
My System for Regularly Fucking Dream Strippers OTC

layin low but staying high

Here is my System for Regularly Fucking Dream Strippers OTC.

Note at the outset that this system would be worthless with the vast majority of dancers. For most strippers, this system makes no sense. This system is designed for what I view as the upper echelon of strippers -- those that have the potential to qualify as a DS. The characteristics of these dancers (3 so far) are: (i) young, usually under 21, (ii) new to stripping (preferably in their first week), (iii) looks of 9 or greater, (iv) fun personality, (v) does not do extras itc at least not on any regular basis, (vi) has never done OTC, (vii) has no plans to do OTC but hasn’t really thought much about it, and (viii) is chill enough to listen to what you have to say about OTC with an open mind.

I'm not talking about any other category of dancers like $200/300/hour escorts, or regular OTC strippers, or extras girls.  And I'm not talking about girls who categorically reject any notion of sex for money.   This system isn’t necessary or helpful for dancers who have frequently crossed the OTC threshold or who refuse to even consider fucking a customer. This only works with DS candidates as described above.

I was having a discussion with the DS not too long ago about why she is willing to be my perfect girlfriend. Her answers gave me the idea for this thread. To answer my question about why she does OTC with me but not with a bunch of other customers, the DS never once mentioned money.  Even when I pushed her to tell me every reason why I'm so lucky, money never came up.  Listening to her you'd think that I don't pay her insane sums of money. This is very interesting.  She does this with me for money but she will not admit that she does this for money.  So she doesn't want to admit to me or to herself that the money I pay her is key.  This is a critical concept to grasp if you hope to fuck dancers like her. They are motivated by money, but you must appeal to them on other grounds in addition to money because they don’t think of themselves as a prostitute. You not only have to pay them enough money but you have to overcome the part of their brain that says “I am not and will not be a whore.” It's a voice that says "I will not sell my body."  The voice lies, but you have to deal with it before you can overcome it.

So I pay every DS a lot of money.  But how did I go beyond the money and turn off that voice in her head insisting that she ain't no ho? I did it the exact same way with each of them. The details with each dancer are different because the girls were in very different clubs with vastly different backgrounds.  But the same basic system landed them all.

How is it done? First, spend a good amount of money on her ITC without breathing a word about sex.  Get to know her and be the kind of customer that strippers love.  Be genuine.  Have fun.  Depending upon the girl, this should take about one to three club visits. Then what?

It humbles me greatly to say this. But next you follow a modified form of the SJG System.  No, that doesn't mean that you wash her car while wearing a purple dress. And it doesn’t mean that you offer to drive her around in your motorhome or take her home to meet your mother.  I have a lot of modifications to what SJG says, starting with no car, no motorhome, and no mother.  Here's what I mean.  SJG says treat them like a civilian at all times and in all ways. Here's a much better way to put it: at the same time that you repeatedly ask her to sell her body to you for money, you must simultaneously as much as is feasible treat her like a civilian woman. This is basically what the DS told me -- I treated her so well, so generously, so respectfully, and with such great promises of her sexual pleasure in exchange for paying her money, that she really couldn’t say no.

This is the point that Dougster always missed.  He said OTC was all just paying strippers for sex, but that's not everything for the gorgeous young OTC virgins who think they're good girls at heart.  With them, you must overcome the voice as well as pay them money.  

How do you overcome the voice?  It's an art form.  I can't write instructions.  But here it is in a nutshell. Using your unique personality, you need to convince her that you are the safest, most loyal, generous, sexually giving, and respectful customer who will ever walk through the club door or into her life.  I didn't say be handsome, well hung, or young.  You can't change or control those things.  But you can control your words, your actions, and your attitude.  Be unlike any customer that she has ever met.  Tell her, and then show her these things through your words and actions.  Sell yourself hard while simultaneously offering her increasing sums of money until you hit her sweet spot. With DS II and III, I did this with words and attitude alone.  With DS I, I added sex.   So if the club allows it, her give her the best DATY of her life in the VIP. Devote your entire mouth completely and endlessly to her pleasure, and demand absolutely nothing in return. You read that right. Pleasure her immensely and then don’t try to pressure her to fuck or suck you.  I know it makes no sense but it works. The way to get sex from them is to give sex to them.

