

Avatar for ididthisonce
ididthisonceNorth Carolina

Personal observation:

The timeliness of escorts is far better than OTC strippers. 75% of strippers are more than two hours late.


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Avatar for rh48hr

You forgot to add 75% are more than two hours late and the other 25% don't show up at all.

Avatar for TheeOSU

I somewhat disagree, escorts are often just as flakey as strippers.

Avatar for Subraman

As a broad generalization, I think the inability or lack motivation to keep promises and commitments is one of the things that separates strippers from the rest of the sex industry -- escorts, bodyrub girls, dominatrixes, etc. Obviously, this doesn't apply to every stripper or every escort, but as a general rule, escorts show up on time, ready to go mentally and physically, or get called out on it on review boards. Given that the general reputation in the industry is that strip club customers are some of the worst customers to deal with (obviously we here at tuscl are gems, but there's an awful lot of SC douchebag customers out there), I think this lack of ability or interest in keeping commitments is one of a handful of reasons extras girls don't just become escorts/bodyrub/domination providers. There's other reasons of course -- motivation and ability to run her own business, financial risk, etc.

But one thing is very clear: the migration is nearly 100% from stripper to escort/bodyrub/domme provider, relatively VERY rare to go the other way. IMO, that's because a girl who has the ability to run her own business almost never tolerates what strippers go through.

Avatar for ididthisonce

@rh48hr - LOL on the 25%. What's funny is that I can only remember one no show in 30 years.

@TheeOSU - Only three or so late (under an hour but they stayed an extra half hour or more to make up for it. One actually stayed all night) but I have no experience with those from places like Backpage which the flake factor may be higher.


Avatar for shailynn

Here's something else to remember.

An escort has 3 appointments after you and had 3 appointments before you, she has a schedule to keep.

A stripper has 1 appointment that day and she'll get to it when she feels like it... or not.

Avatar for rh48hr

Ididthisonce- I haven't been at this as long as you but I've had a few otc sessions set up that never occurred because they wouldn't return a text the day of the meetup.

Avatar for Subraman

^^^ I've had strippers who would text me in the morning they were getting ready ... and still not show up. And going radio-silent is definitely the way many strippers handle being late or cancelling.

I don't do escorts, as a general rule, but nearly 100% of the time bodyrub girls have been late or had to cancel, I got a timely pro-active text or email as to what was going on, often accompanied with an offer to move to later that day, and/or a slight discount or extra time for my trouble. The behavior difference is night and day.

Avatar for jackslash

I'm a punctual person. I keep expecting strippers to be on time, and I'm invariably disappointed.

Avatar for RandomMember

Picking them up at their club (or maybe their apartment) helps avoid some of the flake-out behavior.

Avatar for ButterMan

I've only had 1 OTC stripper not show up. They do tend to be late but usually only by about 20-30 mins.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I think there are competing priorities for strippers - and that may contribute to their lateness/no shows. If a stripper has an OTC set up - but she's making bank in her club (the same night) - then she might decide to just go home after her shift. She's made the money she needed (and a bit more).

With escort types - OTC is their business - and if they don't show - they risk losing the customer forever. Strippers might think they can entice an OTC client the next time she sees him at the club.

Avatar for Subraman

Cashman1234-->" I think there are competing priorities for strippers - and that may contribute to their lateness/no shows. If a stripper has an OTC set up - but she's making bank in her club (the same night)"

I think you're absolutely right that there are competing priorities, but I think you're being far too understanding by thinking that it's a competing business priority (i.e., going to the club)... in fact, my usual fallback plan on a failed OTC is to head to the club, since I"m already in the city -- and at least for me, I've never seen my OTC girl there, not once. I think more typical competing priorities are: recovering from alcohol- or drug-fueled previous evening, sleeping in just because, choosing to hang out with her friends instead, choosing to hang out with her boyfriend instead, choosing to hang out with her family instead, just plain forgot and ignoring your texts instead of telling you she needs to cancel, handling some sort of crisis around anxiety or depression, or starting up a new alcohol- and drug-fueled binge with friends. On that last one, years ago there was a stripper I was facebook friends with, and there were at least two occasions where she went radio silent the day before our OTC appointment, but I could follow her on facebook as she posted day & night pictures of her and her bff (bad influence) partying/drinking/smoking non-stop... meanwhile, her friends and family would be posting, "call me, been trying to get in touch", etc. Eventually, after a 2 or 3 day binge, she'd come home again, call to apologize, etc. Good times!

