
A little update on Platinum Plus Greenville

I heard a rumor that they have 8 months to increase business by 40% or they will shut the club down. However the restrictions placed on the club won't be over before 8 months and I heard business is bad. I'm not planning on visiting simply because I haven't heard anything good from regular reviews, lots of shill paid advertisers on here promoting both south Carolina platinum clubs lately in my opinion and in Grenville, I read the police or prosecutors can or will review all video tape from inside the club whenever they want to.

In m opinion all the recent shill reviews for platinum clubs lately on here are paid advertisers. really stupid ones too because only an idiot would believe a club deserves a perfect 10 rating when the review sounds like an advertisement.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have a lifetime membership to the Platinum Plus clubs. It is for sale cheap. The whole chain is in big financial trouble. And still the dancers are asking $30-40 a dance. My reports from friends of mine indicate that most of the long time dancers have the sinking ship. You know they are in trouble when the have to resort to shill reviews.

    The question is where is Founder. I and others have flagged the 4 shill reviews for the Columbia club and the 2 for the Greenville club. Why have they not been removed?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe they paid Founder for membership here so he's leaving them alone for a while.

    If Platinum greenville found a new location, it seems like they would be better off opening up a new club if they can do so without all the videotaping and restrictions like pasties. There was at one time two or three nude clubs in Greenville but none right now. I guess they may have hefty expenses with their current location though and the very large building they have. Greenville keeps putting restrictions on strip clubs too like can't be within a mile or so of a church, home, playground,, cemetery, convenience store, gas station, library, you name it.
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    I know a few dancers at PP Greenville. They told me that the club will most likely be gone in Oct. The last review of PP Greenville is BULL SHIT!!!!!
  • ellocohombre
    9 years ago
    Yea here in PA their liquor licence is in jeopardy. Judge to rule on it soon. Business seems to be OK for now. Lose the ability to sell alcohol and that be a different story.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Geez the least they could do is get some competent people to write shill reviews.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I do see some poetic justice in all of this. The owner is going to pay for all of the customer complaints about the loud music and obnoxious DJs that he has ignored over the years,

    And the bitches that decided that their dances were worth $30 - $40 a piece are now flippin burgers.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    To quote Tony Soprano....fuck 'em, they got what they deserved.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Well, I'm not going to say that loud music and obnoxious DJs are the reason why they are hurting now, but poor overall management is.

    In Greenville, two people have died iin recent years n incidents directly relating to club security, one customer being choked out by a bouncer and another bouncer getting killed after chasing a guy all the way to his fucking car. Both were avoidable deaths had security been provided with even a modicum of guidance as to acceptable actions. So of course the club became a target.

    In Allentown, 11 strippers got busted in 2012 - 2013 for prostitution related offenses, so PP damn well knew that local police were keeping and eye on them and even sending in undercovers. So what do those fucking rocket scientists do? Go right back to business as usual and continue to allow fucking and sucking in the CR. And, quite predictably, LE did the same shit all over again.

    So yes, PP brought these problems down on itself.
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    I just saw a post on another corner of the www that Platinum Plus Greenville was closed again with a chain across the front door. Can anyone confirm?
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