And if you can't pleasure her in the club then tell her in the club that this is what you want to pay her to do OTC.  You want to pay her to let you pleasure her. Ask what turns her on sexually and then promise to become an expert at doing that very thing.  That's not prostitution.  That's not being a ho.  That's kinda hot even with an older guy.

I might lead seminars on this like those pick up artists who charge thousands to teach dorks how to pick up women.  DS I could be my guest speaker.  DS I would do this with me. We could charge a fortune. And we/she could demonstrate my entire system.  The dorks in attendance would all LDK.

Back to the system.  Be a model of self confidence without being arrogant.  Be erotic but never creepy.  Be persistent but never demand or beg. Act like a mature, confident man -- that’s one of an old guy’s most appealing characteristics besides money, or at least it should be, so use it.  Don't focus on your pleasure.  Your pleasure will come but always start out making it about her pleasure.  Whores don't give a shit about their pleasure.  They just want money.  The voice is convincing your girl that she's not a ho, but that's ok because this is all about her, it's not about being a ho.  Prostitution is crazy talk.  You are just the instrument of her sexual pleasure. You are her sex slave, not her john. Believe this.  Convince her of this while you offer her lots of money.

Treat her like you want her more than any woman that you've ever known, but at the same time make it clear that if she refuses she stands to loose much more than you do.  You must genuinely believe that this is true, and then sell her on it.  This won't work if you're not genuine.  You must actually plan to be the safest, most loyal, generous, sexually giving, and respectful customer who will ever walk through the club door or into her life.  If you're not really gonna be that guy then it's over before you start.  Women can see right through you.

And to reiterate.  You must promise to pay her lots o cash. It will cost well above normal market rates. I know that.  It's in the system, so don't claim that John only wants to romance sex workers like SJG says. All I'm saying is that for those rare young strippers who are a 9 or above to you, who don't do extras or OTC but are chill enough to genuinely discuss it with you, you must do more than offer lots o money.  Much more. Otherwise you cannot succeed with this rare but special category of dancers.

And I’m not suggesting that this is genuine romance. DS I, II, and III are decades younger than me, and there is no chance that we will ever have any type of genuine romance between us. This is a relationship based upon the payment of money. But even girls who are having sex with you for money want to be treated respectfully, kindly, and lovingly. Indeed, unless an older guy is treating these girls as very special while also paying them money, that guy won’t fuck them. Treating them as special is not because they’re a girlfriend. Rather, treating them special is how you quiet the voice in their head. That voice will drown out everything that you say unless you do this.

A case in point.  A whale was shopping for DS II a couple months ago. She told me about it.  At least her version of it.  Guy does a good job of coming in and spending on her.  He's late 60s so her old man creepy radar is on pretty high, but he could overcome this.  I know the business that he owns in town. He is rich. He likely makes more money in one year than I see in 10.   All he has to do is run this system flawlessly and along with his money he may well be able to have her despite his age.

Instead, the idiot is creepy about it.  He wants his dick rubbed but he lies to her and says its just dinner and dancing, nothing more.  She knows better, and she won’t even contemplate OTC with a liar who is trying to trick her into sex. Then, as if this wasn’t bad enough, he makes a mistake that is immediately fatal to his cause.  She says how much are you going to pay me. She has to ask because he’s too stupid to know that he should have already offered her lots of cash. He gets all mad and he says why do strippers only care about the money. She never danced for him or spoke to him again. Complete idiot.  The way you make a dancer a ho is not by suggesting that she is a ho.  Disrespectful.  Creepy.  Arrogant.  He did everything wrong.  

I won’t tell all of the stories but DS I has had lots of guys make various other serious mistakes when trying to get her OTC. But my favorite was when I was sitting right next to the guy at the bar. I just got there, and she was with the guy already when I sat down. He was telling the DS about all of the trips around the world that he wanted to take her on. He wanted to spoil her and treat her like a queen. It wasn’t bad stuff, and the guy was off to a decent start. That was until he refused when she offered him a cheap air dance at the bar. That’s right, he refuses to buy the cheapest dance in the club from her, but he wants to pay her to travel with him around the world. She looked over at me several times while she had this conversation, knowing that I would find it very entertaining. Then she spent the rest of the evening itc with me, and came to my hotel room to spend the night.