Avatar for RandomMember

This issue of dancers going "radio-silent" (or "ghosting" as I prefer) drives me up a fucking wall. It's ghetto behavior and almost enough to make me quit the OTC scene altogether.

Avatar for Subraman

Yeah, it drives me crazy, too. I'm always ok with someone having something come up, and letting me know so I don't waste my time. But it takes an adult mind -- although as parents we try to drives these values into our teens, pre-teens, and whatever pre-pre-teen children are -- to think that way, and many (not all, obviously) strippers are incredibly emotionally immature. So, they don't understand the simple idea that it's not the plan change that's the real insult, it's the lack of communication of the plan change. Whatevs, Iluvthoseblowjobs Iluvtofuckthem Iluvthoseblowjobs. I say that enough and it makes me feel better.

I've been on a solid streak lately -- over the past year and a half or so, every one of my CFs communicates decently, lets me know when they'll be late, lets me know if they can't make it, etc. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop :) But there definitely ARE mature responsible strippers, you just have to look

Avatar for Dominic77

My wife is extremely punctual. So when my CF apologized for taking so long, I told her it was part of her charm. With a dancer I expect a certain amount of flakiness. Unfortunately, she looked horrified upon hearing the comment.

Fast-forward: she's more reliable and punctual now.

Avatar for Dominic77

RE: radio silence

Dancing doesn't appear to be easy work and what others like Subraman have touched on makes sense, especially the comparisons to escorts, bodyrub girls, and dominatrices. Dancers do put up with a lot of customer shit (or different shit than other sex workers). Some of the personality traits that often make good strippers (HPD, BPD, NPD**) often help entice them to not take accountability for their actions. aka. things the feel good feel really, really good. and things that feel bad feel really, really bad. So they avoid uncomfortable things like personal accountability and taking it on the chin (to borrow a boxing term).

** Histrionic personality disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder

Avatar for Cashman1234

Subraman - I think you make some great points. I think some dancers don't care as much about their commitments - and they only care about making money when they really need it.

When you add questionable (enabling) relationships, drug dependencies, and other factors - the chances of a stripper showing up to OTC is much smaller - the chances of the same stripper showing up and being able to perform are even smaller.

Avatar for ididthisonce

Thanks for the discussion and thoughts gents.

Incall Escorts have to be punctual to "turn and burn".

Most of my OTC with dancers are not after they leave the club (nights or days) but during the afternoon before they go to work.

Avatar for Subraman

Wow, histrionic personality disorder describes some strippers I know well, to a T! Interesting!

Avatar for twentyfive

One other thing to keep in mind if the girl you are meeting is chronically late or pulls a no show on you without even a courtesy text she doesn't respect you. That is why I refuse to see them a second time if they flake the first time. Fortunately it has not happened to me often. My feeling is if she doesn't respect me than I don't need her, there are plenty of strippers out there, why be a doormat.

Avatar for TheeOSU

@ididthisonce, Yes I was referring to Backpage escorts. Although I've considered treating myself to a higher end escort I have a repulsion to paying what I consider excessive amounts for pussy, something that was plentiful and free for me only a few years ago so yes I sometimes shop the bargain bin looking for that gem.

Unfortunately I've run into some real flakes but I've also found a few gems. Just the way I do things, I'm not looking for anybody's approval but I'd rather spend my money on other things.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Also I don't begrudge anybody that wants to spend hundreds or thousands on pussy. It's their money, whatever floats their boats is their choice.

Avatar for Subraman

twentyfive-->"One other thing to keep in mind if the girl you are meeting is chronically late or pulls a no show on you without even a courtesy text she doesn't respect you."

You know, surprisingly enough I only partially agree. I think you're absolutely right in many cases -- she doesn't respect you, her OTC commitments to you mean nothing to her, etc. On the other hand, one thing I've noticed among the strippers I've gotten to know pretty well ... the flakes are equal-opportunity flakes. I had an ATF who was the queen of late/no-shows/radio-silence. Over the course of time I knew her, she lost her very best friend in the world, because she (my ATF) fucked her (the bff) over one too many times... and, consistent with the way ATF behaved with me, she was a no-call no-show for an event that was important to the BFF, and that was the last straw after years of such treatment for the BFF. ATF was crushed over it, and didn't mean it as a lack of respect. Over the course of time, I came to find out that ATF just treated everyone that way, it's how she handled life and relationships.

