
Female PLs

layin low but staying high
Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:39 AM
I've now seen it. Female PLs that are just as bad as some of you. Maybe worse. They say they love me by the third message. They give me their phone number by the second message. They send me a dozen messages in ten minutes. They compliment everything about me. Some are clearly lies, others obvious exaggerations.b they send "sexy" pics that would only be sexy if the woman was 35 years younger and 75?lbs lighter. They sound ten times more pathetic than me going after that dream civie. It's almost embarrassing to me how they throw themselves at me. I'd be willing to bet I could set up a sex date with all them on 12 hours notice. None have come right out and said that they want to fuck me. But it couldn't be more obvious. Most are pretty fat but usually not hideous. Mostly my age up to 60. A couple would be marginally fuckable if not for the fact that they are so incredibly damaged. I don't want to come within a million miles of these women. And they aren't trannies. At least not from their pics, and them seem legit. Legit but insanely desperate and no more picky about who they fuck than LDK is. As with much of what I've seen in on line dating, this was a surprise to me. Have you guys ever dealt with female PLs? And this is a sobering thought. Are dancers just as repulsed by us being PLs as I am repulsed by the PLness of these women?


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    These aren't scams by the way. The scams are mostly easy to spot, and they always involve attractive under 35 women. these are real women in my area. I know who one of them is at least in a general sense.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    What did you expect? I think it is pretty desperate for any person to resort to soliciting dates with other people through on line or any other dating service.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    sc, I disagree. I go on line for almost everything these days, why not for women. It's incredibly old fashioned to suggest that there's some stigma to on line dating. It's an extremely efficient system to meet women, and lots of the women are quite fuckable. Yes I haven't fucked any of them yet, and yes some won't look like their pictures, but I'm still a pretty good judge of character and this is where the civilian women are. If you just decide to pay for sex fine. That's always been my approach until lately, and I may well go back to just dating and fucking strippers soon enough. But there's nothing inherently pathetic about on line dating (at least no more pathetic than any other type of dating).
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    And the vast majority of women on line are not pathetic like this. The vast majority at least pretend for a little while to be good girls who are selective about their male companions. There is simply a small segment that reminded me of some of us.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    There is a big difference between shopping on line for durable goods than for people to date. I may be old fashioned when it comes to dating but I have never found it necessary to pay some one to set me up with a date. That is what friends are for. I have never even shopped on line for an escort.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I've had frank discussions with stripped about this. The addicts, as you'd expect, are the worst. They'll just put their"mind in a different place" and fuck whoever has the money. Most others are more selective with some preferring older men who are clean and somewhat in shape. Some totally reject the idea and actually make fun of PL's. One told me she recently turned down a SB/SD setup which was an offer for 3 one hour sessions per week for $3000 per week. Tempted, but couldn't do it. I've listened to their jabs at fat smelly customers and they're as repulsed as you'd expect. It's a funny business.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Shadow - I have to agree with js69 on this one. In today's society it is not always as simple as friends setting you up or meeting someone by chance. Those things still happen but many people don't have the time to go out searching for a mate or live in situations which make finding what you're looking for problematic. When I was still looking for a gf I used the online system for awhile because I wanted to date black women. At the time, I worked at a place where there were no black women, for awhile only one other black male (then he was let go and I was the only one) and in an area where black women were few and far between and the people I knew didn't know any eligible single black women. Plus my children were younger and my time was limited. So I used a system which helped me to find what I was looking for. I only dated one person out of it and she wasn't desperate at all. Online dating was mostly a dead end for me, but without knowing everyone's reasons for doing something such as this, we shouldn't vilify them with labels.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    "Are dancers just as repulsed by us being PLs as I am repulsed by the PLness of these women?" Yes. Welcome to the real world.