These two guys couldn't even begin to imagine the incredible level of intimacy that I have with the seductive bodies of my dream strippers. They are completely mine in every possible sense of the term to explore and rejoice in their orifices. It's the kinda fun that a mere prostitute can't provide.  Remember, a DS is not a prostitute.  Treat her like a perfect girlfriend, and bring her as much cash as you can.  If you do, she'll treat you like her perfect boyfriend.  Because I run this system, they do everything with me uncovered.  Always. They swallow. DS I will do anal. They cum  Everything is entirely mutual sexually. They spend hours and days with me. They travel the world with me. And they are incredibly gorgeous and very young.

Many of you could easily do this at least if you were willing to spend the money that is necessary.  The key besides money is to simply really, truly, and deeply understand strippers and women, and then act in a mature manner on that knowledge to get the woman that you want.  Many of us at tuscl have that understanding. But most guys in strip clubs have no hope of ever doing this.  They will never come even remotely close.   Unless of course they pay to attend my seminar.  

Now you can wear a white three piece suit, grease bouncers left and right, and see what results you get. Or you can go out there and find your own dream stripper, run this system, and be fucking her in no time. You’re welcome.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Omg you've finally cracked.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    You say, "Dancers in their first week" and then "doesn't do extras regularly". How regular can a girl be who's been dancing just a few days?
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I see nothing in there about owning a dachshund! There is no way your system can work without a wiener dog in the mix! ;)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    My favorite strippers are in their late 20's and early 30's, and so this System would not work for me. However, I think I use some of John's techniques. I don't treat strippers like hoes, and my OTC strippers have told me I am respectful. Respect is effective if you want to see a dancer regularly OTC, as opposed to a 1-time P4P. As for money, I sometimes pay above market rates if that is what it takes, but I turn down unreasonable prices like $1000.

    A couple strippers have told me I'm the only customer they meet OTC, but I don't believe them.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm with jack. I don't recall ever doing OTC on a regular basis with anyone under 26. I've had several "one and dones" with younger girls but not many repeats.

    I too have been known to pay above market rates, by doing this I feel a girl is less likely to be a no show. If I have to spend an extra $50-$100 I'm okay with that, as OTC is not something I can easily set up every week, so when it happens, I gotta make sure it "happens" and I don't get stood up.

    Lastly, in something JS69 would criticize me for (and he has every right to do so) I usually go after a 7 for an OTC relationship because they have always been the most reliable, grateful and reasonably priced. The 9s, rare 10s and even the 8s are sometimes just too much high maintenance to deal with (drama, no shows, showing up hours late, not giving 100% performance, etc.)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    RS, yes that one phrase is poorly worded. None of them did extras and all worked at non extras clubs. When I wrote that I was thinking of the DS who pleasured me itc after I pleasured her. If I had said they didn't do extras and left it at that, I would've been crucified because she had sex with me. But she only did so because I was running this system (and because she didn't know that she could get fired for it).

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, your arguments for going after 7s make sense. Many, maybe most, 9s and above could get quite unreliable. But I guess I left out one characteristic of my targets. I look for the young, new girls who aren't really comfortable stripping. They were driven to the job by a desperate need for money, but they don't plan to do it for long. With this type, I think they tend to be more reliable. Indeed, they tend to see me as a ticket out of stripping, and they strip less or completely stop once we become regular. In contrast, if a 9+ plans to be a stripper for a while, then she may very well become unreliable once she finds lots of other ways to make the same money.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Boy. Your system seems like a lot of work. I seem to do pretty well for an old guy by just being honest and offering a fair price.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ good points, and like you've said before, for the 9s and 10s there's always going to be a bigger fish than me willing to pay more money than me, so that's a good point as well.

    For me (clubbing pretty much exclusive in Detroit these days) I used to find plenty of hot 21 and under girls that were new to stripping, which would fit the description of the type of girl you're talking about. The problem is they don't seem to last long and I see less and less of those types these days. Either I am at the wrong clubs for these type of girls or my argument a few months ago, is holding up: with the slightly improving economy some of these girls are choosing normal jobs over stripping. I feel they are doing this as it may be less money, it's more consistent. Also many young strippers I have talked to said they couldn't maintain the 45mim to 1hour drive to the strip club from where they lived, especially when most of them didn't even have their own car. With an improving economy they can get a job closer to their hometown.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SCat, I love Follies and never fail to have fun there. But I've never seen the kind of girl that I'm talking about at Follies. Even if they went to work there out of ignorance, they wouldn't last a day.