I am at the point where I don't care WHY a stripper goes radio silent or no-shows, I just move on. I don't have the patience for this kind of treatment, it's not THAT hard to replace an ATF, and believe it or not, I do have enough dignity and self-respect that I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I tolerated it, no matter how good the sex was. That said, back when I had the above-mentioned ATF, I was where JS69 is now, rationalizing away unacceptable treatment because of the sex or other reasons, and maybe that's where my head was at, at the time: I needed mind-blowing sex more than I needed to respect myself, coming out of my separation from my ex-wife, and after a few years the needle swung back the other way.

Avatar for rockstar666

95% of escorts are on time from my personal experience. They are professional and it shows. Interestingly, my FWB girlfriend is also always late, but only 30 min. or less. Since this is her only bad trait (besides being married and chubby) I put up with it.

Dancers are pros at extracting money ITC but I agree that OTC the vast majority are flakes. I haven't had any OTC recently for just this reason; it's more hassle than it's worth when there are other options available.

Avatar for warhawks

Strippers are notoriously late for an OTC date. Patience is Definately a virtue when dealing with these girls.

One time a couple years ago I was floored that a girl actually showed up on time for a meet up we had planned.

Avatar for twentyfive


You deal with it any way you like that's up to you I just refuse to spend my money, and I do spend a decent amount, on people that think I owe them something. My feeling is more if you want a bit of help from me you had best please me that's my requirement.

Avatar for mrrock

I've never done escorts as they always seem to want your real info. Um thanks I'll pass! However strippers are natoriously late or don't show sometimes for OTC. Unfortunately it's part of the game. You get all stoked for a night of fun only to find yourself running solo. There's times though when they are right on time or keep you up to date on why they are running late and by how long.

Avatar for Subraman

twentyfive: I agree with that completely. I'm mildly disagreeing that it's ALWAYS disrespect towards you personally, rather than just general bad behavior she displays towards everyone, even people she loves. But like you, I really don't care what the reason is ... if she's too flaky, I move on

Avatar for Subraman

mrrock-->"I've never done escorts as they always seem to want your real info."

I think the requirements vary by girl and by region, but in most regions, there are ways around giving your real info. Everything from a reference system to p411 can protect your anonymity to some extent or other.

That said, I don't do escorts because I just don't love the experience. I find ITC far superior if I want something quick and spur-of-the-moment, and OTC is far FAR more awesome on every level -- so much more awesome that I think it's well worth tolerating some stripper flakiness for

Avatar for twentyfive

BTW Subra I don't think the disrespect is usually directed at anyone, personally, on that point you and I agree. My point is if they want what I bring to the table, they need to behave in a way that makes me happy, or I will just find someone else. I just refuse to tolerate disrespect, even if it is unintentional, I don't feel that I need to educate anybody, if they don't know how to behave than I don't have any time for them.

Avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx

I've still have never done an escort before. Not my thing as I prefer knowing the woman first before I am going to shell out that kind of money.

Avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx

I just don't trust meeting random women in hotels and motels. I done heard of too many bad shit occurring.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"I've still have never done an escort before. Not my thing as I prefer knowing the woman first before I am going to shell out that kind of money."

This, of course, is one of the huge differences. That first time an escort opens the door, the main question is: how much worse than her picture does she look? If you're lucky, she looks as good as her picture or nearly so; if you're unlucky, there's huge differences. And that doesn't take into account her personality either.

I think there's no getting around the fact that you have to have a bit more "a hole is a hole" attitude to enjoy escorts... yes, guys who like escorts would rather have a beautiful charming escort than an unattractive obnoxious one, but they have very little control over what opens the door when they have that very first appointment with an escort, and unless she's a total disaster, they'll usually keep the appointment regardless. In the strip club, you not only know about compatibility and attractiveness before you go in the back, but chances are you've spent some time out in the main room, and she's already driven you pretty horny.

-->"I just don't trust meeting random women in hotels and motels. I done heard of too many bad shit occurring."

This is a little less of a worry, generally, unless you are a backpage bottom-trawler. If you're sticking with mid-range escorts and up, nearly every major market has review sites, and you can go your entire career indulging in well-reviewed escorts and probably have FEWER negative incidents than with strippers, since generally strippers aren't the subject of lots and lots of reviews. I have done a lot of bodyrubs, and other than aesthetic issues, in general there's no comparison between negative incidents with bodyrub girls vs strippers

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