
Do strippers cook?

Atlanta suburb
The last time a stripper was over at my house, I told her to help herself to a soft drink in the frig. she was absolutely amazed at all of the stuff in mine. Stuff that I take for granted like mayo, mustard, salad dressings, cheese, etc. I wondered what I would see if I looked in hers. Left over Chinese take out?


  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    My ATF is an excellent cook. Also, there was a dancer at Greenville Lust who quite often would bring in supper for the entire staff, and the staff looked forward to it.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    The only thing many of them know how to cook is smack in a spoon.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I know two who definitely do. And at least one of them is excellent at it; I've eaten her food and she does a good job.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    Few American women under 40 know how to cook. Sure alot of them say they know how to cook, but microwaving something quick is what they consider cooking. Instead of learning real practical shit from their grandmothers, they waste their time reading Cosmo and using Facebook. A way to a man's heart is through his stomach, no wonder we keep divorcing our American bitches.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I haven't seen much difference between strippers being able to cook and civi's. Age seems to be a big factor, there's few in their 20's who actually cook, but in their 30's its a larger percentage. It seems the younger you were when you moved out of your parents house also plays a big role, especially if you moved out on your own vs into a place with your significant other.

    I can kinda relate, in my early 20's I really couldn't cook anything more complex than burgers and hot dogs. Towards the end of my 20's I started learning how to make reasonable meals. I'm a single guy who prioritized my career in those years. Eating out with coworkers & clients was common, and not having time to shop for groceries and prepare a meal was pretty common too. Especially since my lack of cooking skills meant what would take a normal person 15 minutes to prepare took me an hour.

    I get the same thing when I send girls to the fridge, usually to grab a mixer. My experience runs a bit contrary to Sinclair's comments though. When they notice there are groceries to cook a meal its not uncommon for them to start trying to get invited over for dinner. At first, I thought it was just a ploy for another payday, but eventually I realized they wanted to come over to watch me in the kitchen to learn something; with their end of the bargain being filled in the bedroom. In other words, some of the girls didn't learn to cook from their grandmothers because their grandmothers are only 40 and are out living their own lives instead of baking cookies with grandkids.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Shadow, more likely you would see leftovers from the follies buffet in hers! :)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Most of my favorite strippers cook. Perhaps it's because they are in their late 20's or early 30's and have kids. It's very expensive to buy fast food for a whole family.

    I have become a good cook. Like Dolfan, I have strippers who love me for my cooking (well, mostly for my wallet).
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Women in general TODAY don't cook. If you get a women of my generation, then no they don't cook. Whether a "civi" or a stripper, they don't know how to cook. They were raised on McDonalds.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Men do more of the cooking than women do. A real shame in today's society, but hey another one up against the female populous I say. Another reason why men still should wear the pants in the relationship.
  • RTP
    9 years ago
    I have had two different strippers tell me about cooking their "first" Thanksgiving Turkey. Both happen to be in their mid 30's. I never eat in strip clubs and I think that may also apply to a stripper's residence.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    With a wink, my fave turns white bread to toast.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    It depends. I've known some that are like Rachel Ray in the kitchen. But many others consider Kraft Macaroni n Cheese, Hamburger Helper, and Pizza Rolls to be cooking.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Lol, pizza rolls
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I don't hangout with many strippers, but of the ones I've known outside the club, many of them cook often. Some rarely cook, but pretty much all of them can cook. I am a great cook but have been doing a lot of dining out the last few months, I love finding good restaurants. I need to go grocery shopping.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I doubt it most are too young to really know how to cook. There are always exceptions to the rule i guess.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    It's okay girls, no one ever asked Marilyn Monroe to cook.....
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    when your typically diet is vodka + cranberry juice.... actual cooking really doesn't enter the equation ;)
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I have never asked a dancer this, so I don't have much to go on. I can recall only one dancer who ever mentioned cooking. From her conversations, it seemed she was addicted to cooking shows, and liked to go attend cooking classes, going so far as to base her trips around a cooking class. I mostly tuned her out as she described the most recent meal she had prepared, or class she took, although a few did sound good. Occasionally she would offer to bring some of her meals to me, but I was never brave enough to try any of her cuisine.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Most of the women I know that are really into cooking are not ones at this point in my life that I'd like to be spending time with.

    My ex-wife had not been really into cooking, but over time this changed. Time she spent cooking became one of my major complaints.

