
Articulating opportunity to buddy

Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:08 PM
Have a good buddy that is slowly emerging from a two decade long torturous marriage (now divorce). It was shit from wedding day on. Homey is slowly dipping his toes back into the civvy dating world and finding the usual craziness. Previously I never went into too much detail about my sc hobby but since he is looking, I tried to articulate the endless sea of opportunity for fine young pussy without all the BS that comes with civvie dating. Not wanting my friend to waste the time and money I did when starting out, I told him about the hustle and the need to separate civvie world dating sc relationships. On and on I went feeling like I was telling him about an untapped gold mine. After awhile I realized he was looking at me like I was speaking swahili or something. He just wasn’t getting it. I think, perhaps, getting the full fun from this whole sc bizzaro world is mostly something that has to learned from experience and cannot be taught. Besides, I think introducing someone to this fun is kind of like giving someone their first line of cocaine. Never know where the fuck it will lead. I’ve decided it is probably best to let him find his own way and quit giving him unsolicited (and probably bad) advice on finding pussy. Have any of you sc hounds ever tried to articulate to the sc opportunity to friends unaware of the available fun?


  • K
    8 years ago
    Yes. And I failed. So I stopped a long time ago. Idiots cannot keep their mouth shut or they can't follow simple directions
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah - we are not all wired the same way and some PLs are more into relationships & courting than trying to get as much pussy as one can - some guys are a one -woman type PL & like the stability & familiarity that comes w/ a steady partner. Still it could just be ignorance on his part so perhaps if you took him he could understand what your trying to tell him (a picture says a 1000 words kinda thing) - but I think it would be dangerous to send him on his own but if he does not show interest or curiosity perhaps better to not push him into it (he could also be a bit shell-shocked from his marriage).
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I have mentioned some exploits to two friends who were not aware of the possibilities. But I have not instructed them in any way. If they ask I'll give them my opinions.
  • dw.buck
    8 years ago
    yup but learned your friends will only fuck up your sc going experience so i roll to the clubs solo!!!!!!!!!! better luck that way and the girls dont feel intimidated by a pack of hounds luring at them!
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    You gave it a good shot. You provided your friend with the information - and described the experience - and the possibilities that exist. He might need time to digest what you described. Maybe it will sink in - and he will want to give it a try. It might take months - or it may never sink in. He might not desire the same thing - but he now knows what's out there.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I think for the average PL you have to uncover the ultimate joys of strip clubbing through experience, starting out slow and learning your own way. I don't think most guys can learn it by reading a book or just talking to a tuscler. I've tried explaining it. But it's like describing a unicorn. Guys can only comprehend such a thing if it is revealed slowly and in person.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I had a similar experience. A friend got divorced and seemed depressed. I thought I would cheer him up and take him to a strip club. However, he was shocked and disgusted by the very idea. He did not think a 60-year-old man had any business in a strip club, a sentiment that I obviously do not share.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I Agree with someone having to find their own way
  • PontiacGuy
    8 years ago
    Lone Wolf you found a Squiggy! Ha Just teasing man. I had a friend like your situation. He liked hearing my stories and tried to take my help, but just didn't get how deep and accommodating the water was. Dive right in! You will be swimming with sharks without fear very soon!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Find their own way? Probably best. I have 4 close friends who I have talked about clubs with before. One married and one never married - they understand stripclubs like us PLs do and could be members on this chat board. When a rare night happens and it's just us three in a strip club, watch out. Another is divorced and kinda mad at the world, who thinks he is above paying for pussy since he can use Tinder and get it for free, although I think he blows a lot about how much success he he finding free pussy. Last is a married guy kinda scared at the rouge play for fun world. I've taken him to a few extras clubs and he's participated but he wouldn't be the first to jump into trading numbers and setting up OTC. Lastly, even other single friend I've had I would never mention anything because like said before, they can't keep their mouths shut or they just aren't into this lifestyle.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Most guys are blue-pill dudes who need to work through a whole range of hangups before accepting even the possibility of becoming a strip club "superuser" without any kind of guilt or shame. I have a buddy who (like me) prefers to pursue young, hot women. He's roughly my age (mid/late 40s). He looks down on the dynamic of entering a strip club and negotiating a deal. He actively looks down on it as being both unmanly and "cheating". Yet, as far as I can tell, he gets less sex with less-attractive woman, but with far more drama and financial expense. So, I don't fight that battle anymore. I'm perfectly happy to be in a strip club surrounded by clueless PLs.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "slowly emerging from a two decade long torturous marriage (now divorce). It was shit from wedding day on." Sounds like you are talking about me. If I were to live again, I'd be a divorce lawyer! SJG
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I don't recall ever even talking about it with other PLs. Even the guys who bought me the time with that girl in Ft. Erie never really talked about it after that. My brother and I have had some candid conversations (he was almost as big a monger as me in his day, but he's "settled down" now), however, we never got really detailed comparing notes or anything.
  • K
    8 years ago
    A long time ago, I tried discussing with some friends. I wanted to brag, after all, it doesn't count if you don't tell anyone. I also wanted to share a good thing with my friends. I also hoped that with also few of us working together it would be easier. More than once dancers wanted me to find also date for also friend or the woman they drove to work with. We could compare notes and know who to avoid. There was a lot of positives. Or so I thought. Some guys would tell anyone and everyone including girlfriends and wives. Others got pissy If they did not get the hotter chick and ruined for both of us. My success rate went down not up and there was lots of pain. So now I discuss here only. Even here I leave out or change a few details.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Many years ago I found out if I told someone the truth, they wouldn't believe me. Some of you might but not an ordinary person.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Most friends don't know I go to clubs, and even with the two that do, they 'club' in a different way than I do, so now I prefer to go solo. With one, he just likes quick trips; I like to stay for hours. The other likes a different type of club than I do. It's the same way I feel about vacationing. If you go alone, you can always do exactly what you want to do.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I had actually posted about something like this many months ago, proselytizing for the mongering life. I don't think you can really do it. Most guys look down on it. I get dumped on here because I've long enjoyed GFE-FS in AMPs. So for most guys who are not already doing, they won't go for that in strip clubs. We here on TUSCL go for it, but for most guys it is still beyond the pale. It is expensive too. The one time I took two friends to a local no touching club, they didn't like it. They noted how much I liked engaging with the women, but they tended to sit back. SJG
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