The last two visits with a long-time fave been underwhelming experiences. I've been getting dances from her off-and-on the past 12-14 years. Second-to-last dance from her that was subpar I just chalked up to her maybe being off her game that day. Yesterday it was the same, even slightly less stimulating. Got me really questioning if it's time to dump her contract (using NFL parlance) and find younger, hungrier talent. Or do I owe her constructive criticism that her skills are diminishing. She's in school preparing for her post-dancing career, is close to finishing her studies and I wonder if her head is already moving on to that next chapter. She is also quite headstrong, so there is a chance my critique could slam the door on any chance of returning to the freaky fun we've had. Plus, there plenty of other good options at the same club. OK, I think I've answered my own question. Thank you for reading.
I realize you answered your own question. You do know you can get dances from more than 1 girl, right? Even during the same visit. Maybe I'm just pointing out the obvious here.
The way I see it now, there are any number of girls working any given night. Whether they get 2 dances from me or 20 is all up to them and what they are willing to do. When it stops working out, I politely stop spending with that girl. And unless she changes her attitude, she is dead to me when I stop spending. There are too many other dancers out there to waste time chasing low talent.
If you've been with her for 12-14 years, she probably takes you (and your money) for granted. Find another girl to spend your money on. Your fav may get mad, but she also might respond to the competition by stepping up her game.
12-14 years? Holy shit, she's at least 30 years old. That's kind of old for a stripper.
I agree with you, she's checking out. It's also human nature to get comfortable in a "relationship" and not put in 100%
Familiarity breeds contempt. That phrase applies perfectly to PLs that have favorites for long periods of time. It comes with the territory but that's the way I like to club.
Yep, you answered your own question, good on you. Nothing to see here, move along!
I think the explanations for her performance are most likely either re-defining her limits (and herself) as she prepares to move to another job, or some amount of "familiarity breeds contempt" as Bavarian says, or maybe a bit of both. Whatever the case, you're no longer getting the experience you'd like, and it's unlikely you'll ever re-capture the old magic with her.
I've had dancers I've known that long... off and on for the first 8 years, then she was my ATF (except for a 1 year retirement) for the next 5. I definitely don't think I'll be repeating that! Hell, since 2012, I don't think a single fave of mine has lasted more than a year in the business (from the time I met them)
Twelve or fourteen years with a single favorite dancer is a long time. The longest any single dancer lasted as my favorite so far is five years. It's rare for any dancer to keep her game that long. There are dancers who have danced for decades but so far none have been good all throughout the time they had been dancing.
Most who do so are like one of my current semi-favorites who I have seen off and on for over twenty years in at least 7 different clubs. There were many different periods during that time when she quit dancing, including a two year period where she tried escorting. I have gotten many dances off and on from her over the years, but the longest time she lasted so far as a favorite before disappearing is less than a year. The total time where our paths crossed in clubs amounts to less than four years. She has been great each time she popped up at a club, but I could tell right about the time that she would leave by how the quality of her dances changed.
In her case, and every other cases, when it's apparent her quality, and attitude changes I go on to the next young pretty thing.
I dated my ATF for 5 years..had knowledge of her 3 years before that so 8 years in all before it all ended...i tried to stay as friends, then later fb friends but it was to painful...maybe 2 more years and i will ad her back to Facebook But yea
I say just enjoy what is loving and kind
last commentThe way I see it now, there are any number of girls working any given night. Whether they get 2 dances from me or 20 is all up to them and what they are willing to do. When it stops working out, I politely stop spending with that girl. And unless she changes her attitude, she is dead to me when I stop spending. There are too many other dancers out there to waste time chasing low talent.
There's a lot of candy in that candy store. Enjoy trying some new flavors.
I agree with you, she's checking out. It's also human nature to get comfortable in a "relationship" and not put in 100%
Familiarity breeds contempt. That phrase applies perfectly to PLs that have favorites for long periods of time. It comes with the territory but that's the way I like to club.
I think the explanations for her performance are most likely either re-defining her limits (and herself) as she prepares to move to another job, or some amount of "familiarity breeds contempt" as Bavarian says, or maybe a bit of both. Whatever the case, you're no longer getting the experience you'd like, and it's unlikely you'll ever re-capture the old magic with her.
At least there are multiple additional options.
I know it's hard to leave the familiar, but it's clearly time to move on. Maybe she'll step up her game to keep you, but don't make that your goal.
Most who do so are like one of my current semi-favorites who I have seen off and on for over twenty years in at least 7 different clubs. There were many different periods during that time when she quit dancing, including a two year period where she tried escorting. I have gotten many dances off and on from her over the years, but the longest time she lasted so far as a favorite before disappearing is less than a year. The total time where our paths crossed in clubs amounts to less than four years. She has been great each time she popped up at a club, but I could tell right about the time that she would leave by how the quality of her dances changed.
In her case, and every other cases, when it's apparent her quality, and attitude changes I go on to the next young pretty thing.
I dated my ATF for 5 years..had knowledge of her 3 years before that so 8 years in all before it all ended...i tried to stay as friends, then later fb friends but it was to painful...maybe 2 more years and i will ad her back to Facebook
But yea
I say just enjoy what is loving and kind
But for sure start recruiting other girls