First night dancing

avatar for impala

Would love to hear about encounters others have had with first time dancers. Now, I don't mean a new dancer to a club, but actual first night they have ever danced. In my many years I have seen a few, most are timid, some are offended or grossed out, but a few are down right wild.

I remember about a decade ago I stopped in early at a club that I was a somewhat regular. Girls weren't dancing yet, but was O.K. because I wanted to chill for a bit anyways. At the bar one of the regular dancers was explaining to a brand new girl how things worked, how sets worked (dance first song, second top off, third bottom off), how to do a tip round, and about giving lap dances in the back. The new girl told her she had no idea how to give a lap dance. I still remember how the regular looked at me and then said to her "well damn girl, looks like you need to practice on someone first". She then looked at me again and asked since I was the only one there would I mind if she could just "show her a few things with me" so that the newbie had an idea what to do (duh, what do you think)? Now, I knew the older dancer quite well, and was quickly taken back to a larger private room the club had. Since there was no dj (no music, but also no prying eyes) there yet she decided to play some music on her phone. Needless to say, it lasted for Better part of an hour. At the start it was basically intro to lap dancing and at the end it was "if you like the customer and he has extra money and no body is looking" how to do a blowjob or fuck the guy without getting caught. I had the time of my life, oh, and by the way didn't cost me a dime.


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avatar for londonguy
9 yrs ago

Lucky bastard :-)

avatar for Phoenix133
9 yrs ago

My first night dancing ever I was timid about it and did more pole tricks and pole work then floor cause the pole was my safety net at the time I didn't know how the girls even danced I just did what I thought was impressive or sexy on the pole. Only one customer came in and since I was there first and ready first out of the three girls that were there I had to go on stage first. Well while I was on stage the two other girls sat next to the guy one on both sides and told him NOT to tip me! And so the guy never tipped me even when I came closer to him and tried to break myself away from the pole a little. The two girls where bitches to me for a long time and then eventually started to be nice (I always just shrugged them off cause I really hate drama). Though once I got the hang of what I was doing and started to do more floor work they would also get pissed off and jealous of me cause I started to make more money then them even though I was new. The one especially did.

avatar for crazyjoe
9 yrs ago

Great story impala. I did dance with a new girl once. She had won an amature contest and gotnhired at the club that night. They let her work without paying house feed for that night only. I got a couple dances from her. She was grinding the shit out of me dru humping me like a boss. The manager came and told her to stop. It was a no milage club. She didnt know what or who to watch out for yet. Good time though

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

Because of my status as a regular at my favorite club, I have the privilege or should I say obligation of letting a dozen first timers give me a try out. Most were very timid but I can remember 2 where the instructor told her how to use her hands for best results. They were not free. Receiving payment for their work is part of the job. I still do it when asked.

avatar for Meursault
9 yrs ago

dude you got an almost an hour of lap dances including some head and din't feel the need to even tip?

avatar for flagooner
9 yrs ago

impala is my new hero.

The only thing that would make this story complete is to tell how the "demonstration" dancer treated you after that encounter after you didn't tip her.

avatar for impala
9 yrs ago

I has more than made up that evening with both of them many times, and for a while afterwards the older one actually lived with me for a time.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

Yeah; the consensus is most genuine new-girls are timid and don't know what they are in for and are often shocked if it's a high-mileage club (just w.r.t. the dances; not necessarily extras).

Many seem to think it's like a singles-bar where dudes will just give them $$$ for their company and at most they just get nude but are not touched in any-way.

Some genuine new-girls seem to take to it quickly and easily and seem pretty comfortable w/ what goes down but that seems more like the minority.

And some new-girls are not and use the line as part of their hustle.

One would think that many of these new girls would know-enough to at least visit a couple of SCs and see how things are done rather than just showing-up w/ zero-idea of how SCs are.

