
I had a strip club related dream. Was my lucid dream afterwards too harsh a pun

I dreamed I was in a high end or very upscale strip club just watching the entertainment. It was pretty crowded. Later in the night a big guy came in and he either accidentally or intentionally pulled down my chair while he was trying to sit down and caused me to fall and hit my head. He didn't apologize or anything. He just sat behind me. What he did do was apparently speak to the manager. The manager came over and said I was causing trouble and told me I was going to have to leave. ( because of the jerk) Anyway I got mad and woke up enough out of the dream. I went back to sleep and modified the dream. I rewound the dream after the manager spoke to me and turned into Death. As soon as the manager touched my chair, he turned to ash and the big guy behind me turned to ash. Before both guys souls went to hell, I told them they both have time to think about what they did wrong. Too harsh or sweet revenge?
It was just a dream but I do enjoy swift justice in my dreams.

If you had a dream like that you could alter how you liked, what would you do?


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe I shouldn't go to sleep with final destination movies on. lol
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't tell my therapist that story if I were you.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Those dreams are only in your head.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    You have some wild and crazy dreams. I thought mine were crazy. Good story though. I would change how my dreams turned out if i could. I stead of them turni g to ash i would make them do something funny like acting like monkeys, or sniffing each others butts like dogs or every time they spoke their foot ended up in their nose or...?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago

    I can control my dreams on a lot of occassions so that can be fun because they seem so real at times.

    It also can lead to weird dreams. I've read a lot of science fiction books and fantasy books when I was a teenager so my imagination is pretty big too. Some of the long ago paranormal stuff I've seen I never understood.

    I can create the hottest girl's in my dreams and get them to do whatever I want if I wish when I got a dream under control. I have also flown, time traveled, and altered time and space in my dreams. I've done about everything in my dreams I've thought of unless it seemed disgusting or something I was not interested in.
    I've had so many lucid dreams that I have super powers in my normal dreams more often than not. I believe some science fiction writers started reading my posts several years ago on another web site and starting using the ideas I posted in tv shows. It just seemed kind of cool to post some weird stuff and then a matter of weeks
    later, poof, the same thing pops up in a tv show.
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