
Cost of Marijuana being illegal in some states



  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    This is dedicated to all the pot haters
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I know a lot of you will disagree with me here, but I'm against the legalization. I don't agree with the message that legalizing it sends. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to make a stand.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I never smoke weed more than every day and yet I am 100% opposed to it being legalized. Why? Fuck the Government and its' taxation of every fucking thing on earth. Secondly, I have friends who get medical marijuana and the quality is shit compared to what I get from my regular guy. If you think a small, chef owned Italian restaurant is better than Olive Garden, you will understand why small farmers grow better weed than the corporate bullshit infecting the legalized world.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    The benefits of legalization are massive -- huge selection, consistency of product, undetectable edibles, a huge array of wax concentrates, competition, no threat of arrest, no interaction with drug dealer thugs, and no dependency upon strippers for drug dealer connections, to name just a few. The restaurant analogy doesn't work here.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The problem with legalization is the governments tax it way too high. My usual sources are way cheaper and just as high quality.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I don't support marijuana legalization. There's more profit in illegal substances than legal ones. AND the taxes will be supreme. How else am suppose to compete with legal suppositories.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The war on drugs has worked so well. Why would we want to change it?

  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    One of the reasons why I am against the legalization. It is because we don't have a test yet like a PBT. So people who are slightly "buzzed" can drive with out the ramifications unlike a guy who has 6 beers and is "slightly buzzed" driving. Both impair your ability to drive. It has been proven.

    So until they get a on the spot test like they do with a PBT. Then I say keep it illegal.

    Another thing..... The strength of today's pot is 100% far and beyond what people were smoking in the 60-70's. Hell even in the 80's and 90's. Then you throw in the fact that edibles and the oils. Now what I am getting at is that a 4 year old sees a brownie sitting on counter they will try to get it and eat it. They don't know if it is pot edible or something they can have. a 4 year old knows that they can't have a beer or "daddies juice!" and it tastes bitter to them. Not sweet or looks "delicious". You see there is a thin line for children. If you say well keep them out of the kids reach. Well I have seen 2 year olds, open up a bottom freezer door, climb on it to get into the fridge to grab a piece of cake. I have seen a 2 year old move a chair to climb onto a counter to grab candy. I have see 3-4 year olds move chairs around to get into cupboards to get snacks.

    What I am getting at is the "game" has changed with edibles. It isn't like these very young kids need to roll a joint, back a bowl, or hit the bong to get into mom and dad's stash. They just need to eat something which looks exactly like something they are allowed to eat already.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    i could care less.

    As a middle class guy working my ass most days. I would think that if they were taxing that, it would lower my taxes on other things. But yeah that is a pipe dream.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Cannabis is indeed a novelty and drawing tourist and their tax dollars to states where it is currently legal.
    What happens if it becomes legal everywhere?

    1} Cannabis tours will go away, why pay a guide and travel find a legal source when it legal where you live?

    2} Prices will fall precipitously because legitimate growers will become involved nationwide growing more efficiently and cheaper that the current former basement dwelling growers. What happens when a professional farmer grows 500 acres for drying and sale or former tobacco growers turn their production to weed? After all it is easier to grow, process and dry than tobacco, plus easier on the soil! The "special premium" brands greenhouse grown will be grown by professional greenhouse growers (if there is more money in it than there current crops) and the amateurs building pot growing buildings in CO & WA will be run out of business because of inefficiency. (Supply and Demand will set the prices)

    3} What are the states going to do with the increase in unemployable people that are now regular pot smokers because it is now easier to get cheaper and legal. Businesses will continue to test for pot, booze and other drug as a condition of employment. Please note that if drug use or drugs in an employees system(alcohol, THC, opiates, amphetamines, etc.) is allowed a business to lose likely their gov't mandated work comp insurance.

    4} While legalization of cannabis nationwide may be inevitable the tax panacea it is not. In my opinion it will actually cost governments slightly more than the excise taxes will bring in on cannabis.

    I personally could give a shit as cigarettes and pot have never held any interest for me.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    tired.... you are 100% correct.

    especially with the insurance.

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