
Tells from the poker room

Thursday, April 7, 2016 12:31 PM
Let me set the stage for the following hand: an online casual late-night $2/4 no-limit hold’em cash game. The player directly to my left decided to play table bully by making every hand expensive before the flop and then not hesitating to shove in the rest of his chips on the flop, turn, and river if necessary. While the counter-strategy to this style seems obvious (wait for monster hands and call the big bets), he sucked out on a couple of big hands against other opponents. Not wanting to turn it into an expensive coin flip, most of us are praying, “PLEASE let me pick up those pocket Aces before this guy dumps his money off to someone else”. Unfortunately for me, the Aces didn’t come. However, the following hand came up: I was dealt Ad-8c from the small blind. Certainly not a powerhouse, but with the maniac and two other limpers in the pot it seemed worthy of another $2. The bully in the big blind checked to a flop of Ac-8h-4d, giving me top two pair. Of course, table bullies love to take control so I decided to check and let him do just that. It was an unconnected, unsuited board and I didn’t doubt that he was going to bet out. To my chagrin, he just checked. Play moved on to the early position limper who made a $16 bet. The late position limper folded and I just called the bet. Without delay, the table bully goes all-in! Jackpot! The original bettor thinks for a while before finally folding. The bully had more than I did (about $300) so I already had the checkbox on “Call”. Normally, I might hesitate and worry about a set in this position but rarely (if ever) will I lay down top two pair on the flop with a board like that. I make the call and the bully is forced to show his 7-2 offsuit – the worst possible starting hand in hold’em. I have a scare when a 3 came on the turn, but the river with a K to give me a sizeable pot. That works for me. Our table bully was crippled and busted out shortly thereafter.


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Super aggressive players weed out the weaklings; nice job waiting for the right hand to cash in! I might have made a bet instead of checking when you flopped the two pair, but checking was probably a better strategy in retrospect because your goal was for him to go all in on that hand, and you got him! My bet might have made him suspicious if the turn and river made for a better looking table.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I agree with OP that check, call was the best play. You certainly wouldn't want to represent that the Ace in the flop helped your hand in any way. It was the only chance that the bully would make a stab at the pot -- a surely stupid move holding 7-2. Nice win.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I believe all of this except you were at the 2/4 cents table and the big better went all in for $3 !!!!! Lol
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I find it hard to understand the idea that even a bully goes all in with nothing when an Ace flopped. I would love to play with people like that.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    My too, I've stupidly been on the wrong when I have a nice pocket pair and don't bet high enough and then an Ace comes on the board instantly fucking me!
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Excellent story. I was riveted all the way to the river
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    When I play poker at Sea World, I tell Orca not to splash the pot
  • 72_os
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Shit.....go fuck jackie
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Shailyn - A player much wiser than me once told me about packet pairs: "when it is all said and done, a pocket pair is still just a pair and you're playing with fire every time you give someone a chance to see another card. Depending on the type of game and where in the game we are a pocket pair for me, especially a lower one is pretty much an all in or a fold proposition.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tale us more
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