Floyd Mayweather sends $20K tax bill to strip club

For all of the money that Floyd Mayweather makes, the retired boxer is always trying to find a way to make sure he’s taking advantage of every tax break possible. In what is certainly a unique way to save money, Mayweather is seeking to write off a 2014 visit to Larry Flint’s Hustler Club in Las Vegas where the fighter allegedly spent more than $20,000 on strippers.
According to documents retrieved by the Daily Mail, Mayweather Promotions LLC sent a 1099 tax form to the strip club and wants the club to pay taxes on the $15,000 in singles thrown into the air and $5,000 he and his crew spent at the club on May 25, 2014.
Obviously, the strip club owner is furious with these claims. Jason Mahoney told the UK publication that he felt “insulted” by Mayweather’s tax bill considering that he’s provided Mayweather’s “The Money Team” free admission, VIP seating and up to 20 bottles of alcohol for free.
“Mayweather came to the club with a large group of friends, we gave them everything, comped bottles, comped seating, comped admission, they basically paid for nothing,” Mahoney said. “We should have given Mayweather a 1099 for $10,000. As you saw on the video, they had a big party enjoying themselves.”
YouTube videos of Mayweather and his entourage at the club do exist, although the amount of cash spent was inflated to $100,000. The 1099 paperwork shows that Mayweather spent a total of $20,323.18. But the bigger issue is that Mahoney says that not a single dime went to the club as the strippers who are independent contractors pocketed a majority of it.
“The reason for doing that is to get a tax write-off, but to me it is falsifying your tax records because he threw the money in the air,” he said. “If he wanted to 1099 somebody he should have gotten the names of all the entertainers he threw the money at.”
The P.R. manager for the club, Leo Mena, has said that Mayweather is no longer welcome to the club and was especially offended that the multi-millionaire didn’t tip the cocktail waitresses.
“The club didn’t receive a dollar of Mayweather’s money from him or his team, the girls collected it all off the floor,” he said. “To top it off he never tipped the waitress who served the drinks.”
Mahoney suggested that Mayweather would be welcomed back to the club if he pays admission and apologizes.
Mayweather’s tax attorney Jeff Morse said that it is possible that the form was issued in error and that this could be rectified if the Hustler Club contacted Mayweather Promotions. But, until then, the tax bill stands.
last commentIDK what to say
Heavyweight Jerk Off Champion of the World,still undefeated.
What an asshole. Fortunately for the club, the IRS has the last word on this, and they'll laugh in Mayweather's face.
Of course the hustler club representatives could be exaggerating or just lying but if this happened the way they claim, that's sad.
I think Mayweather's lawyers would do well to subpoena the club for the video footage of their client making it rain on stage to look for a loaded gun pointed at his head or other evidence that he was being compelled to do this against his will. (sarcasm implied)
What a dumbass
Hey, no one is under obligation to maximize the take of the U.S. Treasury? If he can legally reduce his tax burden., why not?
(Actually he's a dumb-ass here, but still. ...)
^^^ agree
Money Mayweather aka Pretty Boy aka TBE!
Floyd is a world class woman beating jerk, but you can't pin this on him. Does anyone honestly think Floyd had anything to do with sending the 1099s? He's got people to wipe his ass. He doesn't know what a 1099 is.
If he hired the person who did it and they did it on his behalf, he's responsible. And if he hasn't to this point stepped in himself and rectified the situation, that just affirms his culpability.
Ah well, this is what rich people do. Unfortunately, since he's African-American he gets more stringent treatment than your average Wolf on Wall Street. I'm not tax expert but if relied on him NOT contributing to the CLUB revenue, than good on him. There's more strip clubs in the sea.
Did he REALLY do his own taxes or did his solicitors do it? We all know he can't read, so I'm a little concerned if he really did do it by himself.
Mayweather reminds me of Scotty Pippen.
Hey, too bad I can't withdraw my SC funds from the HSA. (health savings account) I consider SC trips to be like therapy to me. Therapy around here is $90/hr cash or $120/hr billed to insurance. I'd rather spend those funds on SCs and strippers. A man can dream.
He's learned well - spend other people's money.