
What a game 7

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    OKC is a good team but GS is a great team !!!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Congrats to the warriors. But I'm not surprised. Deep down(for a number of reasons, biggest being I'm a bulls fan first and Westbrook is my favorite player)there was just a part of me that just wanted to believe gsw wasn't invincible and they could lose, but alas, it just wasn't to be.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    gonna be a loooooong off-season for the thunder. can't lose when you're up 3 games to 1. i'm pretty positive durant is a free agent now. will be interesting to see what he does
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That was one of the best, most-exciting, close & evenly matched series's of all-time!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Yeah durants playing for another team next year.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO Steph did not play that great in the first-half but def turned-it up in the 2nd half!!!
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    There were rumors about him signing with gsw. I think he might stick around for one more season. Gsw would have to get rid of three players for Durant.

    I knew Golden State was going to take this series (even when they were down 3-1), so I'm not surprised. I know gsw will beat every single team and the top two reasons are 1) we have Steph and they don't, and 2) we have Klay and they don't. Along with about 10 other guys...

  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    "I knew Golden State was going to take this series (even when they were down 3-1), so I'm not surprised."

    nina, the warriors are only the tenth team in HISTORY to come back after being down 3 games to 1. i bet you wouldn't have bet money that they were still gonna win the series after game 4
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    GoVikings - I knew the stats. They would have had to be the 10th out of like 323 teams to come back after being down 3-1. And here's another stat we all know, they were the FIRST team to make it to 73 wins in a regular season. If they can be the 1st to do something, I knew they could be the tenth. I also knew they beat OKC 3 time straight (referring to the regular season), so they could do it again. Furthermore, I just could not see a team breaking the NBA record for wins in a season and then not even making it to the finals. I'm a sports fan, and I'm a fan of GS. Was I worried? Yes. Was I doubtful? Not at all.

    It's always nice to prove doubters wrong. ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    After game 7 I knew the Warriors were gonna win the series
  • ww
    8 years ago
    Yeah...after OKC failed to close out twice, odds were not in their favor to win a Game 7 on the road; possibly a different outcome had Game 7 been in OKC. But CLE/GS is what the majority of fans want to see, so I'm glad it worked out in the end...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Nina - Winning!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Pro tip #633

    Shake it once and It's clean


    Shake it twice and It's masturbating
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    not as good as the 2013 Finals
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    For most of the season watching basketball is like watching paint dry. I lived in Indianapolis for several years and while I like Indianapolis and Indiana i will never understand the obsession with it. If you want to make it interesting raise the pro goal to 12 feet and make the court bigger. Somehow 7' men playing with the same size court and height goal as 3' tall first graders seems ludicrous to me! Plus the lack of rule enforcement in the NBA and NFL for the "super stars" angers me (rules are rules, a contract is a contract and should be applied to all as agreed) (if you want to make traveling legal do so in the off season do not just make an exception for the league star, if you want an exception to contractual punishment for just you then negotiate it when your contract is up don't go to the supreme court to get an exception just for cry-brady star-self) so I do not waste time or money on either.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Everyone feels sorry for Durant. They bring in a new coach, he has a great supporting cast, and an awesome fan base. Westbrook and him blew it in games 5 and 6. He has nobody to blame but himself.

    1. He's not going to Golden State, they don't need him.

    2. He's a fool if he leave OKC, he should at least give it one more season.

    3. I have a new respect for GS. I didn't think they were worth a damn with "half" a Curry, but they proved me wrong and a lot of credit is due to the other half of the Splash Bros who personally won game 6 for them.

    4. This is going to be an awesome Finals series especially since the Cavs are 100% this year.
  • ww
    8 years ago
    ^^^ 1. I agree, GS doesn't need him and would have to give up players to make room for him, even if they did.
    2. He's given enough time to OKC, so he has to decide if he's chasing money or a championship. If it' money, stick with OKC, as they can pay more, but they aren't going to let him sign to just 1 season. If he really wants a championship, pull a LeBron and go to the team that will get it for him NOW (which is not OKC).
    3. GS is a true team and not dependent on 1 player. They could've won the Portland series without Curry.
    4. No excuses for CLE; this time GS can say they didn't have a healthy Curry if they lose.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    KD is very hungry for a championship... He'll get paid a ton no matter where he is, and has endorsements (shoe line) so he's just fine financially. What the man really wants (and deserves IMO) is a ring.
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