common believes that are incorrect about the strip club

avatar for JuiceBox69
Myth : no sex in the strip club
Fact: sex is had in every club if not inside it will be on the outside

Myth: Strippers do not date custies
Fact: strippers and customore relationships do develop not always but some can and will become legit relationsiops and even marriage

Myth: youo neeed one grand to have a good time
fact: some your best memoris will only cost 200 or less

fell free to add on boys


last comment
avatar for afroking72
9 years ago
All strippers have issues.

Most strippers come from single parent home where their dad is in jail or they never knew their dad.

Once a stripper always a stripper. Most strippers would say that they need to pay for college, but most of them will stay in the game for a long time.

Never fall in love with a stripper.

A lot of strippers are single moms
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Heh, I've never written an article, but was thinking of writing one on exactly this, sort of the opposite of all those ridiculous "How to act in a strip club" "Strip club Myths" etc. articles written by strippers. I have a small list of this type of thing, if I ever get motivated enough to write an article
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Myth: If you have a big belly, you're white, can freestyle and have a beard everyone will think you're Action Bronson.
Fact: When they put you on the main stage to kick a freestyle and all you talk about is the Chackin on the menu, they know you're not Action Bronson.

Myth: The System Always Works
Fact: 60% of the time, it works every time.

Myth: Jackslash took a stripper's kid to a daycare center
Fact Jackslack is the baby's daddy

Myth: Crazyjoe once filled a stripper's asscrack with peanut butter.
Fact: It was actually Sweet & Sour sauce.

Myth: Blowjob Queen drives a Porsche
Fact: JS69 paid for it, and drives a 1986 Buick Century

Myth: San_Jose_Gay lives in a bathhouse in San Fransisco
Fact: San_Jose_Guy lives in his mom's basement

Myth: Shailynn likes older women
Fact: Most of the strippers Shailynn bangs have AARP cards
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Myth. All strippers are con artists.
Reality. Some are decent people and give back change if you overpay and will try to return lost articles like cell phones or leave them at the front desk.

Myth. Strip clubs are worehouses where sex is rampant.
Reality. In most strip clubs I've visited, there is never anything going on in plain view that you couldn't see in a regular night club except for some female nudity. There may be some exceptions across the country but if you didn't know about this site, it might take forever to find them.

Myth. The only people who visit strip clubs are perverts.
Reality. All kinds of people visit strip clubs. Several females visit and treat it like a place to party or just another night club.

Myth by some. Strip clubs are nuisances to a community and should never be allowed to operate and attract the wrong people.
Reality. Any large business will attract a lot of people. When Walmart opens up in a cummunity it brings hundreds of jobs and increases money spent in the area several times over using an economic term called the multiplier effect. The same happens with a large strip club. Thousands of people visit an area. They also buy food, sometimes go shopping, buy gas, etc. There is a multiplier effect. It creates a lot of jobs in the area and helps generate revenue for other businesses. Anytime you have a lot more people, more police will be needed because a crowd is what pick pockets and thieves look for. They look to steal money from large crowds of people. Whether it's Walmart or a very large strip club, a greater police force will be needed to handle an increase in crime. If the whole town was dead with no people, you could eliminate the police force. There could be exceptions if a really bad crowd that doesn't live there already is attracted to a particular area.
Example, two rival biker gangs meeting at the same place is asking for trouble.

Myth. Strippers taking off their clothes demean females in general.
Reality. The only people who think it is demeaning already have issues with being a prude and thinking that humans are ok with denying their sexual existence. The reality is that none of us would be here if your parents did not have sex.

Myth. Strippers are poor females who get taken advantage of by men.
Reality. While there is always someone you can find in a big crowd to fit a profile, most strippers take advantage of guys visiting a club. They ask the guys to buy $8 or more dollar drinks. They charge guys $15 to $20 or more for dancing for only 2 to 4 minutes a pop, then sometimes ask for a tip on top of that. They also have been known to complain if they only get tipped just one dollar per guy while on stage for a mere 5 to 10 seconds of attention. You really think guys are taking advantage of these girls?

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Myth: You have a huge dick
Fact: No you don't
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Myth: Hot chicks just want your money.
Fact: Hot chicks just want your money.

Myth: Your dick is big.
Fact: Your dick is big.

Myth: I only do this for you.
Fact: um, why did the next guy go straight to the restroom after VIP and quickly exit the club with a big smile too?
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
lol, jinx
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
lol, jinx
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
You can only shit at McD's
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Truth: if you have a shovel you can shit anywhere
avatar for DoctorPhil.
9 years ago
myth: @mikey has a big dick
fact: @mikey thinks he has a big dick, but he actually has a tiny dick

myth: @johnsmith's whores, i mean dream strippers, only bareback with him
fact: @johnsmith believes that his dream strippers only bareback with him but they actuallly fuck anybody that pays them bareback

myth: jimmie hendrix spells his name jimi
fact: he spells his name jimmie and my pappy sold him his first guitar

myth: sally ryder was the first space lesbian
fact: this one is true and it is a thing of beauty to watch her much gay space pussy while drinking pabs blue ribbon

myth: prince and i did a three way with kim bassetter
fact: fuck yea prince and i did a three way with kim bassetter
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
"Myth: Jackslash took a stripper's kid to a daycare center
Fact Jackslack is the baby's daddy"

No! No! I'm the grandpa!

avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Funny shit!
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
The Buick Century is a fine automobile.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Stripper says:
Your dick is big!

Stripper means:
You're a big dick.....
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
Myth: food at the strip club is bad.

Fact: There's a steakhouse in Denver that is also a strip club, even though pricey it is decent for food. I've had the best breakfast burritos at a strip club, too. Bacon and eggs with potatoes were off the chart with homemade Mexican salsa.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Fuck you jackie. Learn how to spell.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Myth: You can get crabs in a strip club.

Fact: Most strip clubs don't serve crabs.

Best to hit the Red Lobsteer before you hit the sc...
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Yes, most of the common erroneous myths are repeated here all the time. Mostly it comes down to the view that 'strippers' are somehow different from other women. And it just ain't so.

Its just that old double standard where men are praised for their sexual prowess, whereas women are stigmatized for it and divided into two categories.

avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
Myth: Some strippers are ugly
Fact: No woman is ugly while your dick is in her mouth.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Amen ^
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Myth, strippers never strike back against telemarketers.
Reality, One stripper I met told me how she got a fart box machine, waited for a telemarketer to call, told him she just ate a bean burrito and asked him to hold.
10 minutes later after hearing the fart machine really going at it, she got back to the phone and found out he was still listening, put him on hold again for several more minutes. Lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^^ Some strippers do have really confrontation attitudes. It's a mixed blessing.

I know one who beat up a lady cop.

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