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

"Many seem to think it's like a singles-bar where dudes will just give them $$$ for their company and at most they just get nude but are not touched in any-way."

many new girls really think this? O_O

avatar for WetWilly
9 yrs ago

If Impala's story is true, I'm jealous :-) That's incredible!

avatar for impala
9 yrs ago

I agree papi, some do. I saw one that DIDNT understand it wasn't a brothel, she didn't last long (got fired real quick), but you can find her escorting on backpage

avatar for impala
9 yrs ago

True story

avatar for gawker
9 yrs ago

I met a new first night dancer who claimed to have been terrorized in the locker room by other dancers. She quit her job by 11:00 pm. Another girl on night one told me she lived in Weston, MA (average home price is $1,000,000+) told me of her pet horses and seemed to have a silver spoon up her ass. I asked her what was available in VIP and she said I could touch anything but her "glory hole". I never did figure that one out.

avatar for magicrat
9 yrs ago

It depends on how many and what kind of drugs they have taken. I

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago

I have had countless numbers of dances with girls that were either brand new to dancing, or brand new to dancing for women. Either way it's usually a waste of my hard earned money. They ought to be paying me. I refuse to do it anymore unless the dancer is smoking hot and very VERY girl-friendly.

avatar for anongirl98
9 yrs ago

I now strive to be one of those few wild new strippers LOL

avatar for rattdog
9 yrs ago

many years back a girl new to the industry had no idea how to give a lapdance. i had to train her the friction procedure, straddling, etc. even got some dfk's from her. she used to work as a blackjack dealer in atlantic city. obviously not as good as impala's good luck but an attractive blackjack dealer working in a club is pretty rare.

gawker, was that weston, ma girl the type of girl you might see strolling around the campus of boston univ?

avatar for rl27
9 yrs ago

I usually skip dances from a brand new dancer until she has been there for a few months, and even then it can be hit or miss.There have been a few times when I tried a dancer either on her first day dancing or within her first week, and each time it was either the club manager or another dancer who knew me and offered some free dances with the dancer. Only once was the dance even semi decent, the other times it was lame, although not because of lack of trying on many of the dancers' part.

The one time it was semi decent, was similar to impala's experience. One of my favorites was there with her cousin who decided to dance. She stopped by me and asked if I would help her show a new dancer how to give a lap dance, including offering 30 minutes in the champagne room for the price of 15 minutes, which was about what I paid her anyway. Her cousin was a very fresh faced young gal with a tight body and looked a lot like her so I agreed.

She took me to one of the champagne rooms and had her cousin sit down on the couch beside me while she give me a lap dance. The three of us were back there about 20 minutes while she explained how to use her legs, butt and hands to keep me wanting more.

The first song was her giving a demonstration of all the moves, and the second song she had her cousin do the same moves while she critiqued her. It was a bit strange and I had a hard time keeping an erection due to the constant pauses. The third song she decided to just have the new dancer sit back down next to me while she danced on me, this time without commentary.

I was able to get a lot more into it without all the comments and pausing. Then she went back to alternating between her and her cousin. She was quite a bit blunt saying things like most of the guys here want to get off, and a few just come here for time and don't want dances. Different ways to get guys off, if she is into that stuff, and how to not get busted for it. She mentioned a few hints like, "try not to get your customer off before he has been back there a few songs," adding, "although in his case," pointing at me, "you don't have to worry, he usually likes to go at least three songs before getting off." She even showed how to discretely touch a guys crotch during a table dance to help convince him to go back for a private lap dance, using the small chair in the room.

Once she was done I tipped her cousin $40 for the 20 minutes we were there, and then we continued alone for the half hour where she definitely made good on her promise of a nice time. The dancer who took me back with her cousin quit a year later, while her cousin continued dancing to this day, and has been dancing for over 20 years.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I usually avoid dances from a brand new dancer as well. I remember one dancer gave me some bony uncomfortable dance. She didn't know what she was doing and I was paying her. Her bones were digging into me. It probably wasn't all bad experiences but I seem to remember the bad. I'm not sure why but I've had some of the younger dancers seem to want to dance for me. I guess everything will happen if you visit strip clubs long enough.

