
I think we’ve moved on.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:17 PM
We love SC’s but we haven’t been to one in a couple months. We’ve been having a TON more fun going to swinger parties. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper too. People actually talk to us there as well. We can pay for the party, buy our liquor and get a hotel room for less than half what we usually spend at a SC. There are plenty of tits and ass on display, mrs sea gets to dress real slutty and we can dance all night and mingle and then go have a lot of fun after the party ends. I can’t believe we didn’t think of this sooner. No, we haven’t jumped right in with both feet. We aren’t doing full swap. Just girl/girl and soft swap. If we find the right couple we’ve decided full swap could be on the table but for now we’re just taking it easy and meeting people and having more fun than we’ve ever had in our lives. We’ll still go to SC’s from time to time but there won’t be anymore $400-600 nights where we get 15 minutes of LD’s with just a little groping. Anyone else here do the swinger scene?


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I would do it I ever meet a dream civie. It sounds fucking awesome.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Never been to a swinger's club – I can see it being a good option for couples since they can mingle with like-minded folks. I don't think swinger's clubs work-well for those that SC alone which is most people – swinger's clubs AFAIK allow anyone-in in terms of looks so often times the selection can be pretty-bad; and then hoping the one hot couple will be into you is another matter. Strip-clubs are a lot more convenient way IMO to get the pussy one wants and with that convenience comes a cost.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Good for you! I'm sure Mrs. likes it because she gets to show off where some strippers treated her awkwardly. Happy trails!
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I would not be interested in swapping an attractive wife/girlfriend for a fugly swinger, and from the pictures I've seen most swingers are fugly.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Agree.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    +1 papi you said it all.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    Yes, there is a diverse mix of people and attractiveness. But i've got to tell you our preconceived idea (and what I think most people think) of a swingers party/swingers scene was far from reality. I went in with no expectations. I assumed we'd go dance, drink and go home. Mrs sea thought it'd be a massive orgy on the floor with fat ugly people. Neither were true. People talked with us. We danced, sat and talked, walked around and mingled. Yes, anyone is allowed to come and there's a wide mix of people 21-70, fat, thin, average, good looking and fugly. It's the same as what is talked about here where most of the strippers are 5's and 6's with a few hotter ones in the mix. But......you want manners, respect and good behavior? These parties are all about good manners and respect towards everyone. The majority of the people are our age in their 30's-40's and decent looking folks. There are of course a few women there who are stripper hot as well. Since we've gotten into the scene we've discovered there are tons of swingers everywhere and there are a LOT of hot swingers. The majority of the younger swingers around our age are into fitness like we are. They want to stay fit and healthy and attractive. We were really amazed are what is out there. There are a massive amount of different clubs and parties all the time all around us. Most of what you see online may be fuglies because the people like us and hotter don't put it out there for all the see. We're online but our stuff is private to only those we want to see it. We have lives and families and work and don't want this part of our life public knowledge. It makes perfect sense now. It's no different than you guys going to SC's and not telling anyone except on here. I always thought we didn't fit in here or at the SC's because we weren't the standard patron. The strippers ALWAYS hung out with the lone older gentlemen and walked right by us. Even though we were tipping, drinking, getting LD's and having a good time 99% of strippers simply avoided us. Mrs sea puts $$$ in her tits for strippers, gets mostly naked during LD's and gets in there and motorboats strippers and does anything they ask but it's still like we had the plague. We never understood the issue. My worry is we won't fit in with the swinger scene either though. The majority of people are full swap and actually avoid people like us where we want girl play/soft swap. We're very selective and a full swap is going to be a long term thing where we've got to meet and get to know a couple we REALLY, REALLY click with but we're sure it'll eventually happen. There are a bunch of couples like us though so we should be fine. We're not about to "take one for the team" as they say in the swinger world and we'll only do stuff together but it's been more fun than we've ever had in our lives and is only looking to get better.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Interesting – keep us posted on how it goes
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Best of luck and have fun. I'm sure you and Mrs. will find your niche soon enough in The Lifestyle.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I've dabbled twice in my life in two different cities. There's pros and cons. You can find attractive milfs, but few stripper quality women. That said, swinger women know how to suck dick!
