
A bloody mess

layin low but staying high
This was from a DS date a few weeks ago. Once again my sexual freak led me to a new sexual experience that I might not have been willing to do with a lesser woman. I'm not sure how common what we did is, but it was a first for me.

I can always tell soon after she arrives how horny she is. If she initiates sex soon after arriving, then she really wants an orgasm. If she waits for me to initiate, that usually means that she just needs to chill and smoke a while until she's ready for her old man induced orgasm. And if she's not in the mood at all for whatever reason, which happens to all women sometimes even the freaks, then she tells me that's she's just in the mood to take care of me this time. Although I'd rather get her off every time, she knows that I much prefer honest communication about sex and I despise fake porn girl orgasms.

This particular time we talk and smoke for 10-15 min but then she pretty quickly initiates. But she initiates slowly and deductively, just like she knows I love it. She takes off her top. Says she's hot. Then she drinks and smokes weed while I gaze at my girls. Then she says she's still hot so she takes off her bra. They are my favorite breasts. And they are perfect. And still growing. I suggest that she'd be cooler if she also took off her pants. She agrees.

I know her really well, and she obviously wants an orgasm tonight. But I'm not that kind of guy. I'm not a slut who she can just use for her sexual pleasure however she pleases.

Ok that's exactly what I am. But I wanna make her work for it a little bit. Foreplay with her is so amazing.

In the interest of those with short attention spans, I'll skip 30 plus minutes of the wonderful preliminaries and get to the fucking. Turns out she was in the middle of her period. Sometimes this means that she just sucks me to completion cause she's not in the mood to receive at that time of the month. Other times she's horny from having her period, and if so I have often sucked her clit to completion. She wears a tampon so there's no mess and I'm happy to do it for her.

Except recently she stopped wearing tampons. Some health thing. She reads about shit on the internet all the time and then goes on some sort of kick. This time it's the tampons are dangerous kick. So she's wearing a pad, and my mouth is not an option. She says she wants me to fuck her. Of course I say ok. You can't deny a DS. But I'm a little scared cause I've never fucked a woman in the middle of her period. The closest I've come is when there is a little light spotting. The DS tells me it's a very heavy flow but she really wants to fuck. So we will fuck.

She has a very specific plan. She wants me to fuck her from behind in the shower. So after she blows me to the edge of paradise in bed, we get in the shower. I'm not much into shower fucking as a general proposition, but it does make sense during her period. She bends over on all fours and offers up her ass to me. I enter her. Pussy that is, I still don't do anal. The shower fuck would've looked hot in porn but I'm not a 21 yo porn star as much as I wish I were. The shower is too small, the position is too cramped and awkward, so, after a few minutes I ask to fuck on the bed. Of course she is willing to please me.

I put down several towels. There is a little blood on us that the shower didn't wash away but I don't care. I'm high as fuck and I'm with the woman of my dreams. So I plunge right in.

This was one of our best fucks ever. Really intense. Many things made it so good. First, she was massively into getting fucked. I can tell when she needs an orgasm, and this is one of those times. It's not always like this, but this time we are clearly going to cum together. I just need to last long enough for her. Second, we kissed much of the time I was inside her. I'm more turned on by kissing her than I am by shooting my load in her mouth to swallow. Third, when I wasn't kissing her, I stared intently at her glorious face and body. You know how you spot the hottest girl in the club nude on stage and cant take your eyes off her? It was like that. Except I'm inside her. She keeps her eyes closed the whole time so she doesn't even know I'm staring. Most likely weed is telling her that it's Drake or some rapper who is fucking her. Fourth, I'll put it this way. She is my perfect 10. And I love her. And I'm hard as a steel rod exploring every corner of her tight young vagina. I do not pay her too much

I fucked her for at least 15 min. I'm sweating even though the ac is on high. When her orgasm started I felt it clearly. I can usually feel her orgasms. Whether it's my dick, my mouth, or my fingers that are pleasuring her, there's no mistaking the tightening of her muscles as her pleasure commences. That is followed by wave after wave of spasms which grab my dick and then release. Grab release, grab release. I could've fucked her for another ten minutes or more easy because of the weed. Weed makes me extremely horny, it makes me harder than ever, and it delays my orgasm. So I can fuck even the hottest young stripper 2-3 times longer thanks to the miracle drug. But as her spasms begin, I give myself permission to unload. As her orgasm is fading, mine begins. I adore my unions with her.

