I'm betting the cow sign was there before the strip club, and because of restrictions on signage that were passed *after* it went up, it's grandfathered in, but they can't change it or they'd have to take the whole thing down.
I don't think they're on crutches but probably leaning on canes, the sort used for dancing.
Rotating through the view of Pete's Place, there's a sign advertising REAL Mesquite Grilled Burgers Chicken and Steak. The heifer's probably an advertising prop for that part.
I am shocked how many can't tell the difference between a bull and a cow. If that cow were real it would take a long time to milk, there would pnly be one nipple, and you would end up with cum all over you
"If you build it they will come"
So they're milking that one for all its worth.
LOL. It took me a minute but i see it. Lol.
I bet they have a dancer there that goes by the stage name of Holestein...
I don't think they're on crutches but probably leaning on canes, the sort used for dancing.
Rotating through the view of Pete's Place, there's a sign advertising REAL Mesquite Grilled Burgers Chicken and Steak. The heifer's probably an advertising prop for that part.
Well, I believe it must be home to the ever elusive Womcow created by ibbiwackicini in his lab.
I thought it was a bull but so many were calling it a cow or a heifer, I figured I must be wrong.
I grew up in a small city but surrounded by farms. But I'm far from an expert. I should have trusted my first thought
That was funny Shadow. Good one on the context of the original post. lol.