily the hottest dancer on Graig's List. Lush, soft and slightly curvy in all the right places, yet she was in great shape. Well, last night she was pissed at her live-in boyfriend for a variety of things. She spent most of our time bitching about what he wouldn't and couldn't do, from decent sex to a host of other shit. She made it clear that she was dumping him. The nice off shoot to this is that it was giving her a new perspective on accepting my previously made offers of $50. After a little careful negotiation, and after repeated requests for my assurances hat nobody would ever hear about it from me, off we went. All I have to say is holy shit. She looked better dressed than fully undressed and she wasn't shy about getting hers too, which she did multiple times. The best part, though, was after round 1. I assumed that it was over and even paid her, but she had other ideas. I don't think I ever fucked, or got fucked by, a hooker like that. Despite the fact that it was late and I had been drinking and driving, she made damn sure that I was ready for round 2 and then we fucked like champs. I was in that hotel room with her for well over an 6min, even though she could have left much earlier with a job already well done. She was obviously on a mission and that girl made sure to get everything she could out of it. I ought to send a thank you letter to her soon-to-be-ex boyfriend for pissing her off so much, lol.


  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    LMAO, Rick. Congratulations !! People on the rebound are out for revenge at times. Glad to hear you benefited.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    And there is no problem with pissing off her boyfriend because Rick is a bear! So brilliant for him!
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Good job
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Oh bother, another victim of tainted honey. An alluring female gets bare and next thing you know you now have the position of taking all her soon-to-be ex's issues upon yourself. But...since the sex is good...
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Funny. This bear's satire is on point.
  • Dacandyman
    8 years ago
    i wanna get used 4 sex
  • Dacandyman
    8 years ago
    i wanna get used 4 sex
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Caution about getting involved with a girl who is dissing her SO. If that is how she is, it won't go any better for you. SJG
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