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Reminds me of Carpocrates whenever I hear of swinger parties. Either way, not sure how you guys can manage to have sex with three different partners at a time.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    How are young men treated in these swinger clubs? I mean age range 21-29
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Good for you both! It's great to have options :) Another option (tho potentially as expensive as a SC) would be a couples escort. Many escorts love to entertain couples. Granted you're on the clock but unlike a double's priced LD, most providers don't tack that much more onto their fee for a couple. And if you use a good escort site your chances of getting just the right lady for the two of you is almost guaranteed. It sounds like you have the right mindset - sampling a bit and going slowly in the beginning is a sound practice no matter what activities you decide upon. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Estafador, depends on the club. At many single men aren't allowed. Others charge them a premium. There are couples into the cuckold/hot wife scene, but they may be easier just to find online.
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    Sounds loke a natural evolution for a married couple of PLs. Seems like married couples have three choices when 1 or both ar PLs. 1) Evolve into swingers/open marriage 2) A long resentful marriage 3) Divorce
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    estafador, single men are only allowed in limited #s. What we've seen is 5 or less per party and they have to be pre-screened and approved. There are a good bit of couples saying they're looking for a male to please the wife while the hubby watches or for MMF but my feelings are it's completely up to the wife and if the couple is somewhat to very fit and attractive the single guy better make you say "WOW" when you see him. I can say I've seen several of the single guys cruising around the parties only to have the wife cut her eyes at him watching him walk around. I get the feeling she's hoping he doesn't stop and try to talk to them. If you're a single guy at a swingers party you've got a HUGE hill to climb and I would not want to be one. We can see 20 or more single guys who sign up for every single party but they never get approved to attend. The ones who have been approved seem to go to EVERY party. I can't imagine spending every week going to swingers parties alone, paying a premium entrance fee hoping to join a couple for a little action and then going home alone to what is probably an empty home. Just seems sad to me but maybe that makes them happy. Ehhh, anyway..... lopaw, that's funny because we've actually had that discussion several times. Usually after we leave the SC at 5am $400 lighter in the wallet and still haven't found a stripper wanting OTC. We've said many many times if we've spending that kind of money we better be getting fucked.....in a good way. We've looked online a good bit but just seems hard to find. Maybe we're looking in the wrong places. We peruse TER, BP, USA sex guide but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. whodey, we're a package deal. If you want one you get both. The whole point is to enjoy this together. I've got to get my ass back on the elliptical and do my crunches again. I did have abs showing about 6 months ago but I've been working so much lately I put back on 15lbs. In the last month I've dropped 10lbs but I have to step up my game. There are so many hot wives where the man is old, ugly and overweight. We don't understand that and we won't be that couple.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    One big perk of the lifestyle is it helps prevent laziness regarding physical appearance
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Good thing I have took attention to sculpt my body to my genetic perfection. Still having trouble increasing my waist and hip size though. Really want to be a waist 36". And I'm black, a taboo in some circumstances. Huh, no wonder why the two I applied to I never heard from again. I could get an ugly girlfriend, but I doubt any my age are into going to that stuff.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think we've moved on? Ha Ha Ha! Maybe for a few weeks. Beautiful hotties parading around in little more than high heels and makeup. No one ever moves on from that until they are dead. And then they'll be getting it in heaven. SJG
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Hey SJG you must take retract your last comment, because liberals don't believe in an after life, or God.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I'm afraid that SJG is probably right. Once you've let the genie out of the bottle, you'll never get him back in.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    Like I said in my original post we won't stop going to SC's from time to time. We really enjoy the party atmosphere with T&A on display but we'll have to fit it into our schedule. There won't be anymore massive amounts of cash going out without any ROI anymore like there was. We really enjoy sitting at the stage tipping but throwing away $200-300 on LD's has gone bye bye. I can see us taking a single female or a couple out with us where the SC is an appetizer if you will. Just in the last week alone we've been contacted by a dozen different couples looking for anything from girl play to soft swap to full swap so we have all the options we want available to us. We've just upgraded to a better genie is all.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    Seaboardrr I feel ya. I haven't been to a strip club at all thus far this year, primarily due to my success of having enough civilian girls on my rotation at the moment. If this keeps up then my club visits will continue to decrease. I am going back to the club this weekend and I've got to start being more proactive in what I am seeking rather than wasting $200 plus on dances. Meaning being served in VIP or OTC.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I believe in an after life of hotties parading around in high heels and makeup, similar to what @founder described as "that final VIP Room". SJG
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