Seeing a stripper outside the club (and not OTC)

avatar for impala
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Other night was walking through the local mall doing a little Christmas shopping when I saw a family with some that I recognized. There was a 30 something man, his late 20's wife, and 2 kid I'd say 5 &8 ish. It took me a moment, but once I recognized her I realized that she danced in a club (just a go go bar) about an hour from here. To be honest, when she saw me she looked almost terrorized (I think worrying that I might say or do something). I just made eye contact with her, smiled, and kept walking.

Now, that's not the first time I've ran into dancers in the outside world, and I'm sure it's not going to be the last. I always find it interesting their reaction when they see you, and how it varries with whom they are with and you are with.


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avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
DS II and I have run into customers that she knew twice in public settings. Both times it was a guy and his girl that she had danced for, each time the guys were with their wife/gf, and each time it went down the same way. DS II smiles politely and nods, the guy smiles lustfully and stares, and the wife/gf looks disgusted, grabs the guy by the arm, and pulls him away. It was fun to watch. DS II was about 100 times hotter than either woman.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Yes. It happens occasionally. My policy in such chance happenings to always let her move the first move.
avatar for impala
9 years ago
Remember running into one a few years back at a regular night club, she was out with a bunch of her friends and they were TRASHED. Funny thing was that her friends (non-dancers as she later told me) were grinding up against almost every guy there while she just politely sat there and watched. As she told me they were all want-to-be dancers (whores as she put it) that didn't have the guts to actually do it.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Obviously, each situation is different, but as a general rule, I agree with shadowcat: let her make the first move. Even if it doesn't look like she's with her date/bf/husband, he might be 10 feet away watching. At most, I'll make fleeting neutral eye contact and simply move on if she doesn't acknowledge me or whatever.

John, hate to say it, your stripper is making eye contact and nodding at customers who are with their wives? She might have reached the cuntiest peak of Cunt Hill.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
I've run into them out in the civie world at times. I might nod or say hi but usually I let them decide if they want to acknowledge me. Some have been as friendly as in the club, others not so friendly.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
Can't be positive it was the same woman, but I sure think it was. She was quickly becoming my CF. She disappeared from the club. A month later I am in a bank. I see "her". She made the eye contact and quickly averted her eyes and walked back to the teller line. As I walked in, eye contact again and she got busy doing who knows what. Actually she was doing nothing. When I completed my business, and was leaving eye contact again. Never saw her working there again. Maybe I "saved" a stripper!!!


This is the dancer you chased with your spanish! :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I haven’t ran into a dancer I know in years – I mostly go to all-black clubs and I guess we just hang-out in different spots OTC?

I only recall running into 2 dancers while I lived in Dallas and used to visit Baby Dolls in the early-2000s:

1) a well put-together white-chick (everything is bigger in TX); she had the bod of a black chick and tremendous natural Cs – I saw her shopping at a mall w/ a female friend and we didn’t’ acknowledge each other

2) one of a few black dancers I encountered at Baby Dolls – she had huge perpetually erect nipples and great natural breasts – saw her at a grocery store w/ an AA guy around her-age that I assume was her BF – we sorta made eye contact but I minded by biz – I saw her a few days later at Baby Dolls and she asked my why I didn’t say hi – I told her I assumed the guy she was w/ was her BF to which she said “you still could have said hi”
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
One lovely Latina that I got along real well with at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger also worked in a retail lingerie store in the Sunnyvale Town Center. The meeting was a good experience.

avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
I can think of 3 examples:
1. I ran into a dancer about town. We were both by ourselves and came pretty close to accidentally walking right into each other. She acted a bit terrified by running into a customer.
2. I ran into xATF at the mall. We were both by ourselves and she was pretty cool about it. Although, we had a pretty good rapoor going at that time.
3. In the earlier days of my SC hobby-ing, there was this one girl I knew thru my professional job who I'd cross paths with intermittently. Then she started working at the local club. We were both surprised that night our paths crossed itc, but she was very cool about it. We hung out a bit as friends after that revelation. This was before I got engrossed with TUSCL, so I didn't know what I know now, and didn't try to leverage her as a reference to get in with the "in crowd" at that club. She sort of vanished one day. Never found out what happened to her.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
On e I ran into a stripper at a local fast food place while I was with my daughter and one of her friends. She was with a guy. Later that week, I saw her at the club, and she said thanks for not recognizing her when she was with her boyfriend. So I thanked her for not recognizing me with my daughter. Then she said, "should we go in the back and not recognize each other for a while?"

The other most recent time, I was at work, and one of the temps stopped and asked me for directions to the cafeteria. It was a dancer who didn't recognize me with my beard. So I took her and bought her lunch.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
LDK !!!!

avatar for rl27
9 years ago
I met a few over the years working as cashiers, often during the peak holiday season. Only one ever acknowledge knowing me. I also saw two different dancers at one of the computer shows one with her boyfriend, the other her brother, who were helping them pick out a computer.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
Oh I just forgot. I saw several work as models working at the yearly Autoshow. All except for a few had the following in common. Tall, thin, fit, no visible tattoos and small natural breasts.