I wondered if the dancer who argued with me for 15 to 20 minutes after I said no thanks was a new dancer. In hind site, I should have asked when she didn't leave my table and wanted to argue with me instead. Instead if leaving and checking back later, she ended up feeling rejected and sat away from everyone not asking anyone else for dances. I never saw her again. I didn't intend to make her quit if that was what she did. I rarely bought any dances in that particular club so that was like asking a cat to jump in a lake when the cat didn't want to.

avatar for jestrite50
9 yrs ago

One night about 3 years ago at the Living Room in Dayton Ohio I was sitting alone at a table when a nice looking dancer whom I had never met before asked if she could keep me company. I said sure why not. She proceeded to tell me it was her first night dancing and hadn't made a dime. I said well maybe I can make your day then. We went back to the "relax room" and I told her I would do 3 lapdances with her to see how she did. When the song started she just stood there crying. She wouldn't take any clothes off. Not even her top. I told her common just flash me your tits. She wouldn't do it and just kept standing there crying through 3 songs. I paid her her $60 when the 3 songs were over and went with her back to my table. I told her I can see now that you're not cut out for this work. I told her I would get her some help. I then paid $60 to 3 of my faves to take her back and show her how to give lap dances. Needless to say she didn't last. After about 2 weeks she was gone and we never saw her again. For the best I guess.

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago

I can only think of one. I know it was her first time because it was at my then regular club where I had known the barmaid for well over 20 years.

Anyway, it was her 18th birthday. Her first song she gets on stage wearing a white bikini. Even more modest then one would see on the beach. Basically stood there and wiggled a little. Second and third song, a bit more movement. Then the tip walk. I'm sure she did well as most gave her a birthday tip. Second set, same bikini, she's dancing along then I noticed that her monthly friend had arrived. I alerted the barmaid, she whispered to her, and she left the stage. Never saw her again, nor did the club.

After typing this, I wonder, how could she not know? Ladies here, is that possible?

avatar for ATACdawg
9 yrs ago

I watched a girl's first dance at my #1 club one night. This girl was, at that time, the hottest bartender who worked there. She decided to try dancing to get the really big money. I don't know, maybe somebody dared her.

She got on stage wearing a bikini over a g-string, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. She nervously started cleaning the pole. Then she went and clened the other pole. Then she came back and cleaned the first pole. This continued until she had cleaned both poles three times, looking like she wanted to be anywhere else. Those poles were as bright and shiny as the chrome on a a '57 Chevy show car. In the last 30 seconds of the two song set she managed to get her top off. It was worth the wait.

She was sufficiently traumatized by the experience that she didn't try again for two weeks.

Today, three years later, you would never see that nervous little girl. She is still smoking hot and has no problem shedding her clothes while looking very, very sexy!

avatar for NinaBambina
9 yrs ago

My first night dancing I made about $80 after tip out. It was disheartening but I came back next time and made over $300 which boosted my confidence.

Last time I worked (last Saturday), I left with $1346 after tip out. So yeah... It gets better. :)

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago


You could have replied to my inquiry, or do you not read others comments?

avatar for anongirl98
9 yrs ago

clubber - yes it's totally possible it's happens to a lot of girls, and actually the gods tend to give it the day you decide to wear white :-)

Periods can be irregular so sometimes it comes as a surprise although there's usually some tell tale signs days prior like cramps, breakouts, discharge etc but if you don't notice then you won't know.

And if you mean how didn't she feel it, it usually is just kind of leaking (can't think of a better word) it's not like a sudden down pour so she probably just didn't feel it.

happens often enough that "can you check my butt" is pretty standard between girls and most will understand why as soon as you ask

avatar for NinaBambina
9 yrs ago

Clubber - I hadn't read through all the comments. The girl was probably really drunk to not notice she had gotten her period. She probably had a few too many shots before going in. And mixed it with pills or something.

She also must either be stupid to wear white (and apparently no tampon), or has an irregular flow and had no idea her period was going to arrive.

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago

Thanks ladies! Even in my advanced years, I see there are still is a myriad of information I do not or will never know about women. :)

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