After it's over I stay rock hard. I feel longer than ever inside her. Thank you marijuana. But we are both slowly becoming aware of the mess we just made. I eventually suggest that we go get in the shower together. As I withdraw and get up, there is blood everywhere. Shit. It looks like a crime scene. We both look like we had major surgery on our genitals. I put down three large bath towels and some smaller ones also, but things got moved out of place while we enjoyed one another. I see several places where there's blood all over the bed and not just on the towels. My parting thought as we head for the shower is that I hope I didn't hurt her somehow because there really is a lot of blood everywhere. I don't know how much the average woman bleeds but I didn't think it was this much.

In the shower it is gross. Not only is there a huge stream of blood coming off of both of us, but dark red and black chunks of something are swirling around the drain as well. I have never seen such a thing before. But strangely, surprisingly, the blood and gore is kinda hot at the same time that it's gross. We wanted each other so badly tonight that something like this can't even stop us. Damn. But no wonder a woman's period can screw her up so much. I'm sure I'd have some sort of serious adverse reaction if I lost that much blood every month.

Fortunately the hotel room had two beds. They were out of rooms with single king beds when I checked in. So we covered up the blood with sheets and towels as best we could and took up occupancy in the other bed. If the hotel tried to charge me for the damage I was going to say that I had accidentally cut myself badly and had to go to the hospital for stitches. But I never heard anything about it after check out.

Do you guys regularly fuck women having their period like this, or is this usual?


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Not my cup of tea.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    As far as I can tell, John had sex with one of his children, and she was on her period. He felt is was erotic and noteworthy enough to start a thread.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    You don't have to read the whole thing to know the summary. I didn't. He fucked her while she was on her period and it was bloody. It was probably another one of his "firsts." Oh and she came over for the date wearing a pad instead of a tampon because she internet researched the negativity of tampons without discovering an alternative such as the sponge or cup.

    The DS should've washed her vagina thoroughly first, especially since she came over wearing a pad on a hot day.

    I've had sex on my period many times. I shower first and put a towel down but the towel is not usually necessary as there is usually barely any mess. A few blood spots at most.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Man, next time just do that in the hotel hot tub, the alternating friction from the water and lubricating effect of her flow will blow your mind.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Nina, the story is about spilling bloody marys while having sex on the beach. Next time if a post is too boring, long, offensive or whatever to merit you even reading it, why the fuck waste your time responding to it.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    I had this happen to me once. I picked a girl up on spring break in Clearwater Florida, and took her back to my hotel room. However, she didn't inform me ahead of time that she was on her period.

    Same thing, bed sheets were a bloody mess. Looked like someone had killed a person in there... I never had any extra charge for cleaning, but I thought for sure there would be.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Js69 grow some fucking balls dude, I didn't insinuate that anything was "offensive" to me. Why you pulled that word out of your ass I have no idea, but it seems that whenever my comment doesn't conform to your fantasy land, you get sensitive. Maybe she wasn't the one on her period...
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Ok Nina, let's address the real issue. Why do you keep reading all of my stories but yet insist to everyone that they aren't worth your time to read? Sure the title of the post made clear that I had sex with a woman during her period, and yes you could logically surmise who that woman was, but you know details from the middle of the story like Internet research on the safety of tampons. So obviously you read the story. You then felt compelled to comment but are careful to point out to everyone that you didn't really read the whole story. Even though you obviously did read it. Why?

    I won't point out the obvious reason for this dichotomy, especially since Lone Wolf and others have already commented upon your infatuation with my stripper exploits.

    Now you can go ahead and protest by telling us all again how you really can't stand me, or my stories, or my strippers.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Oh yeah she did shower and wash herself first. Sorry the story didn't have enough details like that.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I'm commenting on your thread like everybody else, adding my input from a woman's point of view. Stop acting like you are the only person whose threads I comment on with my opinion. I do it all the time regardless of who created the thread. Apparently my experiences and opinion don't fit your pitiful self-absorbed narrative so you attack my comments as if I actually said something hurtful towards you. Yayyy you fucked a girl on her period for the first time! You get a gold star. No let's make it a big red one. (upon reading your bitchmade comments towards me, I DID in fact just read the entirety of the story. And yes, by the way, I can skim through paragraphs and only read particular ones at my choosing, it's called selective reading, as I skip the repetitive babble that can be found in most posts you create).

    Stop with the obscure claims of the make believe sexual tension you created to make yourself feel better when deep down you know that if I had sex with you I'd probably puke afterwards and need intense therapy.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Yeah Sam. Even on a web site for strip club enthusiasts, you can't avoid bitchy women.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'll buy everyone who comes to the Detroit meetup a lap dance if Nina can resist her primal urge to bitch about me calling her a bitchy woman.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Talk about bitchy women, JS69 your gigantic vault of lengthy posts consists of whining and complaining and --- oh, yes --- lotsss of bitching of why someone didn't text you back or why this girl dumped you or proclaiming that you're leaving tuscl just to come right back, or some other "woe is me" attention whore post where you bitch, bitch, and bitch some more.

