
OTC hustle/stood up

New York
Monday, May 30, 2016 11:13 AM
A week ago, my ATF and I broke up and she quit my ghetto SC. I promptly replaced her with my spare fav. I think spare fav is a lady pimp at my SC. She told me she introduces her younger "friends" to my SC and points out all her "friends" to me (this is validated by her IG and OTC selfies with her "friends" and her). She said she wants to start a clip4sale business with her "friends" with her filming, not performing. When spare fav and I ITC chilled out, spare fav was approached a number of times by her stripper friends, the stripper friend looks at her, spare fav gets up, stripper friend whispers in spare favs ear, and spare fav tells me she has to goto the "kitchen" of the SC each time and leaves. 5-10 mins later spare fav and stripper friend came out, split, and spare fav sat down with me. 3 months ago, another stripper went upto me and asked where is spare fav and she needs to speak to spare fav immediately. I said IDK. Ex-ATF never hid anything from me, spare fav is shady. The time out pep talks were almost like all the other strippers go to spare fav for OTC permission, or OTC advice, or ITC hustle advice with customers. Ex-ATF said she never speaks with other strippers or tries to be their friends, since Ex-ATF says "I can work at any SC and make money, I dont need anything from them and I dont need their drama". Spare fav is one scary 4' 11" chick. I dont know how to handle a stripper like spare fav. Spare fav doesn't compare to ex-ATF. Spare fav is much hotter and a retired pornstar but much more "stripper" than "friend" like ex-ATF was. From spare fav's IG and facebook, it is obvious she escorts. Sitting with spare fav one time, she was on her phone and got a message "when we gonna fuck again? im horny" and she realized I read it and she laughed then shielded her phone from my eyes and typed a response without me seeing it. Spare fav hinted at OTC every time I got VHM LDs (no negotiating, no $) from her (once every month or 2). I thought it was SS. Eventually she outright said, "we cant do this here, lets get a hotel". ATF had no problems doing it ITC, but spare fav got hesitant and gave only a couple seconds then stopped and started to talk about OTC in the VIP room (with clock running). Spare fav's OTC offer was strange, I asked what the terms are of meeting OTC, she said she wants to OTC fuck for free and she isn't a ho and wont take money, and she hates strippers who do extras in VIP (bizarre since she was stick shifting as she said this and my hand was playing with her pussy). She goes onto discuss fetishes, protection, STDs, standard questions before fucking as if I am a partner/future BF. I am very vanilla and told her that but her IG has pics of her as dominatrix with a male hooded bounded slave. She didn't suggest BDSM to me, but I answered so she knew BDSM is off the table without saying BDSM specifically. I suggest “just friends” lunch, she refused and said hotel directly before her work shift (daytime), she asked where I had in mind, and she suggest her regular (?) hotel, I suggest mine. I said I'm busy this week and said next week we will "hang out" OTC. I had to cancel work (she doesn't know that, I said Im free every day) and research a better hotel to fuck in than drive her 12 miles out into the burbs. I also wanted to give her an opportunity to think it over if she was BSing me. On a 2nd ITC visit but no LDs, just ~$10 in stage tips, we agree to lunch then hotel 2 days later. I asked her specifically if she is serious about OTC and to not "lets not waste each others time". She said she was serious and wants to see me OTC. The night before our meetup, I texted spare fav if we are meeting up the next day, she said yes, I then texted her where to pick her up. She never responded. I thought she was VIP/whatever at the SC. The next day about an hour before I was supposed to pick her up as agreed 2 days ago I texted again, I did 2 more texts once per hour. The last one from me was "baby u awake yet?". It was obvious by then she stood me up or blocked me the night before when I asked where to pick her up. So 2 days later ITC, I came, spare fav was there, I ignored her. At one point spare fav walked by, stops and says "I never woke up on Wednesday", flashed a snarky smile and walked away. I assume I was played the whole time, or she thought I'd never go through with OTC. Ex-ATF was flaky for OTC, but 12 to 48 hours later always texted me that she is sorry and rescheduled and kept the 2nd appointment. Spare fav just went silent. Since I was a low frequency customer of spare fav, and spare fav saw me a couple times with ex-ATF ITC sitting with ex-ATF for hours, and spare fav and me exchanged hi/byes those days with no $ spent on spare fav. After ex-ATF and I broke up, I really turned it up with spare fav (1-2 times a week instead of once a month, with much more fun/mileage in VIP). I can't figure out what happened with spare fav. I really cant. Was this the longest hustle ever to fire me as a customer? Was "we cant do this here, lets get a hotel" a poorly thought out way for her to stop a VHM LD and she internally regretted it and couldn't take back the offer once she said it? Or was I NOT supposed to ask the terms/price ITC but only in the hotel room? After this, should I walk upto spare fav and ask after the fact if she wanted "a donation" to meet OTC, or what? Or letting her have the last word is best? It truly itches me why she spent 20 minutes talking about OTC over 2 visits, and 3 hours over those 2 visits in general sitting next to me, when it was all a hustle? She suggested OTC, not I.


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Spare fav sounds like she's selling drugs to other dancers. She may have stood you up because she was passed out from drugs or because she was with another dude or because of any number of things. If she's worth fucking, I would try setting up OTC again to see what happens. Make sure you offer her enough money to make it worth her while.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    An ATF who has delighted me with OTC many times, does the no-text no-show, I'll forgive her here and there. A shady girl who this is our first OTC together? I'm moving on, most likely.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    You're spare sounds like my spare. She'll let me do whatever ITC but not sex (would be difficult to do at this club anyway). When I suggest OTC the tune changes. Anyway I found out from some others that spare is most likely gang afilliated and her not wanting to meet me was most likely for my own safety because she actually would gush about to the other girls (their words not mine, and some of these girls were her actual haters so I don't think it was a lot of mass SS)
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I didn't read past the first "paragraph," but still read enough, were it me, to move on with no hesitation whatsoever. Not sure why this is even a question.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^To GM this is the type of shit I was talking about in my discussion post this girl the OP refers to as spare fav appears to me any to have a big neon sign on her forehead that says TROUBLE. The further you take this the worse its going to get, that's my take on this situation. To the OP this one I would drop like a hot coal and be glad it didn't cost you any real problems.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Spare Fav? Now we have another nickname for 2nd string strippers? What's that make, like 15 now?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^How about JV team girls
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Way too much drama for some pussy, move on. If it weren't for the secret meetings itc with other dancers I'd say give her another chance but I smell trouble and drama.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah, sounds too shady even for stripper standards - hard enough to deal w/ the run-of-the-mill strippers, but this chick sounds like she's into shady stuff & seems to play games - if you do meet-up w/ her best to be on your terms & not her crazy-ass terms - if it's worth hooking up at all which may not be unless it's a piece of ass you just have to have instead of just a piece of ass.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    TL;DR I would rather read one of SJG's interminable posts -- and that's saying something!
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Yep, can someone post the condensed version?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Tldr: broke up with atf. Spare fave is shady, possibly a female pimp or drug dealer. Spare fave offered otc and canceled/blew him off.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    LOL thanks.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    After the smart-ass "I never woke up on Wednesday" comment, I would be done with her. She needs you more than you do her.
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