    Shailynn, I agree that this type of dancer is increasingly rare. And they often move on from stripping quickly. DS I quit after a year, DS II quit after a few months.

  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    ^^^They quit because your system ruined them for everybody else.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I quit reading after the third paragraph. HOLY SHIT that is a long post. I got the impression that this system is appropriate for people ABLE AND WILLING to pay a lot of money. I am neither able or willing. I fully expected him to say "Keep peeling off $100 bills until she says yes."

    I did read quite a few of the comments though. Shailynn brought up a something that reminded me of a discussion I was going to start so I will in a separate thread.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Back in my OTC days, I paid a couple girls, almost just for the experience of saying I did OTC with a dancer. I "dated" my ATF for free but in retrospect she should have paid me. I was totally in love with her, and she was way too big a flake. Plus, she wasn't in to me nearly as much as I was in to her. I haven't called or texted her since she quit dancing because I saw it as a good opportunity to wean myself away from her. It's been almost a year now, but I'd STILL go back if she told me she wanted to have a relationship. I'M the biggest PL in TUSCL!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I fully expected him to say "Keep peeling off $100 bills until she says yes."

    That's not what I said but I did do something similar with DS II. It took either five or six, can't recall exactly.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It's interesting how much of this overlaps general seduction theory. Be confident but not cocky, sensual buy not creepy, never come across as desperate.

    If you trip the "weirdo" alarm, no amount of cash will get you anywhere. And I definitely agree with what you're saying about giving them as much plausible deniability about being a whore, even if they wouldn't touch you for free.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    We kid each other alot on tuscl and a lot of gold nuggets of truth are found

    This is one of those moments in tuscl history...

    Im sure as already seen some funny commentary is being added to this


    The truth is their is alot in this that i use in my clubbing in clean clubs and have added to the success I've seen

    The main focus being

    Step one treat them with respect

    Step two seduce them ie pleasure them

    Step three spend money ITC ( this is were i disagree with john but agree with rick...don't spend so much ITC that it makes them fat but don't starve them either...with the girls i play with this means $100-$200 or basically $150)

    Step four ask her for a lil house date..when she comes over for a cooked meal, wine, Netflix move and playtime

    Wash then Repeat to desired measure
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind this works in clean clubs with 6, 7 and 8s
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    It's interesting how much of this overlaps general seduction theory. Be confident but not cocky, sensual buy not creepy, never come across as desperate.

    I agree this is y i suggest finding girls that seam into you after a few club visits without spending cash

    Remember the true difference between sexy and creepy is in how much attraction she sees in you...i soo agree money dosnt change this

    That's y you must find girls that hang around with no money then later spend on them...this is key to set the stage
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ For a guy that spells "why" with the letter "y", that's actually a very wise statement. If you creep the girl out, she won't care how much money you offer her. However, if she likes you and is hanging around you even if you aren't spending much on her, it's a good sign.

    Well said Juice.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Getting back to seductive theory and overlapping is y you spend that $150 ITC per visit....it gives you a chance to exculating the situation by running your hands over her hands, shoulders, lower back, kneck, face, ears even lips.

    If the club gives chance in vip or Champaign room then simulate what it would be like to make love to her by kissing her kneck, rubbing her ass, tits and puss..even liking.....do all you can not to fuck but make love...be sexual and sensual to her....later in life she will literally make love to you
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    And, well said James, I should say.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    DaOnion i learned that the hard way.

    Early on in my career i spent to many hours in the club broke and just hanging around.

    After many visits i would be ignored by plenty of strippers and when i had money i would go with the hottest bitch...i remember blowing $600 on one girl one night ITC and seeing how unattractive i was to her in how she responded to my advances....i new then i needed to stop clubbing or change how i did things

    That brings me back to all the girls witch was usually one or two girls per club i would visit. That would stay with my broke ass and would laugh with me, hug me and even at the table let me cuddle and flirt with them.