    Your insistance on buying everyone a dance if I essentially don't provide a retort for you calling me a bitchy woman is just you desperately trying to save face so I don't continue to keep posting and humiliate you further. I guess everyone at the meet up is still going to have to spend that extra little bit of pocket change for that one dance you offered because Nina can't keep her bitchy mouth shut when some grump wants to talk shit.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    My condolences to those who just lost a free lap dance. I knew there wasn't much risk of me having to pay out on that one.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    She'll post again too. Just watch.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    Ugh. Maybe you need a real woman and not a "dream" one so you can handle it better when you interact with one.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Just like everyone else on here, bow down and kiss the strippers' ass. Except in this case the stripper doesn't allow that. Or so she says.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Some women do get super horny on their periods. Some do not.

    My crazy bi ex girlfriend wanted it all the time, period or no. She'd wash herself then we'd throw down a towel, and take a shower after.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    My wife and I fuck on her period regularly- it relieves her cramps and helps her flows, although it can be a disgusting mess at times. Long before I married, this hot little brunette followed me back to my hotel room to fuck, but then backed off claiming she was on her period. I didn't care, but she did, ao she passed out in my room. Then, another girl from the conference called and wanted hook up, but needed to do it in my room-which I couldn't because of the first girl. Helluva a way to get blue-balled and cock-blocked by the same girl in one night.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    You need an editor. And perhaps thicker skin.
  • JohnSmith96
    8 years ago
    I think everyone knows that I only brag about fucking the DS on her period to cope with the reminder that she's old enough to HAVE a period.

    Also. As I'm the king of kissing stripper ass, it's hypocritical for me to call someone else out for doing it! DS could basically rob me blind and laugh in my face and I'd still beg to "worship" her apparently bloody pussy while she closes her eyes and imagines I'm ANYONE else.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Thank you Ish. I certainly respect the insights of someone who in six entire months here has managed a single review and 12 whole discussions.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Right. Because everyone's TUSCL stats directly reflect their total lifetime experience in strip clubs.

    And my TUSCL stats have direct relevance to you writing a rambling novella about sex with a teenage girl in the midst of her period.

    Alternately, you get a bit moody when you don't get your daily dose of validation on an anonymous online forum for guys who like strip clubs.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Wow. And I'm the one with thin skin.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    You are.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I told you she'd post again.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I guess that makes you a clairvoyant, now doesn't it?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    So why couldn't you just say you fucked ds on her period?
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    ^There's no theater in that.
  • JohnSmith96
    8 years ago
    I didn't fuck her, I worshipped her Tiny Pink ( Bloody) Pussy.
  • JohnSmith96
    8 years ago
    I had an EROTIC Erotic Worshipful Session of Sensual Sex with my Special Unicorn Whore.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    All forums are shit without content.

    JS69 posts regularly. If you don't care for it, just skip it.

    Better yet, post your own stories instead of shitting on others'

    Good writing takes time and effort.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I didn't shit on his story, I provided experience to the issue by providing my point of view. Apparently it wasn't the answer he was looking for because he copped an attitude so of course I'm going to defend my words and I don't bend over and take it up the tailpipe, and most definitely not for guys like that.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It's ok Nina. I don't do anal.

    By the way, I'm high so I'm not pissed at you anymore.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Of all the posts on this silly thread, this last one by Bavarian was my favorite. Unlike the quote by SamPepys, I will neither swim in nor drink from the Red River, and I would prefer not to even read about it, but no one forced me to. I still find JS69's sex stories interesting and well-written, though this one was grosser than usual.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    This is the only sex I've ever had that was both gross and erotic at the same time. I wonder if that means that I would enjoy anal if I just tried it? I already finger both the DS and the MILF in the ass.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    You should introduce her to the cup. No need for a bloody mess.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Seaboard, I have no idea what the cup is.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Ok I googled it. I'm so high that I got hard just reading the directions for insertion. That sounds like a great solution, but what's the down side? One is she'd expect me to pay for it.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Lol funny, I brought up the cup in my very first response to this thread, but I got shit for it.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Youre probably right that she found out about the cup thru Internet research. My guess is she went with the cheapest alternative but I'll ask her.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    They come something like a dozen to a box for less than $10. They are definitely the way to go.

    Nina, missed it; but then I skipped 99% of the "witty banter" in this thread.
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