Falling Down Drunks
I usually go in the daytime for a variety of good reasons, but even the day shift gets its share, I guess. It's about mid afternoon and a guy walking across the floor seems to trip over air and fall flat on his face. No less than five minutes later one at the bar passes out and falls off a barstool. WTF?
On the other hand they could just be drunkards.
Twentyfive- I club wherever my atf works. Thanks to her frequent hiring and firing, I club everywhere, man, I club everywhere...
twentyfive - I don't disclose for many reasons, among them; SJGay wants to stalk me, shailynn is jealous of my PL prowess and wants to sabatoge my game, an entourage of PLs would want to exploit me for their own entertainment and would eventually make me their king, I respect the privacy of others and wish to maintain my own privacy as well.