GoVikings, you're black right? No love for the sistas?
Black women are second on my list, but most of them don't look good to me. The good looking ones though really look good. It's more my type as far as appearance, so that's why it's second on my list, if that makes sense.
I'm like Rockstar in that I like all women but I'll try
E Mixed race (exotic looking) D Latina tie A White tie B Black C Asian
My favorites right now are mixed. This list order is subject to change depending on what the girls look like. If they are all pretty and all frisky in VIP I think this would be my order.
My list includes general attitudes and personalities EYE find when I talk to these genre of women. This is a medium of strippers and non-strippers. Hoes aren't included in my evaluation.
I did some math(bad idea) and came up with some eye opening numbers. I tallied up all the first, second and third place votes(after that basically means you not interested at all probably). 3 points per first vote, 2 per second vote and a single point for third vote. I then added those numbers together for a composite score.
Man, this is hard to answer! I'll go with: A E (exotic looking) C D B
but on a day-to-day basis I'm all over the map. For example, I was at Jimmy's in Chicago Heights last night and tonight. Last night I got dances *only* from a sista, whereas tonight my lappers were from a thick white girl, a slender Puerto Rican, another slender white girl, and then the thick white girl again.
On a Tuesday afternoon at the Landing Strip in Austin a few weeks ago, when lap dances were only $5, I got 24, broken down something like this:
4 - Armenian 5 - white 6 - Cuban 5 - black 4 - Armenian (again)
last commentA. White women
D. Latina women
E. Mixed race women
B. Black women
C. Asian women
C, D, B, A E. Yeah, there's contradictions there but I really like ALL women so it's not rocket science.
Black women are second on my list, but most of them don't look good to me. The good looking ones though really look good. It's more my type as far as appearance, so that's why it's second on my list, if that makes sense.
No love for the other 2 usually.
E Mixed race (exotic looking)
D Latina
tie A White
tie B Black
C Asian
My favorites right now are mixed. This list order is subject to change depending on what the girls look like. If they are all pretty and all frisky in VIP I think this would be my order.
black girls and asians, in most cases, don't interest me. i agree with this though
"Black women are second on my list, but most of them don't look good to me. The good looking ones though really look good"
As a mixed man, I take after my dad when it comes to how I like my women: white.
D. Latina
A. White
E. Mixed Race
B. Black
C. Asian
But really it just depends on the individual girl. For example one night a black girl may be the stand out to me over even all the Latinas.
you can't tell me you don't have preferences
The results
Latina- 34
White- 23
E (exotic looking)
but on a day-to-day basis I'm all over the map. For example, I was at Jimmy's in Chicago Heights last night and tonight. Last night I got dances *only* from a sista, whereas tonight my lappers were from a thick white girl, a slender Puerto Rican, another slender white girl, and then the thick white girl again.
On a Tuesday afternoon at the Landing Strip in Austin a few weeks ago, when lap dances were only $5, I got 24, broken down something like this:
4 - Armenian
5 - white
6 - Cuban
5 - black
4 - Armenian (again)
but if times are tough any white bitch will do as long as the skin is not tanned or the nipples dark