    I started spending my money on these girls and i noticed more mileage and more fun with less money being spent like$200.

    Later these became the girls i would have amazing OTC sex with them

    It worked so well because every one has a type....it's about finding the strippers you fit their type...young or old it works

    You just need to visit alot of clubs to get a large pool of girls

    Up front spend no money..maybe a few bucks on tips and drinks but thats it...no dances...this will start showing the girls that hang around for no money...they do so because their is some form of attraction...you can buid on this

  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Interesting Juice. Thanks for sharing.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    In the end after looking at ricks system, johns system, my system, seduction theory and so on is this

    1. Wash
    2. Bring Cash
    3. Be patient
    4. Be respectful

    This is the essence of it all in OTC with clean clubs and strippers

    If you dont like this or think its to challenge or unessary then join the others at follies or Detroit or your local backpagg
    Girls for the easy extras
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    We need to build a high pedestal and carve a Dream Stripper statue out of ivory, to honor JS69 and all his consorts.

  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've never read any seduction theory, but it's just common sense. And it works on MILFs too. I just haven't found one of them worth fucking yet.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    JohnSmith69: Thanks for publishing it.

    Juice: Thanks for writing the Cliffs Notes. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 says that you don't need to read books about seduction theory, but its just common sense and that what works on Dream Strippers also works on civilian MILF's. And he sees though that you have to really want to fuck her, and that this is part of why it works on her?

    Holy Shit, John Smith is saying very much what this guy from San Jose was saying 18 months ago when he first registered.

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Sounds like a lot of work.
    Treating others how you would like to be treated works well though.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    The Golden Rule of Tuscl lol
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Great system JS but unfortunately for me I don't have your kind of scratch so I can't pay in that level and I generally prefer women older than you do.

    But I do think that much of the system when it comes to the treatment of the dancer is spot on regardless of age.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Every week you hang a hummingbird feeder, then do a little dance, then go inside. You get tons of hummingbirds at your feeder. You think it's because you hung the feeder and did your dance, but really, at BEST, the hummingbirds don't care about your dance, and are maybe mildly annoyed they have to sit through the dance before you'll go inside and they can eat.

    If you're constantly successful, it can be difficult to tell which behaviors are hanging the hummingbird feeder, and which are doing the dance. I think there are some behaviors that are always hummingbird feeder:

    1. At minimum, treat her nicely and with respect and don't be creepy
    2. Huge extra points for being fun and likeable

    On the other hand, some of the dancers I've talked into OTC, including some that may well have been their first OTC after weeks of refusals, I did not do some of the things JS does.

    1. I don't ever talk about being sexually giving or make promises about her pleasure, and while I'm in a giving mood at some OTCs, I make it all about me at many others. I believe this kind of talk is the dance -- at best the hummingbirds ignore it, more likely they're probably mildly irritated. Never any need to bring up how sexually giving you are, it has no bearing on anything IME.

    2. I never offer above market rates. If anything, I angle hard for below-market, and often get it. Yes, even with the girl who was maybe the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a strip club. There are some things I do that are part of this, though ... I almost always start with, "I'm okay with a blowjob, we don't have to have sex". I do this to get a low price and make her more comfortable, knowing full well we'll eventually have sex anyway. Anyway, plain and simple, I'm living proof you don't need to offer above market rates to get hesitant&beautiful strippers; but I do have my own ways to encourage her along

    This post made me think a bit ... Part of why I'm successful here may be because of the way I SC ... Lots of drinking and partying and spending tons of time together. So I probably attract the girls who value more drinking and partying. They may be gorgeous, they may not do OTC very often, but perhaps they put some value on having fun. I dunno.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Anyway, not questioning at all anything JS says works for him. Sounds like a pretty obvious formula for success, in particular the high $$$. Just trying to tease apart what you really HAVE to do to get a super hot & hesitant stripper, versus what can be worked
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Anyway, not questioning at all anything JS says works for him. Sounds like a pretty obvious formula for success, in particular the high $$$. Just trying to tease apart what you really HAVE to do to get a super hot & hesitant stripper, versus what can be worked
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    ^Juice posted some Cliffs Notes. Time/patience seems to be a big factor. Also being respectful of her and not pushing boundaries (Polite and clean too) also seems to be a contributing factor.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra, good comments. Thanks.