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    It seems to be a generational thing. Totally accepted now whereas it would have seemed very desperate just 10 years ago. Kinda like for teenagers it used to be ear rings (for guys) until that was mainstream. Then tattoos. Then brands and those things that make huge holes in the ear lobes. Personally, I don't get any of them, but maybe I'm just a geek or out of touch. Then again, I'm not saying these trends are something that should be followed. How many of us hasn't done something we regretted when were 18? Hell, I still do.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If civilian girls tried to pick me up in a strip club once or twice, then I believe you that some other girls might be trying to pick you up off an online site. I think the girls visiting the strip club must have thought all the guys visiting must be lonely and sex starved. They did not understand when I didn't agree just to leave and go home with them. I wasn't lonely or sex starved nor did I trust a girl who greeted me by saying hey, you need to come with me back to my place and then expected me to suddenly leave the strip club and go home with her.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Now if I had implemented the government vetting process for refugees by having them answer a oouple questions, then I could have certified them safe for sex and gone home with them.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Most women, young or old, are unfuckable.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"• There is a big difference between shopping on line for durable goods than for people to date. I may be old fashioned when it comes to dating" Back in the dark ages, when I was getting out of college and online dating was in its infancy, it seemed a bit desperate. But it is not remotely considered anything other than another tool now, not something anyone hides. I realize that people who started dating a zillion years ago might still be stuck in the "online dating is desperate" mode of thinking, but "old fashioned" is an understatement, it's like laughing along with Jackie Mason that coffee should be 25 cents and why do we need all these fancy coffees? Touches a nerve with people whose formative time was a few decades ago, but otherwise, cringeworthingly out of touch now
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    The title of this thread is very deceiving. I thought it was about other female SC customers like myself. Hrmph. Oh well....in answer to your question- yes. Each gender has their PLs and yes again that dancers are generally repulsed by many of their customers. As sclvr5005 so aptly noted- welcome to the real (ugly) world.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    On Li ne dating is actually a lot like shopping for durable goods on line. You decide what you want, you look through the available merchandise looking for one that meets your needs, sometimes you have to compromise because you can't find the exact combination of what you want, but eventually you choose one to bring home and try out. If it doesn't work as advertised you return it and repeat the process over again to look for a better item. Eventually you find one that meets your needs and you use it as long as it functions well. Sure there are some differences but the two things are fairly analogous.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Jack, what makes you say that?
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I can think of at least two face to face examples. One was in college. I had an acquaintance who clearly had a crush on me, big time. We were in the same major, same dorm freshman year. She could have been a 7 if she lost 60 pounds. She joined the same activities I did. She would bake me cookies. She wrote me a card for my birthday. Luckily she backed off when I started seeing someone much hotter than her. Post college I had a gay friend who had a close friend who was a 5 at best. Said friend sort of tried to set us up. She kinda threw herself at me one night when we were all hanging out. Awkward, but not the end of the world
  • cantsleep
    8 years ago
    Playing goes both ways. It's not just the men who do it, always remember that.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    still waiting for you to explain the system to me so I can start bagging some MILFs and cougars online. I'm ITCHING like a crackhead for an older woman.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Esta I'm working on it as fast as I can.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Aren't you over 60? What hot young woman is "throwing" themselves at your old wrinkly thang?
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    The only part of an old guy that a hot young woman is throwing herself at is his wallet.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    Online dating is a lot of hit and miss and more often than not it’s a miss. If it’s nothing but head shots you know something’s up. We see a lot of people that say they aren’t here to hook up and my first thought is “Why in the hell are you on this site or using this app?” My favorite thing is when the pics have a date/time stamp and it shows it was taken 10 years ago. I have no doubt that strippers look at the majority of the customers; male or female, with disdain. I’m sure there are a few customers who are nice, good looking and younger that strippers find themselves attracted too so it’s easier for them to spend time with them being friendly but in the end it’s always about how much money you have and how much they can get you to part with. As far as online dating goes; this may shock some of you, but me and mrs sea met 18 years ago…..ONLINE.
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