One exception seemed to be the German Automakers, where many of the models had large tits.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I should add, there's a few clubs in my area where the girls get 45-60 minute breaks. When I was a regular at one such club, I often got invited to go drinking with girls on their breaks. While there, we'd often run into other girls from the same club on their breaks, there are only a small number of bars the strippers go to, and obviously in that situation, and only that situation, we approach each other freely.

Back in those days, I used to love inviting my buddies to go sc'ing with me, but I wouldn't tellthem what to expect. We be at the club, then some strippers would invite us out to the bar, then at the bar there'd be even more strippers ... Invariably, on the way home they'd be raving about it, "I never got invited to the bar with strippers before! That was so cool!" That was one of my favorite things about those particularclubs
avatar for yndy
9 years ago
My first-ever was at gas station. She was finishing at a nearby pump and smiled.

Next was one with boyfriend at grocery store and not long after library. We both smiled and said Hi.

I’ve run into several longtime favorites (one is leading candidate for my ATF) at our local park: Two of them acknowledged me, but otherwise didn’t communicate. They later told me that’s what they thought I’d want (not at all). Another one hugged me and then introduced me to her boyfriend! Prior to that I saw her at another club she was scouting. She invited me to sit down with her, her ex mother-in-law, and a male friend.

Saw another one I didn’t know well, but she didn’t see me. I might have said Hi, but she was with who appeared to be her Mom. I had seen this same one in library on campus some years ago, but again she didn’t see me. I might have gone over and said Hi, but she was at a table library working on a group project (proof that some actually are in school!). Oh another one at park. She didn’t see me and she was with two guys.

At our county fair, a short-term favorite caught eyes with me, mouthed “what are you doing here?” walked over to hug me and went on her way.

At a big party event last St. Patrick’s Day night, I thought a woman was looking at me. But I couldn’t place her. She was with a guy, so I hesitated to approach her. Eventually, SHE DID! Gave me a big hug. Out of context I didn’t recognize her. We tried to talk but the music was too loud.

I think that’s it. I look forward to more encounters.

Addendum: A bit OT, but an interesting xperience/story. On way home from club I saw a familiar car pulled off the road. Was my then-fav and her then-gf. Turned out their car's fuel gauge was broken and they had run out of gas. I drove them to the gas station and back while they fought about the situation. Kind of cool to save a couple of "damsels in distress" who were also a couple.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
One I forgot that I am sure was a dancer, I saw in a Firestone. Had a baby with her. There was no contact between us there or even before in the club. Not my type. She would have been better suited to work in a gym.
avatar for Dolfan
9 years ago
I seem to run into them fairly regularly, at movie theaters, fast food joints, grocery stores, regular bars, the mall, concerts, etc. Like sc, I usually let them make the first move unless its one I know well enough that I can approach her without risking her being uncomfortable.

I once found myself sitting at a Poker table at the Winn in Vegas with a hot little chick I had spent some time ITC with at Tootsies a few months earlier. At first, I didn't think she recognized me and I started doubting if it was her. We were playing and drinking for 3 or 4 hours. Both of us were doing well, but we really weren't talking to each other. Eventually we wound up heads up on a pot worth around 1500, and I won. We both got up after that hand. She comes over to me with this shit eating grin on her face & tries to imitate Teddy KGB and says "its a fucking joke anyway, after all I'm paying you with your money..." and then she fucking hits me with "I'm still up 20 from this last time you stick it in me." I nearly fucking pissed myself laughing. After finally composing myself 30 minutes later we chatted for a little while & played a little blackjack together with what we called "other peoples money" from the pot but I couldn't seal the deal and she went to meet back up with her friends who were at the pool. We did exchange numbers, but she quit dancing before I got a chance to meet up with her at Tootsies again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
It's quite possible there may have been some more dancers outside the club that recognized me but I didn't recognize them.

I don't care how a dancer's face looks and just focus on the bod; thus it is not uncommon for dancers I have not seen in a while to come-up to me in the SC for example and talk to me as if they know-me or tell me “don't you remember me” and I often don't and think it's them just SSing; but often times it turns out we have met at the club b/f and I end-up recognizing/remembering them when they take their clothes off (since I just tend to focus on the bod).

So there may have been situations where I was in the same place as a dancer OTC but I didn't recognize her not wearing her birthday-suit.
avatar for goldmongerATL
9 years ago
Ran into a really shy dancer that had disappeared. She was working at a mid-range steakhouse as a waitress. told me she made more money there than at the club.

Other end of the spectrum, I ran into a dancer that I had regularly VIP'd. I was in Vegas at a convention. I thought I recognized her walking into the hotel around 11 PM with a group of friends. They came back from the ladies room all transformed into hookers and started working the bar. I gave her the eye and told my buddies I was turning in early. She followed me to my room. $250 well spent.
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