    While I disagree, I can understand why you think that promising them sexual release does no good and might be irritating. However, actually giving them that sexual release as part of convincing them to date you does clearly work. I am positive that I would never have had sex with the DS if I had not first pleasured her orally to such a great extent.

    Also, I cannot begin to understand getting top stripper talent at or below market rates. That sort of thing is light years away from my experience. But who knows, maybe I'm just impatient and if I went more slowly I wouldn't have to pay so much. Glad it works for you.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS, well now you've got me interested enough to do an experiment and see if being more sexually giving buys me anything at all. Tough experiment, but I'll do it :) :)

    -->"Also, I cannot begin to understand getting top stripper talent at or below market rates."

    Here are my guesses, I think each piles up on the next... What do you think, still not add up?. No insult taken if you still don't think it makes sense

    1. I SC day shift only, preferably the slowest day shifts. Hot girls on nightshift have a completely different concept of money, they'll make $500/shift easy duringthe week, and I'd bet $1500/shift on weekends, based on how crazy packed the clubs are. Meanwhile, dayshift girls, unless they catch a whale here and there, are making a few hundred per shift on average, and sometimes as little as $100/shift on slow days.

    2. The hottest chick is not necessarily making the most $, especially on dayshift which is far more regular-driven, and less by walk-ins who might walk in and be immediately smitten. I was talking to a stripper with one of the most excruciatingly beautiful faces I've ever seen, and one day just blurted out, "I don't understand how I'm not waiting in line behind a zillion regulars to get to you! You're gorgeous, you're fun, you're smart.." She just shrugs and tell me she doesn't have regulars, and doesn't want to deal with texting customers at all so loses the guys who try to pursue her. I didn't ask this particular girl for OTC, but despite her beauty, I can tell you she's not making tons of $

    3. By the time I'm negotiating, I've seen her a bunch of times, she knows that I come in on slow days/times when many girls just do a few lap dances -- whereas, between my buddies and I, she'll make $200-$800. That's chickenfeed for nightshift but big $ on dayshift, and once she realizes I'll be moving on if you can't come to an OTC agreement, I think that gives me some leverage. I will also tell her I'm fine w/ just a BJ, if that will help her get to my price

    4. This thread made me realize this -- my SCing style (walk in, drink super hard with the stripper, lots of laughing and fun at the table, I expect her to hang out for the 3-5 hours I'm there) might self-select for the girls who are a little less business-focused and value partying. Even before I ever got to asking a girl OTC, I've had a few strippers ask me if I'll take them SCing with me (No sex implied in this invitation)... I think the more fun partiers are who I'm getting
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra, it makes sense except for one thing -- finding the incredibly hot dancer on day shift. Sure it happens but it is rare I would think. Except for a place like Follies which breaks all of the stereotypes, you're a 100 times more likely to find a 9-9.5 + dancer on night shift.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS: definitely agree with this: "you're a 100 times more likely to find a 9-9.5 + dancer on night shift. " Night shift is like being a kid in a candy store. At the high end clubs, you can't throw a shot glass without hitting an 8.5, and there are 9+s all around.

    But, don't agree with this: "Sure it happens but it is rare I would think. "

    Totally varies by club. There are definitely clubs where it's rare to find a 9+ on dayshift. There's at least one club here where it's not terribly rare to find a few 9+s on dayshift. And there's a couple of clubs where, some of the time, there's a 9+. That, really, is all I need -- I just need to meet her ONCE, and then I have her number, and she's coming in whenever I'm there. On top of that, some of the high end clubs push most girls, especially those with little experience, into dayshift to start, then promote them to nightshift after a while. The aforementioned "most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a strip club" (who I took OTC for less than market!! best score ever) I met on dayshift, and she stayed on dayshift for quite a while before moving to nightshift.

    So, there's definitely less choice, and if you choose your club poorly "less choice" really means "no choice at all". But IME it is not as hard as you think if you do some research. I"ve been going to the same clubs for 20 years, I have a feeling for the patterns and which places have relatively hotter dayshifts or the opportunity to catch a dayshift-until-she-gets-promoted-to-nightshift 9+ hottie
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