
How many regular customers does your fav have?

layin low but staying high
Was asking the DS random stripper questions last night. She tells me stuff now that she wouldn't have told me while she was dancing.

We were talking about other PLs and what she did with them, what they paid her etc.

I asked her how many regular customers she had. I described a regular customer as somebody who comes to the club like me, either primarily or exclusively to see her.

She said she had approx 10 regulars. Only one other guy spent as much on her as I did (I know all about that guy), but she said several others would drop $500-$1K per visit on her as well, but they didn't come in nearly as often as me and the other whale.

How many regular customers do you think your fav has? I suspect that the number for the DS may be low despite her youthful beauty because she often just did VIPs arranged by bouncers and often didn't circulate to the degree that other dancers do.


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    This is something I would not ask because I don't want to know. Successful strippers have a lot of regulars. To maintain a steady income stream, they cultivate regular customers rather than depending on random walk-ins. The make customers feel special, and they text and call customers to come to see them.

    I know my fav has many regulars, but I'm the only one she has sex with.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    This is something that I would not ask because I assume the answer would be a lie.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I'm the only one!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Not as many as you might think, at least on dayshift where my favorites are. If you consider the usual shift time that a girl has they come in after opening and stay till 7 or 8 pm that leaves them with about 4 hours of prime time to make money generally from about 3pm till 7pm and in a typical afternoon club here in south Florida area there are between 8 and 15 girls working at those peak times if a regular comes in and spends a typical 1-1/2 hours they have time for two or three per shift many of the girls average 4 shifts a week so if you consider a regular someone who comes in 2-3 times per week well you do the math I would guess that most of that time is being spent on maybe 4 or 5 guys who constitute her regulars.
  • K
    8 years ago
    My in club favorite is usually busy all night. She says it is all regulars. If that is true she must have 20 or 30 regulars that see her every week or two. Maybe more. She remembers names, birthdays and other details.

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Why does DS stay with you? She must be loaded by now unless she has a drug habit.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago

    I think my record spent in a club (soley on 1 dancer and not counting other expenses - fees and drinks) is $800. If I click with a dancer it seems I spend $200 if no extras are available and up to $400 if extras are available.

    JS69 - so your DS doesn't work now, what does she do for her income. I'd assume you're not the only person supporting her?

    I met a very savvy stripper a few weeks ago and she said she has profiles on all these legit dating sites (not sugar daddy sites) and lures guys in from that. She used to work in a blue collar club and said anytime a guy came in dressed in slacks and a dress shirt she automatically knew he was there for her.

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    She has an average paying full time civilian job. It is conceivable that she has another sugar daddy out there but I doubt it. Much of her stripper money was lost through bad decisions but I don't feel like I should share the details. She really would have a very hard time without income from me.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I'm with jack I don't want to know.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    The MILF has at least a dozen, probably more. I know I've seen at least that many in the club with her on multiple occasions.

    My ATF had a couple dozen, but she was split shift, so picked up some night shift customers as well.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    How the hell would I know? Better yet, why would I ask her that?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    JS69 - why did the DS quit stripping. For some reason I think you said why but I can't remember. Well at least she really needs your income now so you have a slight upper hand...
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I live with strippers, so I want to know as much as I can about them and their jobs as possible. It'll be good for my book. Plus why would you not want to know?

    There is conflicting evidence as to why the DS no longer strips and quit or got fired. The dancers in her club tell one story. She tells another story. I believe her but that might be cause I'm in love.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I can say for sure one of my CF'S has at least 4 besides myself, because she specifically mentioned she works on Monday and Wednesday because she sees somebody on those days. There's also a couple guys she sees on Friday, and I always see her sitting on the one guy's lap.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    The first time a stripper called me her regular, about two years ago, she said I was only her third -- and I believed her. She was pretty shy and also didn't want to work too hard :) She only lasted a few months.

    Now I have a new club favorite at the same club, a veteran stripper (18 years -- and she's only 34!) who is in several ways precisely the opposite: very outgoing and well-liked by everyone, even her fellow strippers, with a strong work ethic. I think she works at least five days a week, usually from 3 to 11 but sometimes from 1pm to 3am. I get the impression that she sees a few regulars a day, so maybe 20 in a week.

    I suspect that "full-time" strippers (i.e., those working at least three 4-hour shifts a week) can have anywhere from a couple to a couple dozen regulars. And no, I don't really want to know how many other customers are competing for the time and attention of my favorite dancers.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    This would be a good question for Nina and Hotstuff.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Depending on how "regular" is defined, I think what you're missing in your description of regulars is frequency. Even if he comes in primarily to see her, if he comes every 3 months, he's not her regular. I think even the name "regular" implies he regularly sees her, it means he's coming in often. Maybe I'd make every-two-weeks the cutoff, is that too frequent? Every 3 weeks? Would definitely be interested in knowing how strippers define regulars.

