
I know better, but...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 11:36 PM
Last night I went to a club and a girl was working that I talked to the last time I was there a few months ago. She remembered me and we talked for a couple of hours. I bought her a drink and eventually did a VIP with her. When that was all said and done, she gave me her "real" name and number and asked if I'd like to have dinner with her on her day off this weekend. I said "Meh. I dunno." and left. I did text her to make sure I had a good number and she responded quickly. Now, I know full well she's most likely looking for money, either by way of paid OTC or through the variety of financial crises strippers seem to always find themselves in. I'm inclined to just forget about it but part of me wants to set something up just to see what happens. I'm not going to pay her for OTC or donate money to her, and I'm not going back to see her, but my curiosity is piqued. What would you do? Go out (assuming it's real) or just forget the whole thing? I'm 50/50.


  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Everything depends on what you want out of this. If you want to date her or just hang out, you need to just speak up and tell her. If she wants money for hanging out then you both can move on. If she does say yes to hanging out what happens then? Do you want sex? Why are you hanging with her? What is the end game?
  • IwillLapAdancer
    8 years ago
    Wow, you got some kind of system to get a dancer to offer you OTC after not seeing you for a couple of months. Usually it takes some serious being a regular custie for some time to get that treatment. Congrats on your score. Yeah, take her out and see how far it goes. Her idea after all.
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    As someone who is happily dating a couple strippers I would advise to go for it. If you give her money just make sure you get some play to make it a win-win situation. I'm taking one of my ladies to dinner tomorrow night and I will leave it up to her if we go have some hot dessert afterwards.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    " I'm not going to pay her for OTC or donate money to her, and I'm not going back to see her" You should tell her that. Then she will tell you if she still wants to have dinner with you.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    You sound totally disinterested in her. So going to dinner would be a waste of time.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    ^^ I second JS. Why yank her chain?
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    Based on your post - I'm unsure if you find her desirable enough for OTC. I am thinking your "meh" reply was CS (customer shit). However - if your reaction to her is really meh - don't waste you time - or hers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Seems like a massive waste of time, for both of you. Why bother?
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Yeah I don't get your interest. You said you don't want OTC or give her $. Plus you meh comment tells me you don't give a rats ass about her. Sounds like a waste of time to me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Dealing w/ strippers is often smoke and mirrors so it's often hard to tell when/if they're being legit. I'm a glass-half-empty kinda guy & thus adhere to "there's no such thing as a free lunch" - even if it's free many strippers often seem to have drama and/or financial issues & being involved w/ dancers often means also being involved w/ their issues - some guys can handle it & IMO most probably can't. You actually seem that you do want to go out w/ her & making it sound neh in order not to show your true PL colors :) - o/w you probably wouldn't be asking & entertaining the idea. You seem to be aware of the potential pitfalls & things to look out for so you can just treat it as a normal civvie date & see how it goes & if she starts SS then swiftly move on if its something you don't wanna deal with. BYW - are you significantly older than her (20 yrs+)? Personally I think she's just sniffing around for $$$, these women are adept at manipulating/tricking men, it's their vocation.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Pass. If she was hot, you wouldn't be saying meh.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Papi, I think women in general are adept at manipulating men for financial gain. It's in their DNA.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Yeah. You seem very "meh" on her overall. I'd politely give her some Customer Shit about short term cash flow issues. If she's looking for a john she'll move on quickly, if she has any non commercial interest she'll make it clear.
  • saer
    8 years ago
    FWIW, she's 7 years younger than I am and I'm definitely attracted to her. My "meh" response was more along the lines of "I'm not sure if I want to deal with stripper bullshit again". I just don't like being set up for stuff - I already deal with enough civilian women that do that. But, I'll probably engage and see what happens. After all, I'm good at saying no.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Front Room Friendliness. Don't let girls sell you dances. Keep the buying of drinks or anything else within bounds you are comfortable with. Let the girl demonstrate that you and she are getting along before getting into bigger money.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I'd say do it. Set up a date, make it clear that its personal & not business and see where it goes. Worst case should be that it turns out to be a bad date. Just don't get too invested too fast.
  • saer
    8 years ago
    I don'the know what to say,, SJG
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Call her. Assume you'll pay for dinner. Treat it like a date, see what happens. If it's an OTC setup or any other bullshit, then cut bait.
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