…I've known this girl for a number of years. Very sweet girl. Only works the club once/month or so. In my observations, she always had issues of nodding off. I suspected some combination of Xanax, pot and/or heroin (although she was did not give the typical heavy H user vibe).
Last April she was driving and blacked out, plowing into a construction crew, injuring 4 and killing a 24yo single mom. She was found guilty on all major counts and now faces 23.5 years in prison.
Her defense was nothing except she is accused a married man in his 50's of drugging her. She stated they've been friends for years and he has helped her with money for school and rent (She has no school or rent payments). She continued to state that he wanted a sexual relationship but she sees him as a friend and father figure so reject his advances. As a result her accusation is that he gave her a drink laced with Xanax, causing her to black out.
Very sad, whatever the truth. Very sad. Its a reminder how bad drugs are. Its a reminder how badly a relationship with one of these girls can go, even when everything seems perfectly innocent.
Now 5 people are injured, one is dead, one is going to prision for 23 years + and another guy, completely uninvolved (maybe) has his life ruined.
I make no judgements, because only one or two people will ever truly know what happened and they'll never tell the truth. Just reminding my friends on here of the dangers of this hobby that go beyond STDs and LE.
last commentNo one outside those involved may know who the truly guilty parties are but I suppose the jury suspected the dancer was already using drugs and was responsible for taking drugs that caused her to black out. If she hadn't ever taken any drugs, she could have had a much better story to defend herself with the accusation that someone drugged her and caused her to black out. As is, the jury suspected it was her own drug use. just my opinion of what I read. Now she is going to lose 23 years of her life in prison whether truly guilty or not and others will suffer with lifetime injuries regardless of the guilty party.
This stripper refused to take responsibility and tried to blame a poor PL for drugging her:
"She testified at trial that she didn't take any drugs that day and suggested her orange juice was spiked by a man with whom she had a relationship. The man denied that and said he met her as a strip club dancer."
In a rare moment of rationale clarity, I took the keys and said no. Cause this is the sort of thing that can happen.
The more stories you tell about the DS the more I think she's going to get a rude reality check soon.
It could happen.
I certainly hope I never see Juice dressed up as a female dancer though. :)