
avatar for Imamutt
Some customers are real gentlemen who know how to treat women right, we even wash our hands, brush our teeth, shower, shave, and wear clean clothes. Some of us even have empathy and want girls of equal cleanliness and consideration to have a satisfactory experience, knowing we will command preference over the slobs. I am physically fit, somewhat muscular, I have no gut. I tip well, and I generally good manners. I don't make any judgement of you or anyone else, until I have been given sufficient cause. How dare you judge anyone else. You chose this line of work but it's a safe bet you would be happier doing something else.


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
She's just a troll; "her" posts are not real.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
She hates what she is and takes it out on the world. I could care less if she likes me.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Imamutt, she needs to start collecting stamps instead of having internet access.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^^ you're right and I'm betting you suck a lot more dick than she ever will.


avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ a gay opinion on a male dominated board is not a bad thing. You're the closest thing we have to a moms intuition.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I'll stay far away from sjg, just in case he gets any ideas, shailynn.
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
I'm assuming SJGay is talking there? Otherwise, it looks like Shailynn is having a concering psychotic episode with one of his gay personalities...

I would've thought most people just block him.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
100:1 it's a troll. And if it weren't a troll, she is so badly damaged that I don't think anyone needs to justify or defend themselves, or even dignify the "argument" with a response
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
I say keep it/her going as long as we can. I'm honored, that someone saw fit to air their vacuous collective judgment on our fair tuscl.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
"Some customers are real gentlemen"

That wouldn't be me lol.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Starlight69 on TUSCL sounds a lot like Selina M on Stripperweb. Nice work brother TUSCL troll.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I say fuck that bitch.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
If she is real and got her wish, all strippers would have to quit with no customers and get a real job. A real job where you are expected to get work done, show up on time, work all week, can't drink, might not be able to smoke, and could get reprimanded if you do anything out of line or fired. A boss might stop you from talking too much if it was interfering with work. Joy at last for former strippers. Then occasionally told about more work we need to do but it gets assigned to you.

Then you get a new boss and find out you need to do even more work. You work harder and harder and then hear all pay increases will be delayed again, employee benefits are getting cut. It goes on and on. The other option is to quit and be a bum.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
She's not real it's actually a copy paste from another post so I think it's Juice
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Copy paste from stripperweb?
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"100:1 it's a troll. And if it weren't a troll, she is so badly damaged that I don't think anyone needs to justify or defend themselves, or even dignify the "argument" with a response"

avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Yeah, get a real job, troll. LOL
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
"I would've thought most people just block him."
Yes we do. By now the idiot probably has an audience of only his other aliases.
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