    Stripers have special abilities. Cooking takes up too much time. I'd be happy to do the cooking.

  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Not too brag about my retired ATF (the ten) but she was one of the rare ones that was so beautiful she could make $1000-$1500 per night without much trouble. So she only worked one or two nights per week. She had a life outside the club so she was very much into cooking and homemaking.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I probably do more cooking than one of my sister in laws. My sisters all know how to cook plus one of my sister in laws. I need to write down some cooking instructions for roast beef etc and some other dishes I like but haven't cooked myself. I remember the first time I made meat loaf, I added too much water and had to leave it in the oven an extra hour or two.

    I cook my food myself a number of times because it tastes a lot better that way. I can microwave potatoes easily to get a nice baked potato but some people screw that up too. Baked potatoes from the oven taste better I think but all that takes time. For me it's often faster to make some sloppy joes and heat the left overs in the microwave on a couple other nights rather than keep stopping at a fast food place.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    One dancer at Lust asked me what I did the past weekend and I told her I bought a chain saw and watched some safety videos on YouTube. She was giving me tips. Apparently she had cut down a large tree before. She was not the normal stripper. One stripper told me she did welding. That was really unusual as far as other jobs strippers do. Welding is one thing I do not remember doing before. I may have done it for a couple seconds as part of a class but never on my own.
  • aroundtown
    9 years ago
    They're going to spend their food stamp $ on something at the grocery store. Usually frozen junk from what I've seen.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Strippers should not be asked to cook. Their duties should be much more limited. They are special purpose females. Like Papi said, stripper are impractical, just like sports cars.


    I can cook as well as they can. Better that way. Let the stripper do what they are specialized in.

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @motorhead Rachel Ray can't cook either. That isn't a compliment at all.
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    I know how to cook, pretty well. I'm in my 20 and was a dancer, also was kicked out of my house at 18 (though I was ready to leave anyway.) And lived with a significant other for years (we were engaged, though I ended it.) I made all kinds of food I liked to make less bland stuff when I could afford to like chicken marsala, eggplant parmesan, and other stuff. Though currently I don't do anything to fancy cause my current guy has very straight forward tastes. Meat and potatoes particularly red meat doesn't care for chicken, pork ok on occasions. So I don't get to be so creative steak is the most fancy for him. Myself I make more fancy things for though since I'm vegetarian.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Phoenix, glad to see your posts. But maybe you missed my point. If you're a stripper we'd like to keep you busy, but not with cooking.

    Cooking was what my ex-wife did, and it got completely excessive.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Veblen's contention is that the earliest for of private property was women captured in tribal warfare. They were not allowed to do any work, as if they did they might assimilate into the tribe. So they were kept as concubines. Having such women and being one of those privileged with access to them was a tremendous show of social status.


    So things really haven't changed. No cooking for strippers. And the higher the heels, the more the makeup, the more the hair, and the longer the finger nails, the better. They are just for one purpose.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    "The subjugation of women: Because women were spoils of war captured by raiding barbarians, in contemporary society, the unemployed housewife is an economic trophy that attests to a man's socio-economic prowess. In having a wife without an independent economic life (a profession, a trade, a job) a man can display her unemployed status as a form of his conspicuous leisure and as an object of his conspicuous consumption."

    As far as strippers, it's like Papi says, they like sports cars, they are not practical.

    So no cooking allowed, they are not for practical purposes.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    In Margaret Attwood's "A Handmaids Tale", the well-off men have different women, attired in different colors, for different purposes.

    This is how we TUSCL members live! $350k annual income minimum, just like Dougster.

    But for the poor men (PL's), there were econowives. As their duties were not divided, their clothes were multi-colored, often striped.

  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    But it's always nice to have the full package, cooks, cleans, crazy random sex, looking nice, all your male friends being envious. Not saying can't be still kept "busy", plus you never want a too demand girl, unless your into that I suppose, but looking at it as women as concubines then I suppose it's more of the wanting for a mistress and just exotic aspect of the women being for you, but not necessarily about you in other needs.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I had a wife who spent hours and hours each day cooking. It was a substitute for random sex. It was neuroticism instead of eroticism. NEVER AGAIN!

    I'd rather have one sex crazed stripper who parades around in 8" heels. My friends and I can keep her busy, by sharing her. We can have a few of them actually. Best that way.

    So I wouldn't let a stripper cook. Better to keep her as single purpose. Let her do what she is already specialized at.

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