    If it's every two weeks, I'd think few strippers have more than a handful of regulars... someone coming that often is going to want plenty of texting privileges, make appointments, plus demand relatively more of her time while he's there, IMO. It won't be easy to manage more regulars than that. Although I have met a few strippers whose business model seems to be almost primarily regulars-based, giving lots of time to super high value regulars
  • maho
    8 years ago
    Met a cool girl at the club last night. Did our VIP thing but also just hung out and talked for a long time. Asked her if she has regulars and she said a few - says it's easier for her already knowing someone when she is at work rather than approaching people she doesn't know. Seemed like a down to earth answer.

    My guess is most girls have a handful.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    I'd be more concerned with how many guys besides me she was seeing OTC. I don't really care how many regulars she has inside the club.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    ^^For extras clubs, OTC basically happens inside the club.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    subra, good point. If frequency were added to the concept of being a regular, then the DS probably had less than 10.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Perhaps some dancers consider a guy a regular if he gets dances from her every time they see each other in the club even if it's not that often and even if it's not many dances (2 )?

    I would have thought a dancer would only have a few regulars - perhaps 3 to 5 at most; based on:

    + we all have different tastes - so I'd think it'd be difficult for many differnt PLs to be attracted to the same dancer but perhaps that's not too out of the ordinary

    + one would think that most PLs would want to play the field rather than just stick to one-dancer - at least not long-term - but apparently many do just stick w/ their faves

    I would think in smaller markets where it's a seller's market that more custies would want to be regulars due to possible scarcity of resources - but in big markets w/ lots of strip-clubs there are a lot more options and thus I would think it's harder for a dancer to keep a regular since he has lots of options.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... She tells me stuff now that she wouldn't have told me while she was dancing ..."

    Strippers dance/go-into-the-club, for/to-get $$$ - probably not too rare for dancers to stop SCing if they can get good consistent $$$ OTC and thus don't have to deal with going into the SC and everything that goes w/ that - plus she can always go back to SCing if the OTC gravy-train runs dry.

  • s88
    8 years ago
    2 other than me. Both have grey hair and are older than me. Other possible-regs she blocks them or they loose interest within a couple visits or days because they text her for basically free sex multiple times per day and use their chain, their car, their cap, and their dick to justify why a stripper should fuck them for free.
  • rl27
    8 years ago
    I have three dancers currently that I regularly get dances from. My favorite of the three has only two other regulars I know of during the times I visit, and I get priority over the other two. The one who is close to replacing her as my favorite has no regulars that I know of but is one of the two most popular dancers at the club so it can be hard to get a dance from her sometimes.

    My third favorite has quite a few regulars, several of which can tie her up for hours.
  • dr_lee
    8 years ago
    There was a dancer in a club that I still frequent who used to always have other regulars when I was there. She gave great lapdances so it was worth waiting for her, or just getting her another night. I think there was one guy she said hated to even see her talking to another guy. I guess that's not so weird given the stuff that goes on in strip clubs! LOL I never paid attention to the other guys she was with so it could have easily been the same guy all the time. She just told me she had a regular and he would pretty much tie her up the whole night many times I was there.
  • jojojo897
    8 years ago
    Is there's an actual definition for a 'regular'. For example...

    How often you visit.
    How much you spend.
    How long you stay.
    How far your mileage.
    How definite are extras.

    ...and who usually makes it known first on labeling a regular...the dancer or customer?

    As a new club goer, I don't see myself as a regular. Although if I keep up with my routine then I can see that changing. So far I've seen a dancer only twice in a span of one month while only spending around ~$300 on her each time. Some may think that's too much considering the low mileage and no extras but I've been really enjoying her lap dances and personality as oppose to two other dancers I tested out. I plan to see her again this weekend which she expects since I contacted her if she would be available. The conversation did come up about the amount of regulars she has. I was told "I don't have any regulars." I told her that "I find that a bit surprising." Anyway, I'll just continue to enjoy my fantasy and not worry about what's true or not.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    rcp, you shouldn't ask how many regulars a dancer has. That borders on creepy and possessive. The dancer I was talking to no longer strips, and I've paid her fantastic sums of money to travel the world with me and make my every fantasy come tru, which is why I felt comfortable asking her. The point of the post was just for people to guesstimate how many regulars their favs have, not to ask them.

    And there is no definition of a regular per se, although it doesn't require extras or high mileage. Some guys are content to have a dancer who just gives them lap dances, which seems to be where you're at.
  • jojojo897
    8 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 Still learning the ropes. I'll keep that in mind on future outings. Luckily the dancer I asked didn't seem to find it creepy or offensive but we all know that could be a mask. Although it could have been the way I brought it up in the first place "Such a fine lady like yourself must have a lot of regulars..." Oh well, it is what it is. She seems to be looking forward to seeing me/my wallet again. Thanks for the heads up.
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