
How many of you have been watching The Purge movies at theatres?

Must be a lot of sick people out there watching all that.

I see they are coming out with another Purge movie.
Maybe this is more like a what would you do if you won the lottery kind of thing instead of thinking about shooting up all the annoying people in your life or raping your favorite stripper or whatever law you want to break during the Purge.
They never show life after the Purge days. If you killed someone, all their relatives may seek revenge on the next Purge and on and on. If you raped your favorite stripper, she might work on a way to get even. From stories I've heard, strippers might do some Purging themselves.


  • a21985
    8 years ago
    You're looking at it the completely wrong way. The Purge movies are never about the enjoyment in the scenario of making all crime legal for the night, but the complete and utter fear of it. The characters focused on are folks who abstain from participating in it and instead are choosing to desperately escape it. From a film goer and horror fan's perspective, its the fear that no one character can be trusted and no one can be counted on to save you, that even the most unlikely of characters could be hidden antagonists. It's the ultimate game of hide amd seek where everyone could be it at anytime.

    The Purge movies obviously don't exist in any sort of sensical reality and would fail horribly if we were to apply common sense logic and the concept of repricussions to it. I'm not a fan of the movies, but as a fan of the horror genre, I get the appeal of this concept.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    It's Darwin at its best

    If we at least practised it once a year I bet the population problem would fix

    Lower population means less pulution , more jobs, less illnesses and so

    We could kill off the elderly, retards, cripples and people that suck off of society

    If we streamed line things things would just run smoother

    You know what I'm saying
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    As the movie franchise goes I think their movies suck tyranny balls

    But the concept

    Is Brilliant

  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I think I'm like this because of my strong Viking heritage

    Viking blood runs in my veins
  • Rabbit21
    8 years ago
    Agree with a21985, the movies are definitely presented from a "this is wrong" perspective and they've started to explore the idea of how to make it go away now that it has come to the US. The first one was a fairly standard home invasion flick, just with an intriguing premise, the second and third ones have just put it on a larger stage. There is a little bit of an "Occupy wherever" vibe that I'm not a huge fan of, but it's not like these are the cinematic equivalents of "Postal" the video game.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    sharkhunter, everyone here seems to have given more of the "actual" storyline to the movies and I will add. I've seen the first 2. I am not a horror movie fan but these two installments intrigued me a little, although neither were very good movies.

    In the first movie a guy is a successful salesman that installs security systems for people to stay safe from The Purge in their own homes. A young homeless man is outside his home and begs to come in because other wealthy young people (think rich kids) like to go out and kill homeless people (think defenseless) for fun and the young homeless men killed on of the "rich kids" while defending himself and the remaining ones want to make sure they kill him. One of the salesman's kids let him in, and the "rich kids" go on to destroy the house to get inside and decide to attempt to kill everyone inside the house. It goes on on and with lots of plot line twists.

    In the next installment, a guy's family is killed by a drunk driver so he want to enact revenge as well as protect other innocent people caught in unsafe areas during the purge, and he quickly gets into much more than he bargained for.

    They are dark, they are twisted and they weren't that great either. I will watch the 3rd installment, but I'll wait until it's run in the theaters and watch it at home.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Fantastic concept, horrible execution. In the hands of decent writers and directors, I can imagine this concept being awesome
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Most strippers binge then purge

  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I've seen the movies when they came to the tv screen. I just didn't think they were terribly great movies to go pay money to watch. However they were entertaining enough to watch on tv and make you think what if?

    Maybe I'm stuck thinking more like a hitman instead of the fear side. I have trouble getting into the fear part of horror movies.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I have that problem as well shark I often watch horror for pure comedy
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I saw both of them in the theater. Lol
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Because of your viking blood you laugh at terror
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I get drunk in the blood of faggots
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Being a fan of horror and post-apocalyptic movies, I have seen both Purge movies and plan to see the third next month (though they're not actually either of those genres). I do think that "The Purge" was just OK and "The Purge: Anarchy" was underwhelming.

    Can we agree that the actress Adelaide Kane, who plays the teenage daughter in "The Purge", is a cutie-patootie who needs to get naked in a movie already? Here is a photo from IMDb:


    and a PG-rated video clip from "The Purge" that I found on, of all places, www.pornhub.com:

    The schoolgirl look -- white blouse and short plaid skirt with matching necktie -- is kind of a turn-on, ne c'est pas?

    If you haven't seen "The Purge" and she looks familiar anyway, maybe it's because she plays Mary, Queen of Scots on the CW series "Reign" -- and maybe you're actually a girl yourself :) Adelaide is, by the way, descended from Mary, Queen of Scots!
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